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Science Prepared by Maureen Arabela O.

Ismael Grade Level Grade 10

Grade 10 Content: Learning Science
The Hormones Involved in the Area
Reproductive System
Quarter Third


A. Content Standard The learners demonstrates an understanding of:

1. organisms are having feedback
mechanisms, which are coordinated by the
nervous and endocrine systems
2. how these feedback mechanisms help the
organism maintain homeostasis to
reproduce and survive.

B. Performance Standard Not Applicable

C. Learning Competencies or Learning Competency: Explain the role of

Objectives hormones involved in the female and male
reproductive systems
Code: S10LTIIIb-34

Value to be Integrated: PERSONAL


Value Concept:
Personal discipline refers to controlling one's self,
overcoming weakness, and pursuing something
right despite the temptations. This is also
encouraging good behavior that is necessary for an
individual to resist unhealthy desires and tolerate
the inconvenience needed to reach their long-term
goals. Hence, this is significant for the topic in this
lesson plan which is the role of the hormones
involved in the reproductive system as this focuses
on one's sexuality, menstrual period, sperm and
egg growth, and pregnancy. Considering the
societal issues about teenage pregnancy that are
commonly involved by the age range of Grade 10
learners, they must be reminded of the value of
personal discipline to motivate them to control
inappropriate desires amidst temptations.
Furthermore, self-discipline will also serve as a
guide for them to be more motivated to abstain
from having sex to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of an hour’s lesson, the pupils will be
able to:
C - Identify the importance and functions of
hormones involved in the female and male
reproductive systems;
P - connects the lesson to personal experiences;
A - displays personal discipline in relating the
topic to self and real-world situations.

II. CONTENT The Hormones Involved in the Reproductive



References: ● Anatomy of the Endocrine System. (n.d.).

Johns Hopkins Medicine.






● Department of Education. (2015). Science

Learner’s Material Unit 3. Danrogayan.

● Hirsch, L. (2022). Nervous System.

Nemours KidsHealth.





● Reproductive Hormone. (n.d.). National

Cancer Institute.



● Reproductive Hormones. (2022). Endocrine







● Reproductive System. (n.d.). National

Cancer Institute.

● Seladi-Schulman, J. (2022). Endocrine

System Overview. Healthline.


● Why are the Hormones Called Chemical

Messengers? (n.d.). Byju’s.



IV. MATERIALS ● Projector

● Laptop
● Internet
● Posters
● Markers
● Eraser
● Worksheet
● Answer Sheet for Quiz


A. Elicit Activity#1: Where do I belong?

(Recall/Priming/Drill) Procedure:
● The teacher will present four images
consisting of different organs.
● Then the learners will guess what organ
system the pictures belong to.

Look at each organ picture and identify what organ
system they belong to.
● Nervous System - This organ system
sends messages from the brain to the
different parts of the body and vice versa.
● Endocrine System - This organ system
consists of glands and organs that are
responsible for releasing different kinds of
hormones to control and coordinate the
body's growth, mood, and development.
● Reproductive System - This organ system
consists of tissues, glands, and organs that
are responsible for producing offspring

B. Engage Activity#2: Make a Caption

(Establish and/or present lesson Procedure:
goals/Connect) ● The teacher will present a picture of teenage
parents with their children and ask the class
to give it a caption and explain its meaning.

Give a caption for the picture and explain its

Processing Question:
1. What issue do you think is the message
given by the picture?
2. Do you think the issue in this picture greatly
affects your age range? Why?
3. As teenagers, what do you think you must
possess to prevent yourself from having
sexual intercourse that leads to teenage
4. In what ways can you show personal
discipline with regard to this issue?

C. Explore Activity#3: What are your changes?

(Scientific Inquiry/Common Procedure:
Experience) ● The teacher will divide the class into three
and assign them to start in a specific
brainstorming station for carousel
● Each brainstorming station contains a title
such as Physical, Intellectual, or Emotional
and a blank paper where they can write the
changes that are commonly
encountered/observed while growing up in a
specific aspect.
● The paper is divided into two, the changes
experienced by boys will be written on the
left side of the paper, while the girls will be
on the right side.
● Each group will be given 1 minute to provide
their answer individually and learn from the
answers of their classmates before going to
the next brainstorming station.
● After the activity, the teacher will present
and synthesize the answer of the class.

The class will be divided into three and will be
assigned to start on a specific brainstorming
station. In each brainstorming station, you will write
the changes commonly encountered by every
individual while growing up in a specific aspect.
Each group will be given 1 minute to read the
previous answers and provide their own
individually before going to the next brainstorming
station. Repetition of the answers is allowed but not
Guide Questions:
1. Do you agree with one another’s answer about
how you changed?
2. How old are you when you experienced most of
these changes?
3. What do you think is the main reason for these

D. Explain/Execute Activity#4: Let’s Unjumble to Learn!

(Guide students in discussing and Procedure:
practicing new skills) ● The teacher will present an image and
jumble letters
● Then the learners will guess the word, and
the teacher will discuss it.
Identify the picture by unjumbling the letters
● Hormones - it is a chemical substance that
has the function of transmitting messages
throughout the body that causes notable
● Pituitary - It is a gland that secretes several
hormones. It is placed at the base of the
brain and is responsible for stimulating the
growth of the body and controlling the
function of other endocrine glands in
secreting and releasing hormones. It means
that this is mainly responsible for the growth
that an individual had during the puberty
● Reproductive Hormones refer to the
hormones that are instrumental in puberty,
sexuality, and fertility. These hormones
have a role in pregnancy, puberty,
menstruation, menopause, sex drive, sperm
production, and more.
● Ovaries - This is responsible for producing
eggs and serves as a gland that releases
hormones which are the:
○ Progesterone- This hormone
supports reproductive function and
aids the body to be prepared for
pregnancy once the egg is fertilized
by making the uterine lining thicker.
○ Estrogen - This hormone influences
female traits, supports reproductive
function, and works to regulate the
menstrual cycle and maintain
■ Follicles - This refers to the
small sacs inside the ovaries
that contain the egg cells and
hormones. It is also
responsible for the pregnancy
and menstrual cycle.
● Testes - This is responsible for sperm
production and serves as a gland that
releases hormones which are the:
○ Androgen - This is the hormone that
contributes to the male’s sex drive
and controls maturity, body density,
and male characteristics.
○ Testosterone - This hormone is the
most potent androgen and has a
function that is the same as androgen
as it also contributes to the male’s
sex drive, and controls maturity, body
density, and male characteristics.
■ Prostate - This is a gland
located under the urinary
bladder and is responsible for
giving enzymes to nourish
semen/sperm for it to survive.

E. Elaborate Activity#5: Fill the Table

(Assess student’s progress and Procedure:
understanding/demonstration of ● The teacher will ask the learners to make an
learning) individual table like the illustrated format
below to ensure their comprehension of the
● The learner will fill the table that is about the
topic and connect it to the changes they
have experienced.
On the given worksheet by the teacher, fill the table
with your answers. This is an individual output.

F. Evaluate Activity#6: Short Quiz

(Check for student’s mastery Procedure:
level/ make ● The teacher will give a short quiz to the
generalization/Assess) learners over a span of a 4 minutes.
Read and understand the following question and
write the best answer before the number. You
only have 4 minutes to finish the short quiz.

___1. This is responsible for sending messages

from the brain back and forth around the body.
Which of the following is being described by the
a. Endocrine System
b. Hormones
c. Nerves
d. Nervous System

___2. This pertains to the hormones that are

responsible for sex drive, sperm production,
menstruation, and physical growth. Which of the
following is being described by the statement?
a. Androgen
b. Estrogen
c. Reproductive Hormones
d. Testosterone

___3. Which of the following refers to glands that

are responsible for releasing reproductive
a. Endocrine Glands
b. Ovaries and Testes
c. Pituitary Gland
d. Prostate and Follicles

___4. This refers to small sacs that contain

hormones and egg cells. Which of the following is
being described by the statement?
a. Follicles
b. Ovaries
c. Estrogen and Progesterone
d. Androgen and Testosterone

___5. Rosa was shocked when she saw that the

pants she was wearing had blood stains. She
then found that it was her first menstrual period.
What hormone do you think is the one responsible
for what she experienced?
a. Androgen
b. Estrogen
c. Progesterone
d. Testosterone

Answer Key:
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B

G. Extend Activity#7: Hormone Deficiency Infographic

(Agreement/Project/PBA) Procedure:
● The learners will choose one topic on the list
provided by the teacher and will search for
information about it.
● They will create an infographic that contains
the definition, possible causes, and effects
on the human body of their chosen topic.
● This will be graded with the rubric below.
Choose one of the topics below and search for
information about it. Create an infographic that
contains its definition, causes, and effects on the
human body.
a. Low Testosterone and Androgen in Males
b. Low Estrogen in Females
c. Low Progesterone in Females


Criteria Score

Content 30

Completeness and 30

Organization 25

Creativity 15




No. of learners who earned 80% of

the evaluation

No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

Did remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?

What difficulties did I encounter that

my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?

What innovation or localized

materials did I use or discover that I
wish to share with other teachers?

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