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Philippine Merchant Marine School

Talon 1 Las Piñas City

Midterm Quiz

Name: _AUGUSTIN C. MACOROL Course & Section: ____H-S4B1______

Instructor: _Dr. Billy Hortilano__ Date: __Apr. 30, 2023__




TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Answers
must be written on the blanks provided before each number.
____A__ 1. The gathering of data where there is personal verbal interaction between researcher
_ and the respondent.
A. Interview
B. Non-Probability
C. Objectivity
D. Probabilty

___B____ 2. Any integrated narrative or descriptive facts written in critical inquiry for the whole
A. Experimental
B. Historical
C. Interview
D. Systematic

___C____ 3. Each member of a given population has an equal chance of being selected.
A. Non-Probability
B. Objectivity
C. Probability
D. Survey

___B____ 4. In this design, the population is grouped into mass or small groups.
A. Appropriateness
B. Cluster
C. Descriptive
D. Experimental

___C____ 5. This is the best random sampling design due to no restrictions imposed and every
member in the population has an equal chance of inclusion in the sample.
A. Cluster
B. Stratified
C. Unrestricted
D. Vertical

___C____ 6. This design divides first the population into two or more strata, each stratum, the
samples are drawn at random.
A. Probability
B. Purposive
C. Stratified
D. Unrestricted

____C___ 7. A design that focuses at the present condition in which the purpose is to find new
A. Correlation
B. Descriptive
C. Experimental
D. Hypothesis

____B___ 8. It is a type of research wherein the researchers measure two variables, understand
and assess the statistical relationship between them with no influence from any
extraneous variable.
A. Appropriateness
B. Correlation
C. Experimental
D. Historical

____C___ 9. This type of design is popular in the field of opinion research because it is done by
merely looking for individuals with the requisite characteristics.
A. Descriptive
B. Objectivity
C. Quota Sampling
D. Restricted

___A___ 10. Which of the non-probability sampling techniques make use of criteria?
A. Purposive
B. Stratified
C. Structure
D. Validity

___C___ 11. One situation is that when in the administration of the test, the respondents are affected by
the way the test is explained.
A. Non-Probability
B. Objectivity
C. Probability
D. Purposive

___A___ 12. The population does not have an equal chance of being selected: instead, selection happens
according to some factors.
A. Non-Probability
B. Purposive
C. Unrestricted
D. Validity

___D__ 13. A veracity of truthfulness of the responses.

A. Experimental
B. Probability
C. Systematic
D. Validity

___B__ 14. It is a particular concern in view of its relationship to the generalizability of data.
A. Appropriateness
B. Objectivity
C. Quota Sampling
D. Reliability

___A___ 15. A problem-solving design that the study is described in the future on what will be when
variables are carefully controlled.
A. Experimental
B. Interview
C. Probabilty
D. Validity

___B___ 16. The selection is completely arbitrary, and a given number of the total population is selected
A. Probability
B. Random
C. Unrestricted
D. Validity
___B___ 17. This sampling design is applied to those samples which are taken because they ae the most
A. Cluster
B. Incidental
C. Restricted
D. Unrestricted

___C__ 18. It is applicable only when the population under investigation is homogenous.
A. Multistage
B. Unrestricted
C. Restricted
D. Validity

___C___ 19. The individuals in the population are arranged in methodical manner
A. Cluster
B. Stratified
C. Systematic
D. Universatility

___A___ 20. The population is grouped into hierarchy of units and sampling is done consecutively.
A. Multistage
B. Reliability
C. Restricted
D. Validity
____A___ 21. The framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher
A. Research Design
B. Research Paradigm
C. Research Venue
D. Research Questionnaire

___C____ 22. The primary instrument used in collecting data.

A. Interviews
B. Observations
C. Questionnaires
D. Research

___B____ 23. The technique used to obtain the information used in a research to substantiate the
claims made by a writer.
A. Conceptual Framework
B. Data Gathering Procedure
C. Sampling Technique
D. T-Test

___C____ 24. Persons who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have actually
taken part in the study
A. Audience
B. Interviewer
C. Respondents
D. Unrestricted

___C____ 25.  Selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your research.
A. Research Design
B. Research Instrument
C. Sampling Technique
D. Unrestricted

TEST II. TRUE or FALSE. Write ABOARD if the statement is correct and ABANDON if it is incorrect.
Answers must be written on the blanks provided before each number.
___T___ 26. Mean is the average or the most common value in a collection of numbers.
___F___ 27. Likert Scale refers to the data transformation in which numerical or ordinal values.
___T___ 28. A t-test is a type of inferential statistic used to determine if there is a significant difference
between the means.
___F___ 29. Percentage is another way of expressing a proportion.
___T___ 30. Cronbachs Alpha is a measure of internal consistency that is how closely related a set of items are
___F___ 31. Weighted mean is used to establish the degree of correlation between two variables.
___F___ 32. Standard deviation is a representation that displays the number of observations within a given
___F___ 33. Ranking is used to assess opinions, attitudes or behaviors.
___F___ 34. Pearson r involves multiplying each data point in a set by a value which is determined by some
characteristics of whatever contributed to the data.
___F___ 35. Frequency is a statistic that measures the dispersion of a dataset relative to its mean and is
calculated as the square root of the variance.
___T___ 36. Mode is the number that is repeated most often, but all the numbers in this list appear only once.
___F____ 37. Mean is the middle number in a sorted, ascending or descending, list of numbers and can
be more descriptive of the data set than the average.
___T___ 38. One-way Analysis of Variance was used to determine if there are significant differences in
the overall perception of the respondents/students.
___T____ 39. Independent T-test determines whether there is statistically significant difference between
the means in two unrelated groups.
___F____ 40. In Level of Probability p, the value of determines the significant relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.

TEST III. (41-50) DATA INTERPRETATION. Look closely at the table. Write a research
interpretation based on the data presented. (10 points)


10 points – All the key concepts/ideas are present in the answer

5 points _ Has answer but not related to the scenario given
0 point _ No answer

I. Respondents’ Profile

The profile of the respondents in terms age.

a. Age
Table 1

The profile of the respondents in terms of age

Age Frequency Percentage

19 17 48.6
20 12 34.3
21 6 17.1
TOTAL 35 100


TEST IV. Write the Accepted if the statement is correct and Rejected if the statement is incorrect .
Answers must be written on the blank provided before each number.
_______ 51. The result section is a containing a description about the main findings a research.
_______ 52. Discussion presents the key information about the most important outcomes of a treatment.
_______ 53. Descriptive is a design that focuses at the present condition in which the purpose is to find new truth.
_______ 54. A conclusion is merely a summary of your points or a re-statement of the research problem.
_______ 55. The discussion section interprets the results for readers and provides the significance of the findings.
_______ 56. The results shouldn’t state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or
_______ 57. Summary of findings must contain each specific question under the statement of the problem due to
clarity demand,

_______ 58. Correlation method is used to determine the significant relationship of the dependent and independen
_______ 59. Conclusion provides the explanation and interpretation of results or findings by comparing with the
findings in prior studies.
_______ 60. The conclusion is intended to help reader understand why research should matter to them after they
have finished reading the paper.
_______ 61. The purpose of the discussion is to obscure the central results and potential implications of the study.
_______ 62. Summary of Findings use to interpret and describe the significance of your findings on light of what wa
already known about the research problem.
_______ 63. The whole idea of a recommendation is to provide a beneficial guide that will only resolve certain
_______ 64. Conclusion is used to sum up the result and output of the study.
_______ 65. Recommendation in research paper can be defined as a critical suggestion regarding the best course of
action in a certain situation.

TEST V. . Classify what part of the research paper do researchers perform the following tasks. Choose
your answer from the box. Write the letter on the space provided before each number.

A. Chapter 3
B. Chapter 4
C. Chapter 5
_______ 66. Prepare the steps involved in your data gathering.
_______ 66. Draw conclusions based on the summarized data.
_______ 67. Decide as to what presentation you will adapt based on data at hand.
_______ 68. Select the appropriate research design for your study.
_______ 69. Summarize the findings of the study accordingly.
_______ 70. Make a recommendation based on the conclusion.
_______ 71. Scout for the source of primary data by choosing the right venue, population and sample.
_______ 72. Distribute data using tabular presentation.
_______ 73. Apply the correct statistical tools to treat your data.
_______ 74. Construct the research instrument to be used in data gathering.
_______ 75. Apply the correct statistical tools to treat your data.
_______ 76. Analyze data by looking at the other data results from other related studies.
_______ 77. Use graphs to present other data.
_______ 78. Apply the appropriate sampling technique and procedure.
_______ 79. Refer to problems stated at the onset of your study.
_______ 80. Interpret data as reflected in your data presentation.

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