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- . DEAN MA. TERESA RODRIGUEZ Eee DEAN MARIA TERESA T ESETIVEISY RODRIGUEZ IN Wane: [Date: ] Instructions: Choose the best answer. No erasures or alterations allowed. GOOD LUCK! 1. Most specific for measuring serum glucose: © 4 decremed quuiose 600) 4. Trinder glucose oxidase B- d-gWuioxe ©. AAS ices , Isotope Ditution-MS 4. Hexokiniase + wrergerence: Hemanusts 2. This disorder is characterized by impaired allular uptake of bilirubin: 4ransport At picit a. Gilbert Syndrome > ¢4 ¢. Rotors syndrome b, Dubin-Johnson syndrome +82 4. Criggler-Najar syndrome +61 2. This mineralocorticold promotes urinary a. aldosterone b.cortisol A “Specific substrate for serum Roy + Hillman a a, thymolphthalein monophosphate —* . beta-glycero phosphate BCAA, BLE - b. para-nitrophenyl phosphate ALP 4. alpha-naphtyl phosphate 5. Incorrect regarding bilirubin measurement: 2. photoexposure of serum would result to false decreased of bilirubin b. deita biirubin is measured as jrdirect bilirubin 6. conjugation of glucoronic acid to bilirubin would make it soluble Bs is greater than B2 in serum 6. This method for BH measurement, catalyzes lactate:to pyruvate at pH 8.3: a, Oliver and Rosalkib. Wacker method ©. Wrobleuski La Due d. Karmen method T. This QC chart is used to apply the muttipie.control rules: - a. Gaussian b. Cusum *tienatre Formula used for calculating carbonic aci: ~_ @ total carbon dioxide — bicarbonate ¢. bicarbonate — dissolved carbon dioxide b 6:4 xbicarbonate 4.0.03 x partial carbon dioxide ppatiom of a plasma sample compared with a serum sample shows a: |prealbumin peak b. sharp fibrinogen peak —_c. bela gamma bridging d. gamma spike rate binds with the enzyme and interacts with amino acid cot b. substrate site . enzyme site 4. active site in the body and highest levels are seen in hemolytic disorders and pernicious anemia: insulin 4. epinephrine cc. Youden d. Shewhart b.AST CLD esjate'wderee — d. ACP . This means that the absorbance readings are taken at: ‘can be measured at the same time. from another compound levels are seen in hemolyfic disorders and pemicious anemia: a. CPK b. AST CLD) Sisyre wore” cd. ACP 42. A chemistry assay utilizes bichromatic’analysis. This moans that the absorbance readings are taken at: ‘a. 2 wavelengths so that 2 compounds can be measured at the same time. b. 2 wavelengths to correct for spectral interference from another compound c. the beginning and end of a time interval to measure the absorbance change 4. 2x and then are averaged to obtain a more accurate result 43. This cardiac marker rises an hour after infarction and retums to its normal plasma level within 24 hours: ‘a. troponin | b. troponin T ©. CK-MB «d/ myoglobin 44. Correct regarding respiratory acidosis: a. elevated pCO:, dec pH, COPD c. decreased pCO2, dec pH, renal failure b. elevated CO>, inc pH, morphine overdose 4d. decreased COs, inc pH, vomiting 15, The concentration of potassium that would most likely leads to cardiac arrest a. 10 mmol. b.6.4mmovL 6-3 Ee ¢. 3.8mmolL N° .3.2mmouL + 416. Which of the following decreases the concentration of bicarbonate in blood? ‘a. parenteral infusion of lactate _b. chronic nephritis _c. diuretics both b and & 47. Itis a useful marker in differentiating elevated levels of serum. ALP. a. ALT b. ACP «GGT a. AST 48, Any patient with this laboratory test request should be prioritized, hence a STAT test: alD1 potassium ©, amylase d. ethanol test 49. An automated method for measuring chlorid@ that generates siver ons in the reaction: a. coulometry '. potentiometry etectlytex LSE. amperometry 4. polarography 20. A 53 year-old female patient has pronounced jaundice for the past 3 months. ‘Dizectebilirubin - markedly increased ALP - markedly increased Indizect bilirubin normal AST - slightly increased aor - markedly increased Given the following data, this is most consistent with ‘a.acute hepaliis _b. Paget's disease . chronic alcoholism — djobstructive jaundice 21. Best time to collect blood sample fo measurement: _|@stovterone a. before bedtime —__b. late afternoon, 4:00 PM —_o. 8:00 AM 4. anytime ez “Twoimyperinonenteloanta's associated with which of the following conditions? jeficient apo C-ll 2. deficient apo A-t 3, deficient lipoprotein lipase 4. deficient LEAT at3 ba4 ©.2, M24 23. This electrode is used for the measurement of A sed bClak pO: vainomycin Xd. jon exchange ch 24. Which of the following lipids has the lowest density in plasma? a. alpha lipoprotein c/ichylomicrons: Jb. beta lipoprotein 4d. very low density lipoprotein DEAN MA. TERESA RODRIGUEZ D 3 LRH Page 12 ‘25. The serum electrophoretic pattem below is seen in which condition? a, Wilson disease, decreased albumin and elevated ceruloplasmin b. Pulmonary emphysema, decreased albumin and elevated AAT ¢. Anencephaly, decreased albumin and elevated haptoglobin a. Nephrotic syndrome, decreased albumin and elevaied AMG Cade 26. An excellent marker for loss of hepatic detoxification function: Brpition a. bilirubin b.ALT ©. total protein .s. ammonia 27. An elevated serum and salivary-cortisol in the moming but low concentrations in both specimens in the evening indicates: a. Addison's disease _b. Cushing's syndrome cenormal findings _d. incorrect patient preparation 28. The degree of correspondence between the obtained value and the true value: a. accuracy b. reliability ©. precision 4. reproducibility 28, True in sweat test: a, sweat inducer is introduced to the skin co: Both b, electric current is needed d. neither 30. A 47 year- old male patient underwent lipid test. The 12-hour fasting serum specimen is examined visually and chemically. The results are as follows: Appearance of serum before the overnight standing: milky Refrigerator test: floating creamy layer over cloudy serum Serum cholesterol: 600 mg/dl Serum TAG: 1,500 mg/dt ‘The sample contains predominantly which lipoprotein? a icrons . Pre-beta LPP and beta LPP & Shlomme an VLDL 4. chylomicrons and LDL 2 +1. Tis theory is based on substrate binding which induces a conformational change in the active site: Induced! Fit __2 Lock and Key theory b. First-order theory ©. Emil Fisher's theory d, Kochland's theory = (32 Using the QC chart below, what is the most likely findings related to the 2 dots with red circles? 3 © b 4d. chylomicrons and LDL 31. This theory fs based on substrate binding which induces a conformational change in the active site: Induced Fit a. Lock and Key theory b. First-order theory . Emil Fisher's theory _d. Kochland's theory 32. Using the QC chart below, what is the most lkely findings related to the 2 dots with red circles? pumase ses tax arrow = || = ss +20 +1s ~~ > <> Mean -I1s -20 -30 a. Normal chart, no analytical errors b._ Presence of outliers ©. 22, or the warning rule, preceding assays should be processed accurately d. 2asdue to systematic errors +83, This analytical error is created by control values which are either in the lower or upper mean: a. outlier b. shift . slope error trend 34. In the following reaction, what component is missing to complete the assay? + NAD Pyruvate + NADH alanine . creatine o.lactate 4d. aspartate 35. A patient's blood gas results are as follows: pH - 7.50; pCO2 - 34mmHig; HCOS - 4ommolL. ‘These results indicate: 8, uncompensated metabolic acidosis ©. uncompensated metabolic alkalosis b. respiratory acidosis 4. respiratory alkalosis, 36. Which of the following represents the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation? a. pH= 6.1 + log HCOs /pCO2 C. pH= 6.1 + log total Cox/(0.03xpC0.) b. pH= 6.1 + log HCO: / (0.03xpC03) d. pH= 6.1 + log (0.03xpCO2yHCO> 87. This hormone secreted by the parafolicular cells affects plasma calcium level by inhibiting PTH and vitamin D synthesis: a. parathyroid hormone bb. caleitonin ©. activated vitamin D>. cortisol 98, Theme pa Pere ae le aeret fe Spanos te ar Peer ores a.cathecholamines —b. homovanillic acid ©. VMA d.metanephrines | DEAN MA. TERESA RODRIGUEZ 39. Major protein found in HDL: 8. Apo B-100 \ LL LiL b. LRH Page | 3 E ©. apo AA d. Apo B48 40. This analytical meth lement by using heatenergy rather than excite electrons: °° | © @, Flame Photometry oe ¢, Fluorometry ¢ 2 ». Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry 4. Nephelometry < ic 41. Aller OGTT, which of the following values is classified as impaired glucose toleranoe at 2-hour testing? a. 205 mg/dL b.170 mold. ©. 123 mg/d. 4. < 110 mgial 42. The following statements are correct regarding intemal QC testing, except a. CAP is the gold standard for clinical laboratory intralab testing intevidie | external b. it allows identification of analytical errors within a one-week cycle ¢. its important for daily monitoring of acouracy and precision of analytical methods d. it involves analysis of control samples together with the patient samples 43. In dry slide technology, the preferred method for measuring analytes: & PCR b. nephelometry «. fluorometry 4. reflectance photometry 44. The following are causes of hypoalbuminemia, xcept: a. nephrotic syndrome _b. dehydration c. severe bum 4. cirthosis 45. In Wesigard multirule, what is the meaning of Res ? a. the control values exceed 4s due to systematic errors ». the difference between the upper and lower limit exceeds 4 due to random error c. the difference between the upper and lower limit exceeds 4s due to systematic error d. the control values exceed 4s due to random error aetecbere aaah te 48. Commonly used top for collection of plasma in chemistry test: - “24 4 a. lavender b. green ©. gray & 47. Using the LJ chart below, identity the following: analytical error and specific day/s, cause of the error. Mean value = 200 CONTROL 4: Choiasiaral MSL z Be ie Toy ‘Trend, day 8 to 11, random error = Outlier, day 5, systematic error herep ‘Shift, day 19 to 27, systematic error Outlier, day 28, random error 48. Abnormal increased of catecholamines is seen in which disorder? a. b. 4 2. pheochromocytoma b. Cushing's syndrome ¢. Conn’s diseased. Criggler-Najar syndrome 49, Using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, compute the blood pH: Total coz = 25mmol/L Ttat (.-{ vy pow Coz c 32mmig ‘i ven ee 275 bu7al 0.7.3 4.7408 nar" "50. This illicit drug is used as a local anesthesia for Nasopharyngeal surgery: Sor * weight veil a. amphetamines —_b. cocaine

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