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To: Director of Phuc Loi Long Coffee and Tea

From: Nguyen thi minh Trang

Subject: Proposal for Marketing Strategy to Develop Brands in the Korean Market
Dear Director of Phuc Loi Long Coffee and Tea,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to propose some marketing strategies that can help Phuc Long Coffee
and Tea attract customers and develop its brand in the Korean market.
Firstly, I recommend investing in targeted online advertising campaigns. This could include creating eye-catching
social media ads that showcase your unique and delicious coffee and tea products, as well as promoting your brand
through Korean influencers in the food and beverage industry.
Secondly, it would be beneficial to establish partnerships with Korean coffee shops and restaurants. This would allow
your brand to gain exposure and generate buzz through word of mouth, as well as enabling potential customers to try
your products and experience the quality for themselves.
Thirdly, I suggest organizing tasting events and promotional campaigns to introduce Phuc Long Coffee and Tea to
Korean customers. This would provide an opportunity to showcase your products, educate consumers about the
quality and unique characteristics of your coffee and tea, and offer special promotions and discounts to encourage
customers to make a purchase.
Lastly, it is important to prioritize customer feedback and satisfaction to build brand loyalty and increase customer
retention. By actively engaging with customers through social media and other channels, Phuc Long Coffee and Tea
can gain insights into customer preferences and make improvements to the product and service offerings to better
meet their needs.I am confident that these strategies can help Phuc Long Coffee and Tea attract customers and develop
its brand in the Korean market. Thank you for considering my proposals. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on
this matter.
I'm sure we have a lot to discuss so can we meet on February 25 at 9am to talk more about this?
We look forward to receiving your reply soon.
Best regards,
Nguyen thi minh Trang
Director of Phuc Loi Long Coffee and Tea

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