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938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City


Civil Engineering Department

A project in partial fulfillment for the requirements in

CE 506
CE Projects 1


Group leader:


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2.1 Design Input………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Location Map………………………………………………………………………………………….

Vicinity Map…………………………………………………………………………………………...

Topographic Map…………………………………………………………………………………….



Seismic Hazard Assessment………………………………………………………………

Ground Rupture…………………………………………………………………..

Ground Shaking…………………………………………………………………..


Volcanic Hazard Assessment……………………………………………………………..

Hydro-meteorological Assessment……………………………………………………….

2.2 Review of Related Literature………………………………………………………………………………………..

List of Figures

Figure 2.1: Location Map

Figure 2.2: Vicinity Map

Figure 2.3: Topographic Map of San Juan River, Quezon City

Figure 2.4: Climate Map of the Philippines

Figure 2.5: Ground Rupture Hazard Map of San Juan, Quezon City

Figure 2.6: Ground Shaking Hazard Map of San Juan, Quezon City

Figure 2.2.1: Flood Control of Kamanava Polder Dike Using Interlocking Block

Figure 2.2.2: Sheet Piling River Protection in Pampanga

Figure 2.2.3: Lineal Meter Flood Control Structure in Guimaras, Iloilo

Figure 2.2.4: Retaining Wall in Marikina as River Flood Control

Figure 2.2.5: Cabugao, Ilocos Sur – The GABION WIREA as Flood Control System

Figure 2.2.6: The Pasig- San Juan Flood Wall Protection

Figure 2.2.7: River Wall Protection in Las Pinas

Figure 2.2.8: Circulo Verde

Figure 2.2.9: Flood Wall Built to Protect Residents of Flood-Prone Barangay in Ilocos Sur

Figure 2.2.10: Slope Protection Along Suage River Built to Withstand Debris Impact, Floodwater Current

Figure 2.2.11: Vinyl sheet pile as flood protection in Philippines

Figure 2.2.12: Flood Control Structure Built in Negros Occidental

Figure 2.2.13: Flood Risk Management Project for Cagayan River

Figure 2.2.14: Tonsuya river wall in CAMANAVA

Figure 2.2.15: Building Resilience Seawall for The Community of Mangoroco in The Province Of Iloilo

List of Tables

Table 2.1: Seismic Hazard Assessment of San Juan River, Quezon City

2.1 Design Input


According to the latest survey on San Juan Census, San Juan has a total of 21 barangays and have

a total population of 126,347 and 28,740 households or an average of 4.22 member per household as of

2020 with a city land area of 5.95 square kilometers.

Location Map

San Juan has 21 barangays of the municipality of Quezon City. It is located on the island of Luzon

at approximately 14.6,121.0333. At these coordinates, the estimated land area of 5.95 square kilometers

with an elevation of 28.0 meters above mean sea level.

Figure 2.1: Location Map

Vicinity Map

The project is to be constructed at Ermitaño Creek to Maytunas Creek. This is situated at the right-

side boarder of Sta. Mesa and right-side boarder of San Juan along Skyway.

Figure 2.2: Vicinity Map

Topographic Map

Topographic maps are detailed, accurate graphic representations of features that appear on the

Earth's surface. These features include:

• CULTURAL: roads, buildings, urban developments, railways, airports, names of places and

geographic features, administrative boundaries, state and international borders, reserves

• HYDROGRAPHY: lakes, rivers, streams, swamps, coastal flats

• RELIEF: mountains, valleys, contours and cliffs, depressions

• VEGETATION: wooded and cleared areas, vineyards, and orchards.


Figure 2.3: Topographic Map of San Juan River, Quezon City


A climate map is a graphical representation of the distribution of the prevailing weather patterns in a given

area that has been observed over a long period. The project area is classified as Type I of PAGASA’s

Modified Coronas Classification, which means the site has two pronounced seasons, dry from November to

April, and wet during the rest of the year. Its maximum rain period is from June to September.


Figure 2.4: Climate Map of the Philippines


A hazard is a potentially harmful agent that can pose a threat to safety and well-being or could cause damage

or loss to something or someone. The risks associated with the proposed structure in the area are depicted

by the hazards identified in this section.

Seismic Hazard Assessment

Seismic hazards are caused by the Earth’s dynamic and ever-changing geological


Table 2.1: Seismic Hazard Assessment of San Juan River, Quezon City


Active faults are faults that have moved within the last

10,000 years. An active fault may show evidence or

Safe: may have documented history of recent movements.

Ground rupture is a displacement along an active fault

Approximately 5.9 km trace that reaches the surface.

Ground Rupture west of the Valley Fault Ground rupture hazard assessment is the distance to

the nearest known active fault. The recommended

System: West Valley buffer zone, or Zone of Avoidance, against ground

Fault rupture hazard is at least 5 meters on both sides of the

active fault or from its zone of deformation.

All sites may be affected by ground shaking in the event

of an earthquake and can be mitigated by following the

Ground Shaking Prone: Intensity VIII provisions of the National Building code and the

Structural code of the Philippines.

Ground Rupture

A ground rupture is a movement that occurs along an active fault race and reaches the

surface. The project site is deemed safe due to its proximity to the west valley fault, which is

approximately 5.9 kilometers away.

Figure 2.5: Ground Rupture Hazard Map of San Juan, Quezon City


Ground Shaking

Ground shaking is the vibration of the ground during an earthquake. Body waves and surface

waves are responsible for ground shaking. The project site has been determined to be prone to

ground shaking intensity level VIII.

Figure 2.6: Ground Shaking Hazard Map of San Juan, Quezon City


Liquefaction is a phenomenon wherein the ground, especially near the river, lake and coasts,

behaves like liquid similar to quicksand due to very strong shaking. Liquefaction hazards can be

mitigated by following the provisions of the National Building Code and the Structural Code of the


Assessment: Low Potential

Volcanic Hazards Assessment

• Nearest Active Volcano

Active volcanoes are those that erupted within historical times (within the last 600 years).

Accounts of these eruptions were documented by man within the last 10,000 years based on the

analyses of material from young volcanic deposits.

Assessment: Approximately 66.7 km north of Taal

• Ballistic Projectiles

Ballistic projectiles are large particle tephra ejected straight out of the volcanic vents.

Assessment: Safe

• Base Surge

Base surge is a special class of pyroclastic density current that are mobile and water-vapor-

rich pyroclastic surges. They are generated by explosive phreatomagmatic eruptions.

Assessment: Safe
• Volcanic Tsunami

Volcanic tsunami occur in caldera lakes when water is displaced by deformation of the lake

floor caused by rising magma or the entry of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) or landslides into

the lake, or in seas when water is displaced by PDCs or debris avalanches from volcanoes. Such

tsunamis are unlike those generated by large magnitude offshore earthquakes, which are long-period

waves generated by fault displacement or deformation of the seafloor.

Assessment: Safe

• Ashfall

In case of future eruptions, the site may be affected by ash fallout, depending on the scale

of eruption and prevailing wind direction at the time of eruption. Generally, ashfall is heavier near the

active vent and thins out indefinitely away from the eruption center.

Assessment: Prone

Hydro-Meteorological Assessment

• Flood

Areas with very high susceptibility to floods are likely to experience flood heights of greater

than 2 meters and/or flood duration of more than 3 days. These include active river channels,

abandoned river channels, and areas along riverbanks, which are immediately flooded during heavy

rains of several hours and are prone to flash floods. These are considered critical geohazard areas

and are not suitable for development. It is recommended that these be declared as “No Habitation/No

Build Zones” by the LGU, and that affected households/communities be relocated.

The implementation of appropriate mitigation measures as deemed necessary by project

engineers and LGU building officials is recommended for areas that are susceptible to various flood

depths. Site-specific studies including the assessment for other types of hazards should also be

conducted to address potential foundation problems.

Assessment: Very High Susceptibility; more than 2 meters flood height and/or more than 3

days flooding

• Severe Wind

The Regional Severe Wind Hazard Map represents the 3-second peak gust wind speed

measured at 10-meter height (above ground) over open and flat terrain. This does not take into

account the local factors such as topography, terrain roughness and shielding from neighboring


The Regional Severe Wind Hazard is expressed in terms of Return Periods (RPs) of Tropical

Cyclone winds. Return period means the repeat interval, or the estimate of likelihood and severity of

severe wind event. Return periods are then translated into Annual Exceedance Probabilities (AEPs)

which are the chance that a given severe wind hazard level will be equaled or exceeded in any year.

At higher return periods, the wind speeds are stronger but are less frequent. At lower return

periods, the wind speeds are less intense but are more frequent.

The Regional severe wind hazard maps are used to update the wind zoning map of the

Philippines and as reference in designing building structures.

For those areas identified as high risk to wind damage, building codes/regulations must be

strictly implemented to mitigate severe wind risks. For already developed areas, retrofitting is

encouraged – the methods applied in this study can be used to set out a cost-benefit study for

retrofitting older, more vulnerable building types to increase their resilience to severe winds.

Assessment: 117.1 - 220 kph (20- year return period); 117.1 - 220 kph (500- year return


• Storm Surge

A storm surge (“daluyong ng bagyo”) is the abnormal rise in sea level that occurs during

tropical cyclones or “bagyo”. It happens when a very strong tropical cyclone blows-off excessive

amounts of seawater toward low-lying coastal communities.

It is catastrophic and life-threatening because a storm surge can cause massive inland

flooding, sometimes in unimaginable heights. It is even more dangerous when the storm surge

coincides with a high tide.

For storm surge-prone communities, the most important considerations are 1) the strength

of the tropical cyclone, 2) the height of the surge, and 3) if the community is located in a low-lying


Assessment: Safe
2.2 Review of Related Literature

Polder Dike Using Interlocking Block

Figure 2.2.1: Flood Control of Kamanava Polder Dike Using Interlocking Block


Kamanava polder dike is an 8.6 km earth dike enclosing some low-lying land areas located in Brgy. Tanza,

Navotas City and Brgy. Dampalit, Malabon City. This 3-meter wide mega dike project was implemented to

prevent flooding along these coastal towns due to high tide.The apparent increase in sea level due to global

warming and the unverified ground subsidence were believed to be the main causes of flooding in the area.

A dike of sufficient height and strength is necessary to inhibit inflow of seawater caused by high tide.

Maximum flood level measured during typhoon was used as baseline in determining designed dike height.

No revetment was constructed on the slopes to prevent erosion.

Slopes above water level were planted with grass. Surfaces underwater remained uncovered without any

protection to resist scouring and land slips.

Problems on polder dike had been encountered when unprotected slopes were scoured by seawater. Waves

and tide transitions gradually weakens the structure since no protection was installed on the surface to resist

them. Scouring problems became much severe when wave forces brought by typhoon and habagat hit the

structure at low resistance. Cocotech offered a solution encompassing combined civil and bioengineering


The bioengineering solution since DPWH established new MFL value, the dike needs to be raised 2 meters

from its existing level to reach flood height. A 3:1 slope was designed at seaside to minimize lateral pressures

caused by sea waves. The embankment was stabilized at 95% compaction level with suitable base materials

to strengthen its toe. Bioengineering technology using interlocking blocks and grass was the solution offered

to solve scouring problems of polder dike. Its flexibility provides lateral stability against soil movement when

it expands during soil saturation. Each block interlocks into adjacent blocks which enables the whole system

resists lateral and vertical displacement. Holes at the middle of each block were planted with grass with long

and fibrous roots to carry individual weight of blocks. Cables and anchors were used to further improve dike

stability against displacement.

Sheet Piling River Protection

Figure 2.2.2: Sheet Piling River Protection in Pampanga

Source: pampanga-river-slope-protection/

The concrete slope protection was built on a steel sheet pile foundation with reinforced concrete pile cap to

prevent slips, collapse, and landslides. The structure will guarantee flood prevention and prevent soil erosion

in the area near the river which has become heavily silted because of Pinatubo lahar deposits. The slope

protection works are expected to divert river water during torrential rains. The slope protection works are

expected to divert river water during torrential rains, safeguarding the lives and properties of residents while

also preventing further scouring of river banks.

Lineal Meter Flood Control Structure

Figure 2.2.3: Lineal Meter Flood Control Structure in Guimaras, Iloilo

Source: lineal meter flood control structure built in Guimaras town

This flood control structure is timely as it would help prevent the adverse effect of massive flood and water

overflow especially that rainy season is approaching, protecting the lives and properties of the people living

near the river. Residents living near the river in Brgy. Suclaran, San Lorenzo, Guimaras are now protected

from risk of flood and water overflow during rainy days with the construction of a flood control structure,

implemented by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Guimaras District Engineering


District Engineer Rhodora B. Nuñal said the recently completed project amounting to P8.9 million, involved

the construction of 366-lineal meter concrete revetment wall resting on concrete foundation along Langab

River in the said town. Aside from fishing, most residents in these communities depend on small-scale

farming and livestock as their source of income, thus, with the completion of the flood control structure, their

livelihood would be protected.

Retaining Wall as River Flood Control

Figure 2.2.4: Retaining Wall in Marikina as River Flood Control


Flood control structure along the right bank of the Marikina River in Barangay Batasan Hills in Quezon City

was built to protect citizens against flooding. The project covers the construction of a 152- linear meter river

wall with slope protection consisting of concrete piles, reinforced concrete structures as well as riprap and

masonry work in Vista Real Subdivision, Phase II. The 12-meter-high slope protection works is a vital

component of the Pasig- Marikina River Channel Improvement Project which aims to prevent river overflow

and flooding by improving the river channel.

By constructing flood control projects like this, we hope to protect lives and properties and avoid experiencing

the same devastation to Metro Manila in 2009 by Typhoon Ondoy. In 2009, Tropical Storm Ondoy placed

Metro Manila and about 30% of the provinces of the Philippines under a state of calamity, with 85 percent of

Marikina City flooded at the height of the typhoon.

The Gabion Wires as Flood Control System

Figure 2.2.5: Cabugao, Ilocos Sur – The GABION WIREA as Flood Control System


The project is based on the Slope Protection Structure and the Gabion Wire to remove the dam to carry out

the repair and it is durable as it is sealed, and it is not easy to be exposed to the rain. It was effectively re-

channeling the repair of the stone that will hit it to the disso woman in the Municipal machinery but where the

repair will stop in the disso that the aramid structure is tipped by the layus. It's often used to support for

retaining walls, although it's also used as a streambank erosion control or to stabilize slopes. It have no solid

surface and are built with flexible but resistant wire mesh, gabion walls don't crack, and won't collapse unless

their wire cage breaks. a gabion revetment is to provide short term (5-10 years) protection from backshore

erosion by absorbing wave energy along the dune face.

Their application is restricted to the upper part of sandy beaches since they are not sufficiently durable to

withstand regular direct wave action.

Flood Wall Protection

Figure 2.2.6: The Pasig- San Juan Flood Wall Protection


The Pasig-Marikina-San Juan River System, with a total catchment area of 621km 2, runs through the center

of Metro Manila and empties into Manila Bay. It drains 16 cities and one (1) municipality with a total population

of over 11 million as of 2010. Bank overflow from these three (3) major waterways contribute largely to the

flood disasters.

experienced in Metro Manila over the last 25 years from 1986 to 2010. One of the most devastating floods

was brought about by Tropical Storm Ondoy on 26 September 2009. Dumping a record rainfall of 453mm/day

according to PAGASA, Ondoy brought a huge volume of flood discharge along the Pasig-Marikina River that

resulted to massive loss and damage to life and property.

A Master Plan (MP) of flood control for the Pasig-Marikina River that included drainage in Metro Manila was

prepared in 1952. Implementation of the structural works started in 1970, consisting mainly of river walls and
revetments along Pasig River. Later, the Mangahan Floodway was completed in 1988, which diverted flood

waters from Marikina River to Laguna Lake at the design flow capacity of 2,400m 3 /s.

However, even with the completion of Mangahan Floodway, flooding continued to be a perennial problem in

Metro Manila. This prompted the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to update the master

plan for flood control and drainage.

improvement. The “Study on Flood Control and Drainage Project in Metro Manila”, including a Feasibility

Study (F/S) on the channel improvement of the Pasig-Marikina River, was carried out from January 1988 to

March 1990, with technical assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

RTERRA, INC. Is a construction materials distribution company and specialized installer providing a wide

variety of innovative solutions to address the needs for landscape, civil, geotechnical, mining, and

environmental projects. Our solutions offer cost-effective and environmentally sound alternative compared to

conventional solutions available in the market.

River Wall Protection

Figure 2.2.7: River Wall Protection in Las Pinas


The construction of the river control project with retaining wall and box culvert will smoothen river water flow

and prevent flooding in nearby areas along Barangays Pamplona 3 and Pulanglupa 2 in time for the rainy

season. A total of 512 informal settlers’ families (ISF) previously living along the river were provided proper

relocation in coordination with the Urban Poor Affairs Office (UPAO) of Las Piñas City. DPWH saw the need

for clearing and widening of rivers, creeks and esteros as a solution to prevent inland flooding in Metro Manila.

This is in line with the Department’s thrust to protect lives and properties from natural disasters by building

resilient and quality infrastructure.

Circulo Verde

Figure 2.2.8: Circulo Verde


Circulo Verde is a master planned community in Quezon City established by Ortigas & Company. It is a 12-

hectare premier residential development that conveys a suburban lifestyle that is close to nature and modern

amenities. Safety of the people is one of the primary objectives in Circulo Verde Community.

Therefore, they created a very comprehensive technical design in establishing this community, from an

extensive flood protection system (i.e. One-kilometer retaining wall, automated floodgates, a back-up pump

system on ground-level car parks, and a flood canal to collect storm runoff) to amenities & buildings.RTERRA,

INC. Provided the Contractor, New Arcond Builders, Inc. The manpower for the stone masonry and wall

cladding finish of the retaining wall.

Flood Wall Built to Protect Residents of Flood-Prone

Figure 2.2.9: Flood Wall Built to Protect Residents of Flood-Prone Barangay in Ilocos Sur


Residents of Barangay Libtong in Tagudin, Ilocos Sur are now less susceptible to flood risk with the

completion of a 274.2-meter concrete revetment flood control structure by the (DPWH).According to DPWH

Region 1 Director Ronnel M. Tan, DPWH Ilocos Sur Second District Engineering Office (DEO) has recently

constructed the 47-meter flood control wall implemented under the final phase of the project, with the first

two (2) phases undertaken by DPWH Regional Office 1.

The revetment wall along Libtong Creek involved installation of steel sheet piles, revetment transverse bars,

longitudinal bars, and anchor bars with a total project cost of P24.7-million sourced from the 2020 and 2021

General Appropriations Act.

DPWH Ilocos Sur Second District Engineer Emil Ganaden added that pipes were also placed as drainage

for overflowing water during heavy rains while the filter clothes inside the structure is expected to prevent soil

disintegration and erosion. The completion of this 274.2-meter flood control structure is consistent with
DPWH’s goal to provide primary defense against flooding and mitigate disaster risk in the hazard-prone

barangay of Libtong.

Slope Protection Built to Withstand Debris Impact, Floodwater Current

Figure 2.2.10: Slope Protection Along Suage River Built to Withstand Debris Impact, Floodwater Current


Slope Protection Structure along Suage River that aims to ensure the safety of the residents and reduce the

damages of floodwaters in Pototan, Iloilo. The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Iloilo 2nd

District Engineering has completed the construction of a slope protection structure along Suage River in

Pototan, Iloilo. The P39.1-million project, measuring 300 lineal meters, includes revetment walls supported

by steel sheet piles. Citing a report from District Engineer Sanny Boy O. Oropel, DPWH Regional Director

Nerie D. Bueno said that the structure aims to ensure people’s safety and reduce the risk of floodwater

damage in adjacent Barangays, particularly during heavy rains.

Since Pototan is geographically located near the banks of the Suage River, this slope protection is a big relief

to the Pototanons as it will reduce the risk of floodwater damage during heavy rains, as well as the risk of soil
erosion, which can cause harm to residential and agricultural areas. Furthermore, it is designed to protect

coastal and river-bank areas from debris and floodwater currents, particularly during rainy seasons or

typhoons. It also emphasized the importance of the said flood control project as he continues to foresee more

projects in the region that can benefit the Filipino people.

This flood control project in Pototan is one of the most significant projects we built in Iloilo. We at DPWH will

continue to serve the Filipino people by providing quality infrastructure and facilities that are responsive to

people’s needs in pursuit of national development objectives.

Vinyl sheet pile as flood protection in Philippines

Figure 2.2.11: Vinyl sheet pile as flood protection in Philippines


Vinyl Sheet Piles can be utilized for fluid containment or cutoff barriers due to their good chemical resistance

and seepage resistance especially if combined with a sealant.

Vinyl Sheet Piles can be utilized for fluid containment or cutoff barriers due to their good chemical resistance

and seepage resistance especially if combined with a sealant. EC Vinyl Sheet Piles are an eco-friendly

material that is light-weight, aesthetic and very corrosion resistant. The modern engineering operations that

include irrigation operations, reservoir engineering, flood control, and soil moisture conservation demand the

conscious control of the water systems involved to ensure low costs are incurred in the maintenance of the

optimum moisture content.

Before the introduction of vinyl sheet pile, the material that was used for the control of water systems included

the use of mass control, timber materials, steel, and earth that is combined with other materials with

cementitious properties. On the other hand, these materials have proved to be ineffective in their longevity

and cost incurred, since they are affected by environmental factors such as acid rain as well as the salinity

that accelerates their deterioration. Besides, materials such as timber are affected biological components

that include fungi and termites.

Since the invention of vinyl sheet piles in use for engineering operations, the water control solutions have

been enhanced considerably. Being that vinyl sheet piles are waterproof, nonbiodegradable, and inert to the

environmental deterioration agents, their use has been widely applied in the engineering field.With the use

of vinyl sheet piles, the control of lateral and vertical seepage has become relatively affordable as a result of

their longevity in use as well as their abundance. Installing the sheet piles is relatively easy and their removal

during land preparation is well easy. In reservoirs, their use has as well gained popularity since they tend to

be the most cost-effective and convenient in use.

Flood Control Structure

Figure 2.2.12 Flood Control Structure Built in Negros Occidental


Construction of flood control structures on both banks of Imbang River in Silay City, Negros Occidental.

These structures would help prevent flooding along the barangays near the river.

The structure would mitigate the damage that may be caused by flood, protecting the lives, properties, and

livelihood of the people living by or near Imbang River. One of the residents living near the river, also said

that they used to be anxious and sleepless when heavy rains occur, causing the riverbanks to continuously

erode, however, with the construction of the river control made them feel safer and at ease even if it rains

hard. This structure will protect the embankment and approaches of Imbang Bridge along Bacolod North

Road, hence, protecting the bridge from possible damage when heavy rain pours.

Flooding and erosion of riverbanks are perennial problems of the residents since they are situated in a flood-

prone area, thus, with the construction of this flood control structure, people will not be worried of water

overflow and erosion anymore.

Flood Risk Management Project

Figure 2.2.13 Flood Risk Management Project for Cagayan River


Mindanao Flood control engineering facilities were constructed along Tagaloan River which include flood

protection dikes with revetment, innovative drainage canal with geo-tube, net gabion and sand filled

mattresses and sluiceways with flexible joints. The structural measures consisting of new technologies from

Japan are constructed to mitigate adverse flood impacts that historically claimed lives and caused damages

to properties. With the completed project components such as flood protection.

dike, drainage improvement, and drainage sluiceway, the capabilities of LGUs and local communities on

flood risk management were strengthened towards sustaining the socio-economic development of the

Municipality of Tagaloan, Misamis Oriental.

River wall

Figure 2.2.14: Tonsuya river wall in CAMANAVA


In August 2012, the CAMANAVA flood control structures were challenged when Typhoon Gener followed

by four days ofheavy monsoon rains inundated nearly 90 percent of Malabon (Oreta, 2012). Typhoon

Gener delivered 10 to 35 mm of rain perhour during landfall, and the monsoon rains contributed greater

than 500 mm of rain in less than 48 hours. Extensive floodinglimited access to barangays for study and

observations of flood control structures. Nevertheless, the research team conducted

observations from nearby bridges and major roadways that crossed or ran parallel to Malabon waterways

to assess the effectivenessof flood mitigation structures. The findings below concern the following

structures and areas assessed after the August monsoonrains: river wall effectiveness in Catmon and

Tonsuya barangays and flood gate effectiveness in Tañong barangay. Additionally, theMalabon City

Engineering Office provided primary data and photos taken before and after Typhoon Gener (August 2 and

July 31)of the Malabon portion of the CAMANAVA flood control structures evaluated. The photos were

taken from the Tonsuya Bridge on Rizal Avenuedownstream (south) of the observed Tonsuya river wall
section. Tonsuya’s river wall was raised as part of the CAMANAVA Flood Control Project in order to protect

the residents of Tonsuya from Malabon River flooding.

Seawall As Flood Wall

Figure 2.2.15: Building Resilience Seawall for The Community of Mangoroco in The Province of Iloilo


The sea is a source of life for the community. People earn from it. Children enjoy bathing in it. But it can

also be a source of danger for them. In the province of Iloilo in the Philippines lies a quiet fishing village,

Mangoroco. Mangoroco experience constant flooding. KALAHI-CIDSS is a program that seeks to alleviate

poverty through a community-driven development. The residents conduct social investigation of their

community so they can develop and prioritize solutions to their communities’ concerns, which they will

present to other villagers in a municipal forum to seek funding, upon prioritization community residents

implement their projects.

They all agreed that a seawall is necessary to save Mangoroco. The community presented their proposal to

the municipal forum. The residents of Mangoroco together with KALAHI-CIDSS began the construction of
the seawall. The stone seawall was completed in 2007, by 2009 the stones had stabilized. So, it’s time to

apply cement plaster to avoid erosion of the seawall. In 2010, the community completed the seawall

upgrade with the support of KALAHI-CIDSS.







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