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2 weeks Living and Living things •begin Intermediate PHASE by looking at Examples and pictures
(7hours) non-living pictures and/or real examples of different of living and non-living
things • there are many different kinds of living living things, including plants, animals, things, including plants,
things bread mould, germs* animals, bread mould
• living plants and animals can carry out • Seeds
all the seven life processes - feeding, • Yeast
growing, reproducing, breathing, • Pictures of hatched
excreting, sensing, moving eggs
09 – 23
• some things appear not to be living • germinating bean seeds (providing January
(such as dried beans, dried yeast, a warmth, and
fertilised bird egg), but carry on ‘living’ moisture)**
given the right conditions • growing yeast (in warm water with sugar)
• looking at pictures of hatched eggs
Non-living things
• non-living things cannot carry out all of • identifying, sorting and comparing a
the seven life processes selection of living and
• some things were living and are now non-living things (including fire, rivers,
dead: dead wood, dry leaves. rocks) and all the
interesting differences between them.
Notes: * Point out those germs are living although they are too small to be seen with the naked eye
** The germinated seeds can be used for the investigation below

2 ½ weeks Structure of Structure of plants • identifying, labelling and describing • Pictures / examples
(8 ¾ plants and • basic structure of plants: roots, stems, the parts of a plant of plant parts
hours) animals leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds • Pictures of animals 24 Jan –
• visible differences between plants: such as • describing the visible differences 31 Jan
size, shape and colour of roots, stems, between at least three plants
leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds
Structure of animals
• basic structure of animals: head, tail, body, • drawing, labelling and describing the
limbs, sense organs parts of at least one animal
• visible differences between animals: such • describing the visible differences
as size, shape, body covering and sense between at least three animals
1 week (3 What plants Conditions for growth • Investigating the growth of plants • Seeds and cuttings
½ hours) need to • plants need light, water and air to grow from seeds and cuttings by observing, • Rulers and 01- 07
grow • new plants can grow from cuttings and measuring*** and recording the growth measuring tape February
seeds over time **** [This can be used as a
• seeds need water and warmth to grow possible project]
(germination of seeds)
Notes: *** Learners can count the number of leaves as the plant grows and measure the height of the stem
**** The investigation and observations of this practical task will be done over time while learners continue with further work
2 weeks Habitats of Different habitats • identifying, drawing and describing a • Pictures of plants
(7 hours) animals • a habitat is the place where a plant or habitat on or close to and animals and
animal lives the school grounds their habitats
• there are different kinds of habitats such as • matching different animals to their 08 – 22
grassland, forest, river, sea habitats and giving reasons why the February
animal can live there
Need for a habitat • describing and writing about habitats
• animals need a habitat for food, water, a of three African* wild
place to shelter, have babies and escape animals and why they are suited to
from dangers living in those habitats
2 ½ weeks Structures Animal shelters • identifying natural and human made • Pictures and
(8 ¾ for animal • animal shelters can be natural including animal shelters examples of animal 25 Feb –
hours) shelters nests, shells, hollow trees, wasp nests or • looking at pictures of different shell shelters 08
human made including dog kennels, cages, and frame structures for sheltering March
kraals, stables animals
• case study about the need for an
animal shelter
• animal shelters can be shell or frame • designing and drawing an animal
structures, can have shelter, taking into
different shapes and sizes, and can be made account its:
from different -- purpose
materials -- shape and size
-- materials
• evaluating the suitability of the design
Notes: * This refers to animals that are indigenous to Africa
Assessment This content and the associated concepts must be integrated with the aims and skills for REVISION AND ASSESSMENT: 08 – 15 MARCH 2019
guidelines Natural Sciences and Technology (refer to Section 2).
• Learners should read, write, draw and do practical tasks regularly Check the learner’s knowledge and that they can:
• Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook • sort a selection of living and non-living things
School-based assessment (including practical tasks and class tests), checking for correctness, and • identify and describe the parts of a plant
providing • identify and describe the parts of an animal
constructive feedback should be done regularly. • grow plants from seeds and measure and record their growth
Allow for a maximum of 7 hours to be used for assessment • describe different habitats
throughout the term. For more detailed guidelines on • design, draw and evaluate an animal shelter
assessment, refer to Section 4.




Signature of


Planned date of

Actual date
Equipment and
Time Topic Content & Concepts Suggested Activities: Investigations,
practical work, and demonstrations

3 ½ weeks Materials Solids, liquids and gases • sorting examples of common • Examples of
(12 ¼ around us • solids, liquids and gases make up all the materials into solids, liquids and gases materials and
hours) materials around us including wood, stone, plastic, fabric, substances including
• some properties of solids, liquids and gases water, juice, tea, air, cooking oil, wood, stone, plastic,
-- solids keep their shape cooking gas, and describing them fabric, water, juice, tea,
-- liquids flow and take the shape of their air, cooking oil,
container cooking gas 02 – 26
-- gases, such as air, tend to spread out, April
have no definite shape but can be contained • Examples of different
(like in a balloon) substances such as
ice, butter, wax, ice
Change of state cream, chocolate
• heating and cooling (removing heat) cause • Investigating evaporating,
solids, liquids and gases to change state condensing, freezing and • Video clips from
-- a solid first changes to a liquid (melting) melting using water and ice internet
when heated and then the liquid changes to • Investigating melting and solidifying
a gas (evaporating) on further using different
heating substances such as butter/ fat/
-- gas first changes to a liquid (condensing) margarine, wax, ice cream, chocolate
when cooled and then the liquid changes to
a solid (freezing/solidifying) when cooled

The water cycle

• water evaporates, condenses, freezes and • drawing and writing about the water
melts in the cycle
water cycle
Raw and manufactured materials • Examples of raw
• examples of some raw materials we use to and manufactured
make other useful materials materials to examine
-- sand is used to make glass the properties such
2 weeks Solid -- clay is used to make ceramics as glass products,
(7 hours) materials -- coal and oil are used to make plastics, leather, ceramics,
paints and fabrics fabrics, wooden items,
-- wood and fibre from plants are used to plastic products 29 April
make paper -
-- animal wool and hide are used to make • reading about how paper is made 10 May
fabrics and leather from plant fibres

Properties of materials
• raw and manufactured materials have • describing the properties of raw and
specific properties. manufactured
These properties can include being hard or materials
soft, stiff or flexible, strong or weak, light or
heavy, waterproof or absorbent
2 weeks Strengtheni Ways to strengthen materials • Paper, wooden
(7 hours) ng • there are different ways to strengthen dowels (30cm X
materials materials (such as paper) to build a strong 10mm) or sticks,
structure: sticky tape, paper 13 – 24
-- we can fold paper into hollow pillars which • Investigating which shape of pillar is fasteners to make May
are circular, triangular or square the strongest (can support the most struts
weight). Draw a bar graph of the results
-- we can roll paper into long thin tubes • making paper struts by rolling into
(struts) long thin tubes (struts)
2 ½ weeks Strong Struts and frame structures • looking at pictures of frame structures • Pictures of frame
(8 ¾ frame • struts are joined into triangular shapes strengthened with Struts Structures
hours) structures making a strong, stable structure, such as in • exploring ways to join struts to make a
roof trusses, bridges, cranes, pylons and strong structure (joining struts into • Paper, wooden 27 May
skeletons (limb bones are struts) triangular and square shapes) dowels (30cm X -
10mm) or sticks, 07
Indigenous structures • designing, making and evaluating a sticky tape, paper June
• indigenous, traditional homes such as a strong structure using tubular struts, fasteners
Zulu hut (uguqa), Xhosa (rontabile and such as a model of a tower, bridge,
ungqu-phantsi) and Nama (matjieshuis) pylon, chair [This can be used as a
make use of a framework of struts (such as possible project]

Assessment This content and the associated concepts must be integrated with the aims and skills for Natural REVISION AND ASSESSMENT: 10 – 14 June 2019
guidelines Sciences and Technology (refer to Section 2).
• Learners should read, write, draw and do practical tasks regularly Check the learner’s knowledge and that they can:
• Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook • distinguish between solids, liquids and gases
School-based assessment (including practical tasks and class tests), checking for correctness and • explain how selected materials may change their state
providing constructive feedback should be done regularly. Allow for a maximum of 7 hours to be • explain the water cycle in terms of change of state of water
used for assessment throughout the term. For more detailed guidelines on assessment, refer to • give examples of raw materials used to make manufactured
Section 4. materials
• describe the properties of raw and manufactured materials
• demonstrate ways of strengthening materials
• demonstrate ways of making and joining paper struts
• design, make and evaluate a strong structure

Equipment and

Signature of
Actual date

Suggested Activities: Investigations, Resources
Time Topic Content & Concepts

practical work, and

date of

Energy for life • identifying things that people and animals

• we use energy for everything we do that require
do energy such as carrying out the life
• we get our energy from food processes and all other
• energy in our food comes from the actions
Sun (plants use the energy from the

09 – 23 July 2019
Sun to make food for themselves
2 ½ weeks Energy and for animals and people)
(8 ¾ and Energy
hours) transfer Energy from the Sun • drawing and writing about how the energy
• energy is transferred from the Sun, from the Sun is transferred through the
to plants, to animals in a sequence food made by plants, to animals/a person’s
known as an energy chain/ food body (energy chain – use arrows to show
chain the direction in which the energy is
transferred from the Sun)

Energy • Using pictures to identify situations where

• we are aware of energy around us, energy is • Pictures and
including movement, heat, light, involved or transferred examples of

224July - 08 August 2019

a selection of
• energy is also stored in sources machines and
such as food, wood, coal, oil appliances including
products*, natural gas a kettle, stove, torch,
2 ½ weeks
Energy • energy can be transferred from a radio, iron, fan/hair
(8 ¾
around us source to where it is needed dryer, car/bicycle,
Input and output energy • describing the input and output of energy • Video clips from the
• machines and appliances need an of a selection of machines and appliances internet
input of energy to make them work including a kettle, stove, torch, radio, iron,
• machines and appliances provide fan/hair dryer, car/bicycle, drum
an output of energy
(work) useful to us
Notes: * petrol, diesel, paraffin, jet fuel, candle wax are all products made from natural crude oil
2 ½ weeks Movement Movement and musical • reading about / looking at indigenous • Examples of musical

12– 27 August 2019

(8 ¾ and Energy in instruments musical instruments and how they work instruments
hours) a system • many musical instruments • Materials to make
(systems) use movement input • researching, designing, making and musical instruments
energy (such as blowing, beating evaluating a musical instrument (such as a
and plucking) to make them work guitar, shaker, drum, blowing instrument
• many instruments have parts that such as pan pipes, whistles, flutes) that
can move or vibrate uses movement energy to make sounds
• musical instruments produce [This can be used as a possible project]
sound as the main output energy
2 ½ weeks Energy and Vibrations and sound • looking at pictures of the human ear, its • Pictures of the
(8 ¾ Sound • musical instruments make sounds parts and how sound travels through it human ear, it’s parts
hours) through vibrations and how one hears
-- the sound always moves • Examples of musical
outwards from the part that is instruments made by
vibrating learners
-- we can feel or hear vibrations • Video clips from the

28 August -13 September 2019

-- vibrations travel through materials internet
such as air, water,
plastic, metal and wood • making loud and soft sounds with your
voice and/or musical instruments
Making sounds • making high and low pitched sounds with
• sounds can be made loud or soft your voice and/or musical instruments
• sounds can be made high or low

Noise pollution
• sound that is loud, unpleasant or • describing sources of noise pollution
harmful to our ears and including at home, school, in the
continues for a long time, is community and how best to protect
described as noise pollution ourselves from it
• noise pollution can cause
permanent damage to hearing
(hearing aids can help people who
are hearing-impaired)

Assessment This content and the associated concepts must be integrated with the aims and skills for Natural REVISION AND ASSESSMENT: 16 – 20 Sept 2019
guidelines Sciences and Technology (refer to Section 2). Check the learner’s knowledge and that they can:
• Learners should read, write, draw and do practical tasks • sequence an energy / food chain showing how the
regularly energy from the Sun is transferred through the food made
• Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should by plants, to animals/a person’s body
be kept in the learner’s notebook School-based assessment (including practical tasks and • explain the input and output of energy of a selection of
class tests), checking for correctness, and providing constructive feedback should be done regularly. machines and appliances
Allow for a maximum of 7 hours to be used for assessment throughout the term. • design, make and evaluate a musical instrument
• describe noise pollution and how best to protect our
For more detailed guidelines on assessment, refer to Section 4. hearing








Features of the Earth • interpreting pictures and models showing • Pictures of Earth
• the Earth is round like a ball features of the showing its main
(sphere) and is made of rock Earth including visible features such as features
• the main surface features of the oceans, seas, • Pictures of the
Earth are land (rocks and soil), lakes, continents, islands and polar ice Moon, Sun and
water and air caps planets
• most of the surface of the Earth is • making drawings or models of the Earth • Models of the Earth,
covered with water (oceans and • writing descriptions of the Earth and its Moon and the Sun

01– 11 October 2019

seas) features • Video clips
2 weeks
Planet Earth • the land we can see is made up of
(7 hours)
continents* and islands
• there is a thin layer of air
surrounding the Earth
• the Earth has many different
habitats for living things
Earth and space
• the Earth is a planet in space
• from the Earth we can see the
Sun, Moon and stars
Our closest star • interpreting pictures and models of the
• the Sun is a star

14 – 18 October 2019
-- the Sun is made of hot gas and • making drawings or models of the Sun
gives out heat and light • writing descriptions of the Sun
1 week
-- the Sun is very big (much bigger
(3 ½ The Sun
than the Earth)
-- the Sun is very far away, but is
the closest star to the Earth
-- the Sun provides heat and light to
the Earth for living things
Notes: * Continents refer to larger land masses on the surface of the Earth
Moving around the Sun • interpreting pictures and models of the solar
• the Earth moves around the Sun in a system

21 – 25 October 2019
pathway called the orbit • making drawings and writing about the Earth
-- the Sun is a star and is at the centre and its orbit around the Sun
1 week of the solar system**
The Earth -- the Earth is one of eight planets***
(3 ½
and the Sun in the solar system
The Sun and life
• the Earth gets the right amount of
light and heat from the Sun for
supporting life

Notes: ** This is a basic introduction to the concept of the solar system *** Pluto is now called a dwarf planet, and is therefore not included as a planet
Features of the Moon • interpreting pictures and models of the
• the Moon is a ball of rock in space Moon
-- there is no air and water on the • making drawings or models of the Moon
Moon • writing descriptions of the Moon
-- the Moon is smaller than the Earth

28 October – 9 November 2019

-- the Moon is closer to the Earth than
the Sun
Phases of the Moon
• Calendar for
• the Sun’s light shines onto the • Investigating – observing and recording the
recording phases of
surface of the Moon changing shape of light on the Moon each
2 weeks the Moon
The Moon -- we can only see that part of the night for at least a month (Moon watch)*
(7 hours) • Cultural stories about
Moon which the sunlight shines on
the Moon
-- the changing pattern of sunlight on
• video clips
the Moon is called the phases of the
-- the pattern repeats every 29 ½ days
(about a month)
Moon stories
• cultural stories about the Moon tell
us about the importance
of the Moon in people’s lives
• Designing, making and evaluating a • Apparatus including
Modelling a rocket rocket model using a balloon balloons of different

11 – 22 November
• people have used rockets to go into -- attach a balloon to a drinking straw sizes, straws and
space and to travel to threaded onto a fishing line pulled tight fishing line, hooks,
2 weeks Rocket the Moon between two points measuring tapes

(7 hours) systems • a rocket is a system used to propel -- release the inflated balloon and measure
vehicles into space how far it travels along the fishing line. Draw
-- A rocket moves by pushing exhaust bar graphs and evaluate different balloon
gases out through its back end rockets [This can be used as a possible
Notes: * carry out the Moon watch while continuing with other work
Assessment This content and the associated concepts must be integrated with the aims and skills for REVISION AND ASSESSMENT: 25 Nov – 4 Dec 2019
guidelines Natural Sciences and Technology (refer to Section 2). Check the learner’s knowledge and that they can:
• Learners should read, write, draw and do practical tasks regularly • identify and describe the main features of the Earth
• Evidence of learner’s work, including assessments, should be kept in the learner’s notebook • describe the main features of the Sun and the Moon
School-based assessment (including practical tasks and class tests), checking for correctness, and • explain how Earth moves around the Sun
providing constructive feedback should be done regularly. As this is the exam term, the final two weeks may • recognise that the phases of the Moon are a result of the
be required for revision of the year’s work and for examinations. changing pattern of sunlight that we can see on the Moon
For more detailed guidelines on assessment, refer to Section 4. • make a model of a balloon rocket, and test it
• record and compare the distances travelled by different balloon
• evaluate balloon rockets

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