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Submitted in partial fulfilment for the

Bachelor’s Degree in Records Management & Archival Science







Abstract: ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction:................................................................................................................................................. 3
History: ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Objectives of the National Archives: ........................................................................................................... 5
Position and responsibilities: ....................................................................................................................... 6
Archives Department: .................................................................................................................................. 6
Skills Developed: .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Historical Archives section (two weeks): ................................................................................................. 7
Current Archives Projects:.................................................................................................................... 7
Qasr Al Hosn Archives Tasks: ............................................................................................................... 8
British Archives Tasks: .............................................................................................................................. 8
French Archives Tasks: ............................................................................................................................. 8
Governmental Archives Section: ............................................................................................................. 9
Presidential Archives Section (1 week): .................................................................................................. 9
Electronic Archive Section (2 weeks): .................................................................................................... 11
Conservation and Restoration section (2 weeks): ................................................................................ 11
Cleaning and dusting room .................................................................................................................... 11
Laboratory .............................................................................................................................................. 12
The relationship between internship duties and theory learnt: .............................................................. 13
Suggestions/Recommendations: ............................................................................................................... 15
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................................. 15



I did my Internship in the UAE National Archives and Library. I worked in different positions
under the Archives Department. During the internship I had the chance to work in different sections
that are under the Archives department that includes Historical Archives section, Governmental
Archives Section, Presidential Archives Section, Electronic Archive Section, and lastly
Conservation and Restoration section. Duration of internship was 6th of March – 28th of April.
This section is divided into four categories that work on different archives; Contemporary
Archives, Qasr Al Hosn Archives, British Archives, French Archives. I had the chance to work in
all and so on.

My 6-week internship at the National Library and Archives in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
served as the capstone experience for my bachelor's degree in records management and archival
science. In this report, I'll talk about my internship experience and the advantages it gave me in
terms of job experience and the opportunity to develop and hone critical abilities. This degree
primarily focuses on the contemporary concerns of record administration and archival science in
a professional environment. The Bachelor of Record administration and Archival Science is a
programme that educates students to manage data and documents produced daily in our modern
society. The past six weeks of my internship at the National Library and Archives were quite
helpful. Due to the adoption of the most up-to-date technologies available to carry out its function,
the National Library and Archives has established itself as a pioneer and the first institution of its
kind in the Middle East. The National Library and Archives plays a role in documentation and
archiving as well as offering a range of books to intellectuals. The National Library and Archives
amasses priceless historical data on the UAE in particular and the countries of the Arabian Gulf in

 Increasing our collection through ongoing library, archive, and research facility expansion.
 Preserving our collections by making sure that the acquisitions are preserved and restored.
 Making use of internal resources and outreach initiatives to make our holdings broadly and
easily accessible.


I'll give a quick overview the history, timeline, and resources of the National Library and Archives
goals in this report. I'll also talk about my internship experience, my job duties, and my
responsibilities for the programme. I will also go over the abilities gained during the internship as
well as the connection between the internship responsibilities and theory classes. In addition, I will
make some suggestions to Sorbonne University and the National Library and Archives that may
be useful to both institutions and the students throughout their internship programmes.

The National Archives and Library is the most established history-focused organisation in the
Arabian Gulf. It was founded in 1968 as the "Documents and Research Bureau". In these fifty-four
years, the institution's name has changed four times. The first name change occurred in 1972,
following the creation of the United Arab Emirates Union, when the institution became the "Centre
for Documentation & Research (CDR)." The name was modified by Federal Law No. 7 of 2008,
and the second modification took place in 2008 after that law was passed, becoming the "National
Centre for Documentation & Research.

However, it was recently renamed the "National Archives and Library (NLA)" in accordance with
Federal Law No. 13 of 2022. Since its founding, this institution has undergone a number of
changes, not the least of which was its name. In addition, it has always been a part of a larger
governmental organisation, which strengthens its role and provides it with the resources it needs
to carry out its duties and achieve its objectives. Al Diwan Al Amiri of Abu Dhabi comes first,
followed by the Ministry of Presidential Affairs. The tasks and objectives that were constantly
growing in all ways, particularly in organizing federal and local government organizations’ records
and archives, conserving the nation's memory, and its crucial role at the regional and international
levels, were the driving force behind these changes. By taking part in numerous national and
international projects and hosting events, such as the ICA Abu Dhabi Congress in 2023. The
aforementioned statutes, its bylaws, and all of their revisions outlined the duties of the National
Library and Archive and created legal frameworks that made it easier for this institution to carry
out the following obligations:


Objectives of the National Archives:

The public's access to accurate national historical and cultural information is one of the key goals
of the national archives. The five categories below identify the five major goals of the UAE
National Archives:

Objective is to "build a contemporary national archiving system"

1. To provide training and advisory services to the various government agencies.

2. Training professionals in both manual and electronic archiving systems.
3. Enhancing government organization's performance in archiving.
4. Establishing a government records management systems accreditation center.

Focus on “integrated intellectual research and services”

1. Building a database of tribal ancestors in the UAE.

2. Holding seminars and workshops to offer historical consultation services in the UAE.
3. Create comprehensive oral history archives.
4. The issue of indigenous research, particularly in relation to the history of the UAE and the
Gulf Countries

Ensure the “holding & enhancing archives accessibility”

1. Gathering, organizing, preserving, and restoring records pertaining to the GCC and the
2. Archival resources are technically treated in accordance with best practices and global
3. Adopted best practices and guidelines to improve the accessibility of the national archives'
4. Provided with areas for storing various forms of archived materials that are outfitted.

Fourth, enhance “corporate and community outreach”

1. Boost staff loyalty, external strength, and public trust.

2. Make ties with educational organisations stronger.
3. Improving the efficiency with which marketing methods are used to promote national


Fifth, provide and develop “distinctive working environment”

1. Attracting, inspiring, and keeping the expert.

2. Offer and put into place organized administrative and financial infrastructure.
3. Promote comprehensive infrastructural solutions.
4. Ensuring risk management and the protection and safety of information.

Position and responsibilities:

With the exception of one position in the Central Archives section, which is connected to the
Support Services Department (the Central Archive is the department concerned with managing
records and administrative archives created by the National Library and Archives as part of its
operations), I worked in a variety of positions during my internship period. All of these positions
were under the Archives Department, which is thought of as the main driver of the operations of
the National Library and Archive. However, there were theoretical and practical components to
the work in every position. Each had the benefit of involving me in the workplace and helping me
learn new skills.

Before beginning to carry out any activity practically, the supervisor would always carry out the
theoretical part to make sure I understood the whole picture of the task I would be performing, its
importance, the procedures, and what laws and standards were involved. To fully understand the
section's function and how it collaborates with other sections on duties, it was crucial to understand
this theoretical portion. Additionally, the theoretical portion covered many tasks that I was unable
to complete. Regarding the practical component, it was the area where I was able to develop
practical skills by completing the tasks. Moreover, I wanted to be aware of how capable I am, how
much I can accomplish, and how prepared I am for the workplace. The actual application also
increased my confidence in the knowledge I learned during the study.

Archives Department:
1. The Archives department gathers and stores historical records, manuscripts, and modern
photographs pertaining to the UAE and Gulf nations from official organisations and foreign
archives. According to international standards, the unit verifies, protects, archives, and
gives the public access to the information.


2. This department has five divisions, including Historical, Government, Digital, Presidential,
and Preservation & Restoration Archives. Each item completes the process of maintaining
hard copy and digital records and categorizing them for rapid and simple retrieval by
researchers, scholars, and students.

Skills Developed:
 Attention to detail and analytical skills are necessary for my job in the laboratory and
cleaning room, where I must evaluate the type of damage and the archive materials to
choose the appropriate course of action.
 Flexibility and teamwork.
 More self-assured when coordinating with various individuals or teams.
 I am analytical and meticulous when working in the lab and cleaning room, where I must
assess the kind of damage and the historical material to decide the kind of treatment to be
 I learned a tonne about research tasks like writing summaries and reading newspapers.
 Document gathering in response to requests from researchers made through AGDA.
 The discussions and purchases of new archive materials and documents.
 Interpersonal skills, emphasizing their value in the workplace and the need for all
employees to have them in order to create a more hospitable and productive workplace.
 Possibility of Advancement.
 Managing Details: Acquired the ability to keep tabs on everything that occurs within the
organisation while steadfastly seeking to expand their expertise and skills.

Started My Internship With

Historical Archives section (two weeks):

The four divisions in this section—Current Archives, Qasr Al Hosn Archives, British Archives,
and French Archives—focus on various types of archives. I was able to work across the board.

Current Archives Projects:

1. Read back issues of newspapers and summarized significant happenings. I had to look for
details like names and dates that weren't in the newspapers, so I had to apply my analytical


2. Worked on extracting requests from contemporary documentation made by several

scholars. From three contemporary documents totaling more than 1,500 pages, I had to
extract information about "Health" and "Education" and add it to new, independent

Qasr Al Hosn Archives Tasks:

This category focuses on Qasr Al Hosrn-related archives.

1. Transcription: I was required to put ancient letters into a word document.

British Archives Tasks:

1. At the British Archives Section, I had a closer look at the D2 system, I understood that it
is used for file creation, cataloging and indexing. After creating the file, a barcode will be
created automatically (unified ID). Afterwards, this file will be prepared with Scan Plus.
Once it’s indexed, the material will be used for research purpose.
2. Moreover, I also learnt how to collect documents for researchers request through AGDA,
and how to organize the requests so that it can be sent to the researchers. On the word
document dedicated to the researchers, i mentioned the year of the file, file reference, pages
collected, caption of the source collected, and the source.
3. Finally, I worked on transcription of old documents from the British Archives.

The Challenge that I faced is that, during my time working in the historical archives area, I
encountered difficulties transcribing the Arabic and English letters because of their intricate
handwriting. With the assistance of my instructors Perseda Selfridge and Mariam Al Sawaf, I
overcame that barrier by practicing and studying how letters were written in the past and by using
my own expertise and critical thinking to decipher what is written.

French Archives Tasks:

1. I performed D2 database work. File creation, cataloguing, and indexing are all done with
D2. After the file is created, an automatic barcode (unified ID) will be generated. Scan Plus
will then be used to prepare this file.
2. Using the D2 system, indexing papers and locating researchers' requests for fundamental
and advanced research.
3. Documents from the French archives that have been transcription.


Governmental Archives Section:

The responsibilities in this area can be divided into three categories: receiving, inspecting, and
numbering the archive.

The following tasks were given:

1. Taking the documents and moving them from the truck to the adjustment room.
2. Registration: Excel sheets with tables that include the transfer number, box numbers, and
serial number were prepared for the transfers. Then, I added the prerequisites, including
the transfer number, Source Company, type and quantity of packaging, archive type (paper
file, ledger records, map, etc.), title of transfer, and time period, to the registration system.
A barcode will be created for each file and each box after the prerequisites have been added.
3. Printing barcodes and applying them to the documents and boxes.
4. Transferring the papers to the storage is the last stage.

Presidential Archives Section (1 week):

This division manages, safeguards, and provides access to materials for photos and films.

Tasks performed:

1. Digitalizing movies

I worked on digitizing 20 DVDs that I received that contained movies. I begin the DVD ripping
procedure after placing the disc in the computer's DVD drive, and once it is finished, the
computer's hard disc now has a digital duplicate of the DVD.

2. Indexing

'Ignition' is a piece of software that indexes movies. The title, format (medium, color, translation,
and resolution), source, context, keywords, etc., had to be added.

3. Requests for research

 General search, which required me to use key terms.
 Advanced search: I specify the media type, the source, etc.

A challenge faced & discussed with the team, only three sizes of boxes are available at the National
Archives to house the paperwork. A government agency sent them a bunch of huge documents


that wouldn't fit in any of these boxes and were delivered to them. Because the indexing system
only functions by adding the box number, the documents must be kept in boxes with index
numbers. Following the team discussion, two solutions were put forth.

The first option is to bundle each of the four papers into a "box" and index it as such.


 It is a practical and affordable solution;

 It enables the papers to be stored immediately.


 Once the documents are unwrapped, the indexing system would be gone, which can cause
confusion and make it challenging to locate particular documents in the future.
 For important or valuable documents, the wrapped documents might not be as secure as
they would be in a proper box.

Solution 2: new, larger boxes were made to fit the different types of documents.


 The indexing system would continue to function as intended because the papers would be
kept in boxes that have specific labels on them.
 Because the indexing system would make it easy to quickly locate the appropriate box,
retrieving a certain document would be quicker and easier.
 The new boxes would give the documents a more safe and secure setting.


 It would take longer to obtain and receive the new boxes, delaying the storage of the papers.
 It would be more expensive because the National Archives would have to invest in buying
new boxes.

Following a team discussion, we decided to focus on the second solution (making new, larger
boxes), as it provides long-term storage, protects the documents, and facilitates future document
retrieval. Compared to Solution 1, it is more dependable and effective, even though ordering and
delivering the new boxes may cost more money and time.


Electronic Archive Section (2 weeks):

With various scanners, this department works to digitize textual documents, pictures, maps, and

Tasks performed:

1. Digitizing
 Using an Epson expression 12000xl scanner, more than 100 photos were scanned. I receive
a digital copy using Silver Fast Ai programme after the scanning process is complete..
 Utilizing the VERSASCAN 36100 flatbed scanner, 150 A0 sized maps were scanned. They
are scanned and then transferred to the Scan Wizard programme, where I can select the
size, format, quality, enhancement, etc.
 Used an auto scanner to scan 244 pages of a text document.
 Used the 4Digitalbooks DL small scanner to scan two books.
 Used both an automatic and manual scanner to scan microfilm.
2. Using Adobe Photoshop CS5, I edited the scanned materials that needed to be cropped,
straightened, or had their resolution altered.

Conservation and Restoration section (2 weeks):

The physical and material integrity of archive collections is crucially preserved and maintained by
this division. The division is in charge of looking after, conserving, and restoring a variety of
archival materials, such as paper records, pictures, maps, and manuscripts.

The laboratory, cleaning and dusting room, isolation room, and repositories were among the
facilities and tools I became familiar with in this specific section.

Cleaning and dusting room

I was given the responsibility of managing documents at this institution, and I also learned how to
use the tools and equipment that were used in the cleaning and dusting room. I was given a group
of documents and instructed to tidy them up and get them ready for storage. Using staple removers
and other carving tools depending on the nature of the document and the degree of deterioration, I
first started removing rusted clips and pins from the pages. After removing the pin, I started
cleaning the surface with a soft brush to delicately remove the dust. Following the cleaning, to
keep the papers organized and protected, I chose archival-quality clips because they're more


secure, assist to preserve the documents for a longer period of time, and lower the likelihood of
damage or deterioration. To assure the preservation, stability, beauty, and lifespan of the
photographs that were stapled to the papers, I sewed them onto archival mounts or sleeves. The
records were packaged with heritage archival photo-Kraft paper, which is intended to preserve the
documents for a longer length of time, as the final step after getting rid of the old file boxes. The
fact that it doesn't age, fade, or get brittle over time aids in keeping the documents' integrity. In
this facility, I worked as a document handler. I acquired knowledge of how to use the cleaning and
dusting equipment. Additionally, I evaluated the type and severity of the document damage to
choose the best course of action before working on a set of damaged documents by 9. Replacing
their containers, manually cleaning them, using a dust extraction device, and creating new
document containers out of A3 carton sheets. Additionally, I studied and practiced how to remove
rusted pins and clips from the photos and other attachments housed within the document's

In this facility, I received instruction on how to properly use laboratory tools and equipment as
well as knowledge of the fundamentals of conserving and restoring archival documentation. I used
my skills and experience to repair a collection of documents and maps from an old archive that
had been destroyed.

 Using a thermo-hygrometer to measure relative humidity, temperature, and light in a

 Transporting and handling documents properly. Gloves should be worn when touching or
moving any archived materials to avoid contaminating them with anything hazardous. In
order to convey the material, it must also be stable, safe, and in good shape.
 Photographing archival material with a high-quality camera before treatment, using a
tripod to keep the camera steady, studio lights to prevent reflections, a white background,
and photographing the color-checker alongside the item so I can later use the captured
image of the color-checker as a reference to adjust the color balance, color temperature,
and other color settings of the image. This helps to ensure that the colors in the digital
image of the archival material are accurate.


 Examining documents and identifying physical and chemical deterioration to paper-based

materials, which needed both microscopic and ocular inspection.
 Technical evaluation (spot checks, pH readings, UV, regular, and transmitted light).
 Completing archive material condition assessments for things like books and photos.
 Paper-based materials' physical and chemical stabilization (a task done using samples of
 Japanese paper cutting and adhesive preparation.
 Surface cleaning and tape removal are conservation treatments.
 Mend tears by filling in any gaps.
 Flattening, drying, and humidification.
 Housing.
 Book stabilization through physical and chemical means.
 Stabilization of photographic materials through physical and chemical means (a procedure
performed on samples of polyester).

The relationship between internship duties and theory

Theoretically, I gained enough knowledge at the Sorbonne University to realize how it related to
my internship at the National Library and Archives. But as I carried out all the tasks given to me
during the internship, I was extremely proud to think back on the theoretical knowledge I had
acquired during my studies. The responsibilities of my internship and my theoretical learning
provided a strong foundation that enabled me to perform all the tasks and responsibilities that I
will be given in the future. For instance, it was crucial that I recall what I learned in the following
courses when I completed certain activities throughout the training time in the Technical Experts

 RMAS205 - Modern Middle East

 RMAS210 - Contemporary Middle East-History and Heritage
 RMAS304 – Digital History


I was able to better appreciate the context and importance of the items I worked with in the history
archives department thanks to some of the readings from these history classes. I learned more
about the historical eras and events that the archives cover thanks to history classes.

Large amounts of research were required for the history classes, which is a crucial ability for
working in archives. I have the research skills to understand the historical context of the materials,
their significance, and their provenance.

 RMAS207 – Digital Preservation & the Electronic Archives Section

 RMAS212 – Applied Work III: Digitizing and Microfilming & the Electronic Archives

For the preservation and accessibility of archival materials, the electronic archives section uses
crucial techniques including microfilming and digitization. Through these courses, I was able to
better understand how original documents are preserved by microfilming and digitizing them. I
gained knowledge on how to use and maintain the tools required for these procedures during the
course, including microfilm cameras, scanners, and other digital imaging tools.

 RMAS209 – Non-textual Archives Procession & the Presidential Archives Section

As this section focuses on such materials, the course offers a thorough understanding of the
principles and procedures for processing non-textual archival materials like photographs, films,
and sound recordings. The course improved my comprehension of fundamental archival ideas
including indexing, cataloguing, and description.

Even while I found value in all of the courses, I specifically returned to these ones while carrying
out my duties as the Technical Experts Office. The "Preservation of archival materials" course,
which served as a thorough reference for me in the Restoration and Preservation Section, was one
example of the several pieces of information I had to acquire from other courses while completing
assignments in other areas. There are also foundational courses that I may not need to remember
in order to do daily tasks, but they served as the major support for my capacity to comprehend
advanced courses. Based on my internship experience, I think that the theoretical component is
crucial for performing practical tasks and that it helps to produce professionals who are capable of
expanding this industry and who are prepared to operate with confidence.



1. Need To Save All Data Types, What electronic documents and data need to be saved? is the
most frequent query. Aside from "official records," are there also documents, files, emails, and
instant messages? Each of these questions has a yes response at different times. Organisations
are expected to generate a variety of papers for regulators, courts, and especially. It is
significant to highlight that documents are rarely treated differently depending on their
medium. Systems for archiving documents must be adaptable and able to handle a variety of
document media.
2. The National Library Archive gains access to the viewpoints of the pupils in this manner, which
it may use. The pupils' understanding of the nation's archive management situation may also
grow as a result of this. Additionally, it will support the students' integration of classroom
instruction with practical application.
3. Archival Use of Backup tapes should be the main mechanism for archiving data for discovery.
Massive quantities of data can be randomly copied and restored using backup tapes. Different
capabilities, such as the capacity to store, find, and restore particular documents, are needed
for archiving.
4. The National Library and Archives will increase access to information from a wider range of
historical materials and resources by enhancing its reference services for researchers and

Having completed the tasks and responsibilities I was given, as well as using the knowledge and
abilities I gained through my internship at the National Library and Archives, I can say with pride
that it was a ground-breaking scientific practical experience that really benefited me. It far
exceeded what can be learned in a brief period of time and gave me more confidence in the
knowledge I acquired while studying at university. Through its integrated management system,
the national archives of the United Arab Emirates gather, classify, and preserve unique and rare
documents from the nation and the Arab region and make them accessible to the public. It adheres
to the best standards for security, health and safety, and environmentally friendly environmental
protection, all of which are ISO-approved standards. The national archives encourage staff


members to carry out the current strategic plan to ensure legal compliance, lessen waste generation,
conserve energy, and create safe working conditions. In order to prevent frequent handling of
original documents, which could cause damage, the center promotes the usage of electronic


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