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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Smartphones enable us to communicate with people. The same goes for its use on students learning.
It enables students to have a better experience of learning, particularly students who have difficulties
in learning. It allows us students to have an easier understanding of topics. Using smartphones, it's
easy for us to search topics we don't fully understand, making it easier for students to learn. Not just
that, but it also allows us to communicate with our teachers, and allows us to continue our learning.
Ever since the pandemic began, it became hard for us students to learn due to the effects of
interaction with other people. That is when smartphones played an important role. Learning virtually
using smartphones was a genius idea by the government for us students to continue our learning.

According to Shamim (2017) nowadays teachers and researchers, mobile gadgets are one of the
things that make it easier for them to gather information using it for language teaching/learning
effectively. It is said that the use of mobile gadgets like smartphones for learning languages is now
very common in students so to investigate whether smartphone really helps students in learning
English or not, this study is conducted. Students these days are technology addicted and use several
learning Apps on their smartphones these days.

There has been a significant amount of research done on the impact of smartphones on language
learning for high school students. Studies have found that the use of smartphones can enhance the
language learning experience by providing students with easy access to authentic language materials,
such as videos and music, as well as interactive language learning apps. Additionally, smartphones
can facilitate communication with native speakers and provide opportunities for authentic language

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