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Date Lesson and Topic Objective Questions Materials

(Tentative to change)

February 13+14 Introduction to Introduce students to What observations can Teacher

Phenomena→ The the unit and generate you make? - Powerpoint
- Class journal
blue people initial observations. Students
What do you still need - Journals
Set up CGS to know? - Chromebooks
Complete What questions do you
pre-assessment still have?

February 15-17 Classical Genetics Students will be able What do you notice? Teacher
Simulator (CGS) #1 → to explain the - Powerpoint
Arabidopsis Plants outcomes of crossing How are these - Class journal
Rounded or Pointed two individuals that combinations Students
leaves results in a fixed ratio. occurring? - Chromebooks
- CGS #1 Data
-Phenotype= What do you think this Entry Forms
observable trait means? (one for each
-Small sample size vs.
large sample size

February 20-21 CGS #2 → Students will be able What do you notice? Same as lesson before
Arabidopsis Plants to explain the for both teacher and
Stem Length outcomes of crossing How are these student
two individuals results combinations - Students will
in a fixed ratio occurring? use CGS #2
regardless of the trait Data Entry
being looked at. What do you think this Forms (one for
means? each cross)
understanding of a What do you notice
phenotype and start when we look at Pop
discussion on #1 and Pop #2?

February 20-March 1 CGS #3 → Students will be able How do we get what Teacher
Codominance with to explain that one we are seeing happen - Pink, white,
Red and White flowers thing from one parent with these flowers? and red hole
example and one from the other punched paper
is passed down to the What would the next rounds (to be
offspring to provide generation look like? prepped
them with their traits. before)
What about the - Powerpoint
Students will also start grandparents? - Journal
developing ideas that
some traits can have What does this mean? Students
equal strength - White boards
(Codominance= a - Journals
combination of traits
from the maternal and

-Understanding of a
phenotype and
introduction to what is
a genotype.
-Genotype: the genes
of an individual
-Genes: what is being
passed on from one
individual to the next.
This is the whole
stretch of DNA that
determines a trait

Students will also

construct the idea of a
Punnett Square.

February 23- March 14 Return to CGS #1 and Students will be able What are you noticing Teacher
#2 to determine dominant about these traits? -Have data from entry
and recessive traits forms available
using prior knowledge. Can you predict what Students
- Journal
may be the result of a

Do we have enough
evidence to say that
one trait may be
“winning” over

What patterns have

occurred so far?

March 2-March 17 Lactose intolerance Students will be able ● Knowing that

to determine that there physical traits
is something within are passed on
the individual that can internally, what
be passed on other does this mean
than just physical traits for something
but can also be things that cannot be
that control the seen?
function of things.

March 13-March 21 Starch Amylase LAB Students will be able What are you Teacher/Student
to determine that when noticing? -Water
things combine a
chemical reaction can What do you think this
occur (know this from means? -corn starch
Burning Sugar) -amylase

Genetics can change

how our bodies work
and dictate how the
chemicals in our body
interact (to break
down) things to make
new things (proteins)
that have jobs.

March 20-March 29 Methemoglobin Students will look at

Anemia→ Look at the bloodwork of the
blood work up of Fugates and generate
Fugates ideas of what could be
causing their blue skin
at the genotypic level.

Methylene blue can

temporarily fix this
since electrons are

March 29-April 14th Dog Breeding with Students will be able What is the difference ● Data for mixed
Recessive traits to determine that when between purebred and and purebred
genes are isolated or mixed? dogs.
individuals that
reproduce in a smaller
population have a
higher chance of
gaining the recessive
trait. Whereas if there
is genetic diversity
there will be less of a
chance to have that
recessive allele.

March 14- March 15 IF NEEDED Students will be able Teacher

Probability → coin flip to determine that there What are you - Powerpoint
is an equal chance to noticing? - Journal
Students flip coins at get either one allele or
their table and write the other. It is random. How are you
-Maybe a google form?
down the combination If they do it long explaining this?
they are seeing. enough they will see
the ratios they saw in
the CGS #1.
-Allele: pieces of a
gene that are typically

This should be used DNA Analysis Students will be able

earlier before CGS #3 to determine where
information is stored
to make these traits


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