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Hugging Face, a prominent American enterprise, is renowned for crafting

state-of-the-art solutions for building machine learning-based
applications. Their flagship offering, the Transformers library, is a
revolutionary development in the field of natural language processing.
Among its many features, Transformer agents stand out as a
cutting-edge API that has the capability to execute a diverse spectrum of
tasks encompassing various modalities, including but not limited to, text,
image, videos, audios, and documents. These agents, being
experimental in nature, herald a new era of sophisticated
problem-solving mechanisms that can transcend conventional
boundaries and push the envelope of innovation to new heights.

What are Transformer Agents?

Transformers Agents is a fully multimodal agent that provides natural

language API on top of the Transformers. It has access to models
related to text, images, videos, audios, documents and more. It allows
users to provide instructions in natural language which are then
executed by different models using agents and tools. Hugging Face
released their own version of this system called "Transformers Agents"
which is part of the Hugging Face Transformer library.

Features of Transformer Agents

Transformer Agents is a fully multi-modal basic feature that allows

working with various types of data such as text, image, videos, audios,
and documents.
It can generate images using prompts and transform them by giving it
another prompt.
It can read out the content of an image and provide an audio file.
It is incredibly versatile and can handle different types of NLP tasks
across various industries.

How do Transformer Agents work?

Users can use natural language to communicate with the agent and
execute different ranges of tasks across different modalities such as text,
image, videos, audios, and documents.

To process natural language requests, a large language model is

required. The user provides instructions in natural language which
creates a detailed prompt based on those instructions.

Different tools are defined as part of prompt creation that the large
language model has access to. The agent utilises tools from the hugging
face library and pre-trained models to execute instructions given in
natural language.

Based on the initial prompt, a set of steps is created for executing

instructions using available tools. A pipeline executes these steps in
Python and returns results to the user. The generative content is
achieved by leveraging the power of generative models like GPT3.
Main Features of Hugging Face Transformers

Hugging Face Transformers is an open-source platform that offers

state-of-the-art machine learning tools such as PyTorch, TensorFlow,
and Jax framework.

It provides APIs and tools to download and train pre-trained models,

which saves time and resources.

The Transformer supports a wide range of common tasks in natural

language processing, computer vision, audio, and multi-model

For natural language processing, it provides tools for text classification,

entity recognition, question answering, summarization, translation,
multiple choice questions and text generation.

For computer vision tasks it offers image classification, object detection

and segmentation.

For audio tasks it offers automatic speech recognition as well as audio

classification tool.

For multi-modal feature applications it focuses on table question

answers, optical character recognition information extraction from
scanned documents as well as video classification and visual question

Pre-Trained Models and Custom Models

The range of pre-trained models available on Hugging Face, which can

be fine-tuned on specific datasets to achieve high performance for
specific tasks.

Over 100 supported frameworks are available on Hugging Face.These

frameworks can be utilised to fine-tune pre-trained models on specific
Fine-tuning pre-trained models helps achieve high performance for
specific tasks.

Custom models can be built using projects like the Projects API and
tools provided by Hugging Face. Custom models can be tailored for
specific needs.

Multi-Modal Models and Model Exporting

Multi-modal models can process text, images, videos, audios, and other
types of data sets simultaneously. These models can be exported using
formats like TorchScript for deployment and production environments.

Running Code with Hugging Face Google Colab Notebook

Hugging Face provides a Google Colab notebook to play with

Transformers Agents. The code requires running on GPU and
Transformer version 4.29 or higher. The Transformer agent project
provides a free GPU with Google Colab to fine-tune pre-trained models
for your own data.
Some additional libraries are downloaded automatically when running
the code. Pre-trained models like BERT and GPT3 can be easily
downloaded and loaded using the Transformer agent project. The agent
will download specific tools from Hugging Face as needed.

There are three different options for using Transformer Agents: OpenAIs
and LLM, Open Assistant, or Star Coder.

Currently, there are two commands supported: run and chat. 'Run' is one
command that works on the agent and performs better for multiple
operations at once. 'Chat' keeps memory across runs but performs
better at a single instruction.

Users can customise both existing tools' descriptions and your own
prompts. This gives users more control over how your agent operates in
different scenarios.

Users can generate images of boats in water or write short stories about
detectives solving mysteries. Users can perform audio and video tasks
by passing variables directly.

All desired links are provided under the 'source' section at the end of this


Transformer agents by Hugging Face are a remarkable innovation in the

field of machine learning-based applications. The experimental API is
versatile in handling diverse modalities and utilises tools from the
Hugging Face library and pre-trained models to execute instructions
given in natural language.

The Hugging Face Transformers library has democratised natural

language processing by providing immediate access to over a large
number of pre-trained models based on the state-of-the-art. The
Hugging Face Hub has made it easy for programmers to interact with
these models using the three most popular deep learning libraries:
Pytorch, Tensorflow, and Jax.

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