Edms - Specification 2018 19 Final Scanned Copy 1555755207

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‘Tender Document we Engineering Data Management System Engineering Data Management System Moe OF bee Tender Dacuntent toa Engineering Data Management System INDEX 1. Sectionet Terms & Cond 2. Scope of Tend. 3. PreBid Clarets. Df. Valdty of Offer and Evaluation (5 Earnest Money Depost(EMD), 1g, Security Dept (SD) = - (7 Imelleeual Property Rigs si 08. Completion af Contact (, Warraice Period & Aanal Mainienance Charges 10-Terms of Payment 1. Penaty Clase al 12 Reverse Auction (RA) aormaas 15, Assepiance Criteria of eompicssluion = 1, Setsiment of Disputes and Aebiation, 15, Applicele Laws and fusion of Couts 16 Quaiving Requiremenie 1. Seetion-2 Teehnieal Specification = 1. ten of Speciiewon.. : - (02, Objectives OF The Prope’ 05. Fes And User Feendlincss OFT Sytem 08 Scope 15. Estimated Work Schedule (6: Suggested Sonware Programs/Package to be used... > (7 Comput Software & Hardware Su ~ (08 Deierables. (9. Requirement if ‘9.01. Pleetrnie Vat (9.02 Projet Information Capture ‘09.13. Drawing and Document Managenic S (9.04 Project and tack Monitoring WBS). 09.05, Security and Licensing, (9.06. Wooklow & Release Process. 109.07. Change Maapsment. {0908 legaton wth Oracle based system. 109.09. Tass and Submitals manager. 19.10, Search 99.12 Knowledge Mago nn 08.12 Repo 10813. Systom Archietne 10. General System Requirement Trang | 12. Dowumentaiion. 18 Software AMC & Onsite Suppo. 1. Other Technical Tens & Conditions 15 Doouments to be Sebmited shang wi ie Ofer ANNEXURE-A Declaration, ANNEXURE-B Schedule of Price ANNEXURE.C Third Paty Ne Disclosure Agreement. ANNEXURED AssumptianyDeviauons ANNEXURE Softrare Detail ANNENURE Tring Scheie ANNEXURE-G Executed Major Order Deals eae ANNEXURE I Exes Major Ores Deals sa ANNEXUREA Arua! Turove ANNEXURESI CV of Probuble Projet Team embers. ANNESURE-K Acceptance Test Procedive (ATP) Siga off ocument ‘ANNEXUREA Solution Aras ANNEXURE-M Case sudies of similar EDMS epplicaion ne Page 2 of 45 ‘Tender Document ara Engineering Data Management System BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED. BHEL JHANSI Notice Taviting Tender (NIT) ‘Tender Notification No. : ‘Tender Due Dat ‘This is Notice Inviting Tender for tender notification No. for the development and supply of required software for "Engineering Data Management System” ‘Bidders shall read carefully the enclosed documents that comprise this Tender: + Section Je: Terms and Conditions + Section fl: Technical Specifications, ‘The offers shall be in accordance with Terms and Conditions and Technical Specifications enclosed. Deviations ifany, shall be cleary indicated. Bids notin conformity with the Terms and Conditions and Technical Specifications andior-are not in the prescribed format -will not be considered and ae liable tobe rejected. Bids with deviations may be rejected ‘The fact of submission of tender implies that the Bidder has actually inspected the site and examined all the requirements relating to execution of the contract ‘The Bidders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the bid, BHEL. shall in no case be liable for these costs regardless of the conduct or outcome of the process, ‘The offers should be in two-part bid (ie., Part-I: Techno-Commercial bid and Partll: Price bid), Sealed Tenders shall be addressed to the “Material Management Department, BHEL Khailar, Shansi (UP), Pin:284120" and the envelope shall be super scribed with Tendet Notification Number & stamp of the Bidder and the Tender due date ‘The sealed tenders will be received by us at his office at Up to 13:15 brs on the tender due date, The technical bid (ie., Part-I of the offer) will be opened on at 14:00 basin presence of the Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to be present During the course of finalization of Tender and Award of Contract, the Bidder shall promptly and completely respond to all elrfieatfons sought by the undersigned and attend any ‘meeting on the date and time called by us with writen intimation tothe Bidder [BEL reserves the right to cancel this tender before finalization of contract without assigning any reason thereat, It is preferred that offers are sent in sealed cnvelope. However, if the bidder choses to send the offer through e-mail, offers received through e-mail shall be considered only when such offers are complete in all respects. In cases of offers through e-mail, the offers shall be sent to “tenderbox,jhs@ibhel.in”, wherein the subject of the email should mention the enquiry number. Email offers sent to any other email id shall not be entertained, BHEL shall not take any responsibility ifthe offers are incomplete or ifthe enquiry number is not mentioned in the subject ofthe e-mail. rt ey ‘Tender Document sare Enginsrng Data Management Sytem Ea BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED UNIT NAME: BHEL JHANSL ‘Tender Notification No.t SECTION-I TERMS & CONDITIONS Page 4 of 45 er ‘Tender Document ra Engingering Data Management System 1, Tnsteu LI TWO-PART BID: 3 Lu 112 ‘The offer shall be submitted in a sealed envelope which would contain two separate sealed envelopes as (i) Technical Bid and (ii) Price Bid. ‘The Technical bid, in English, shall contain (i) separate sealed envelope; (ii) confirmation of compliance to all terms & conditions; (ii) technical offer in detail forthe entire scope of work as given in the Technical Specification: (iv) Assumptions / Deviations in format as per Annexure-D and (v) Price schedule (without prices). ‘The technical proposal shall cover, but not be limited to, the following: 2) Clear understanding of complete scope of work and deliverables with respect to product information and automation requirements given, b) Development methodology and all software programs / packages required to be used for the development ofthe software module ©) Proposed work schedule with duration so that total duration of the project docs not exceed specified delivery period. 4) Clear understanding of the working modalities. Bidder should indicate manpower proposed fo be deployed at BHEL for this project. ©) Assumptions / deviations with respect to the technical specs, if any, and expected technical inputs from BHEL team during the project execution. ‘The price bid shall consist of the Price Schedule format with prices filled in (see ANNEXURE-B). Bidder shall indicate prices for all the items indicated in the Price Schedule. In addition, the total price of the contract shall also be clearly indicated. All prices should be firm for the duration of the contract. All applicable duties and taxes shall be clearly indicated in the offer. The tariff rates as applicable on the date of bid shall be specified. Wording, like “Extra as applicable’, etc,, will not be acceptable Each sealed envelope shall be super scribed with the type of bid (Technical or Price), Tender Notification number and Bidders name, stamp & signature, Both these envelopes should be submitted through one covering letter ina sealed envelope super scribing the Tender Notification rnymber and bidder's name, stamp & signature ‘The sealed Bids shal! be submitted on or before the time & date specified and shall be addressed to the official as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender. Tenders received after the due date and time of opening are liable to be rejected, Bidder shall fill up all tae schedules and furnish all the required information as per the instructions given in various sections of the tender specification, Each and every page of the Tender Specification shall be SIGNED, STAMPED AND SUBMITTED ALONGWITH THE OFFER by the Bidder in token of complete acceptance thereof. The information furnished shall be complete in itself, ‘The Bidder shall quote the PRICES in English Language and international numerals. These rates shall be entered in figures as well as in words. In case of difference in rates between words and figures, the prices entered in words will be trented as valid for the purpose ofthe tender. In case of difference in (i) sum of te items and (i) total indicated, the former will be considered. The metric system of units shall be used, ‘Tender Document ware Engineering Data Management System 18 1413 Al entries in the tender shal either be typed or be writen in ink. Erasures and overwriting are nnot permitted and may render such tenders liable to rejection. The Bidder shall duly atest all ‘cancellations and insertions. Conditional and unsigned tenders, tenders containing absurd or unworkable rates and moons, tenders which are incomplete or otherwise considered defective and tenders not in accordance with the tender conditions, specifications, ct, are Hable to be rejected. "Tenders shall be signed by persons duly authorized / empowered to do so. Certified copies of such authority and relevant documents shall be submitted along with the tenders. The Declaration (see ANNEXURE-A) shall be signed by the duly authorized person. In the event ofthe Bidder merging with or getting acquired by another company, all obligations ‘under the contract shall avtomaticelly get transferred to the acquiring company till the end of the period, including the warranty period and AMC, if opted for. [Bidder shall intimate BHEL there is any change in theie legal status, within fifteen days of ‘such change, BHEL shall review the implications and take necessary action. Bidders are required to comply with the provisions of all existing Acts, Statutes, Rules, Notifications and Regulations of both Central and State governments as the ease may be. If necessary, Bidders shall get themselves duly registered in complianes with such Acts, Statutes, Rules, etc, before Price Bid opening. Should a Bidder or, in the case of a Firm. or Company, its Parter(s) / major Shareholder(s)’ Director(s) have relation(s) employed in BHEL, the authority inviting tender shall be informed of the fact along with the offer. Otherwise, BHEL may, at its sole discretion, reject the tender or cancel the contract at any stage of the contract. Any attempt by a Bidder to exert influence on BHEL during the process of bid evaluation ‘or award of the contract, would make their bid liable for rejection. 2. Scope of Tender 21 22, 23. 25 This tender is for design, development, supply, installation, testing and demonstration of the software modules as per the requirements identified by BHEL in the enclosed Technical Specification (Section-fl), ‘The bidder shall identify areas in which their solutions conform to open standards and areas that are proprietary in nature. Justification about proprietary components in terms of functionality, up-gradability and performance shall be given. All the necessary saftware (including licenses for development packages) required to carry ‘out the work shall be arranged by the Bidder. All expenses towards logistics and incidentals, including lodging, boarding, travel, etc. incurred in connection with the execution of this contract shall be borne by the Bidder and shall not he reimbursed by BHEL, However, accommodation at BHEL Jhansi Guesthouse ean be provided based on availability on chargeable basis. In ease of availability in BHEL guesthouse, it is recommended to stay in BHEL guesthouse to redice ravel time from Shansi to BHEL, The Bidder shall post an adequate number of qualified and experienced personnel to execute the contract. The list of personnel proposed to be deployed shall be submitted as part of the technical proposal, by name and title, Annexure-t eo rey or Tender Document Engineering Daia Management Systems 26. 27. Except as BHEL may otherwise agree, no changes shall be made in the key manpower. f for any reason beyond the reasonable contol of the Bidder, it becomes necessary to replace any of the key manpower, the bidder shall provide as a replacement a person of equivalent of beter

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