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Newton’s Laws of

By: Dacey Presnell, Grace Mazurkie,
Anthony Gaines, and Luke Melton
Question 3
What is the acceleration of a 0.30-kg volleyball when a player uses a force
of 42 N to spike a ball?

First, you need the formula to solve this equation:

a = f/m , A = Acceleration, F = Force, M = Magnitude

Then, you plug in the numbers; F = 42 N (Newtons), M = 0.30 Kg (Kilograms)

A = 42 N / 0.30 Kg

If you plug this into the calculator, you will get 140

(Do not forget the unit of measurement!)

So the correct answer is: A = 140 m/s²

Question 9
You throw a ball. When the ball is many meters away from you, is the force
of your hand still acting on the ball? When does the force of your hand stop
acting on the ball?

The answer is no, because as soon as the

ball leaves your hand, gravity is the force
acting on the ball (it will slow it down by
pulling it toward the ground).
Question 10
Carlo and Sara push on a desk in the same direction. Sara pushes with a
force of 50 N, and Carlo pushes with a force of 40 N. What is the
unbalanced force acting on the desk? The unbalanced force on an object is
sometimes called the total force, or net force, on an object.

Since they are both pushing the desk in the same direction, all you need to do is add
up the two given numbers!

50 N + 40 N = 90 N

(N= Newtons)
Question 14
In auto racing, a crash occurs. A red car hits a blue car from the front with a
force of 4000 N. A yellow car also hits the blue car from the side with a force
of 5000 N. What is the resultant force on the blue car? (Since force is a
vector, you must give both the magnitude and direction of the force.)

First, we need the equation to solve for the magnitude (in Newtons)

C= a² + b²

C= (4000)² + (5000)²

C = 6403.12 N

To find the angle the car would move at, we plug y/x into tan : (4000/5000)

Tan : (4000/5000) = 38.66°

Question 17
Bob exerts a 30.0 N force to the left on a box (m = 100.0 kg). Carol exerts a
20.0 N force on the same box, perpendicular to Bob’s force.

a) What is the net force on the box?

Create a triangle, and solve for the missing side: x = 20² + 30² = 36.06 N

b) Determine the acceleration of the box.

a = f/m, a = 36.06 N / 100 Kg, a = 0.36 m/s²

c) At what rate would the box accelerate if both forces were to the left
instead of perpendicular to each other?

Add 30 N and 20 N together, a = f/m, a = 50 N / 100 Kg, a = 0.5 m/s²

Question 18; Newton’s Laws
Thank you!
Any Questions?

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