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Seo | COSCS |Hech, Javorg | PH telizhe NB. Q.P. Code : 727203 (3 Hours) {Total Marks : 80} 1) Question No.1 is compulsory. 2} Attempt any three questions out of remaining five questions, Figures to right indicate full marks. Assume suitable data if necessary. Notations carry usual meaning Write short notes on the following (Any four): 20 i) Goldratt's critical chain method ti} Work break down structure ul) Role of Project manager iv) Risk management v) Concurrent Engineering A smill project is compdsed of 8 ucuvities»whose tithe estimates 10 arg tisted below » Y 5 Predecessor | (a 1 tm | ty Ae a ei Ss eal eel Bs ze a le Draw the project network diagram. Find the critical path and expected projected duration 4) Tfthe due date is 30 days What is the probability that the project will be completed within the due date. ii) What is the probability of completing project between 26 to 31 days. (b) What are the numeric models of project selection? Explain in brie! 05 tec Explain how a project is monitored and controlled for Project 0S execution. (TURN OVER) a tb a thy qa) ib) Q.P. Code ; 727203 What are four stages of team development and growth? What are 10 advantages of effective team? What are barriers to team effectiveness? What is a Project Portfolio Process? Explain different steps 10 involved in this. What is the internal rate of return of an investment whieh involves @ current outlay of Rs.300, 000 and results in an anual cash inflow of Rs.60000 tor 7 years? What are the different ways of Closing « Project? 05 Explain various project estimation and scheduling technignes. 10 a Draw an E; value chart an ibe th dadexp jain (heir vei s How nication is ied A consulting project has an actual cost of Rs.45000. Scheduled cost 03 Rs.35000, and vatue of completed work of Rs.40000. Find the Schedule and Cost Variance Also Hind SPI and CPI Explain project management template with & sample template 10 sheet, ‘Compare the top down budgeting and bottoms up budgeting in 10 project planning. SAREE ARRAS RSET

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