Letter To Nezznar

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I have asked Vyerith and Vhalak to deliver you this letter -

I hope it finds you well. I've also asked them to stay for the
time being. Use the Dopplegangers as you see fit - no doubt
their abilities should assist you in uncovering the
information you need from the surrounding region.

Duke Zalto grows impatient. Triboar seems to be a location

of interest to him. He is also beginning to talk to us about
the potential infiltration of Gauntlegrym, although I am not
sure when the time will be right to revisit the Mountain
Hold. Your success or failure may dictate that.

Work quickly, and upon completion of your task perhaps

move towards Triboar to deliver the news to Zalto's agents.
When they move in, they won't be hard to find. I hope the
Forge of Spells can assist in aiding the Duke.

Good luck nephew, I hope to see you soon

Draac Xorlarrin

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