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Collarbone/ clavicle: either of the two bones that go from the base of the neck to the shoulder.

Diaphragm: the layer of mussels between lungs and stomach

Capillary: any of the smallest tubes in the body that carry blood.

Bronchus: any one of the system of tubes which make up the main branches of the windpipe through which
air passes in and out of the lungs

Pulmonary: connected with the lungs

Alveolus: one of the many small spaces in each lung where gasses can pass into or out of the blood

Fade: the disappear gradually

Thorax: the part of the body that is surrounded by the ribs, between the neck and the waist

Ribs: are bones that protect the heart & lungs

Ribcage: ribs all together

Lobe: a part of an organ in the body especially the lungs or brain


Groove: a long narrow cut in the surface of something hard.

Stail: no longer fresh

Trachea/windpipe: the tube in the throat that carries the air to the lungs

Larynx/voice box: the area of the clap of throat that flat contains the vocal cords

Cartilage: the strong white tissue that is important in support and especially in joins to prevent the bones
rubbing against each other

Apparatus: that tools or other pieces of equipment that needed for a particular activity/task

Excruciating: extremely painful or bad

Bends: severe pain and difficulty in breathing experienced by a diver who comes back to the surface of the
water too fast

Gallon: a unite for measuring liquids it is equal to about 4.5 liting

Intercostal: located between the ribs

Rib: any of the curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest.

Cilia: hairlife projections called Cilia line the primary bronchus to remove microbes and debry from the
interior of the lungs

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