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Purposive Communication 2

Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence

and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

gn The term used to refer to very brief
po statements that tell the audience
Putting your phone on silent as you listen to another
refers to how we say words. Not doing it properly can end
up being a distraction to the audience.
It is essential to stay humble and gracious when delivering
this speech.
All of the above Which is considered a supporting material?
Eye contact is vital in delivering speeches as it helps us
establish a relationship with the audience.
Impromptu Speaking Which involves following a 4-step method?
Which is not a technique used in preparing the main
Use phrases in writing the main points
Global plagiarism
The success of a speech is highly dependent on which of
the following
Extemporaneous speeches are delivered with little or no
False, Impromptu
Speech of Entertainment Humor can be used in what type of speech?
Which of the following is an example of appreciative
All of the above
Which of the following is not a Specialized Research
Online Card Catalogue
Which of the following is not a characteristic of poor
Takes down notes while listening
P We must employ our pathos, logos and ethos.
What is the first recommended technique when
Personal inventory
brainstorming for a
The role of a speaker when delivering a speech is that of
an educator.
Informative Speech on Problems What is not a type of Informative Speech?
The preparation outline is made and detailed as we
research and prepare for the speech.
Narratives or anecdotes can be included in this kind of
None of the above Which is not a form of critical thinking?
Conclusion Answer
allows us to reiterate all our main points before we end the
Both conversations and public speaking engagement have
to be relatable
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

formal When giving speeches, informal language is acceptable.

We need to determine early on if the speech can be
delivered within the
Which of the following elements conveys the message of
the listener to
The preparation outline is made and detailed as we
research and prepare for the speech
What term is used for the statement you want your
residual message
audience to
Data sampling is a more qualitative way of surveying the
False, quantitative
Which method of delivery is supposedly the most nerve
Impromptu Speaking
are “specific cases used to illustrate or to represent a group
of people, ideas, conditions, experiences, or the like”
TRUE We must balance the time allotted for all the main points.
Quoting statements and acknowledging the people you
interviewed to
Listening can help us become better friends, students,
employees, and s
False, early Starting research late is advisable.
Eye contact is vital in delivering speeches as it helps us
establish a
is an attack that is demeaning and aims to dishonor the
Name calling
character and reputation of another person.
All of the above Which of the examples below exhibit listening actively?
Organization “is the process of putting ideas and information together in
a way
Lucas stipulates that those who engage in public speaking
need “to be guided
It is a kind of connective that indicates the end of a point,
and the start of a new one.
The purpose of the speech should be relevant to the
Filter your resources before quoting or presenting it as evidence.
Omitting certain statements made by a person you
interviewed so that
Practicing gives us a chance to refine and
polish Answer
the speech.
is the distinct characteristic of pronunciation, grammar and
Scale questions These types of questions give the person answering more
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

flexibility, but the answers are still dictated. We merely

need to choose amongst options,
It is normal to feel nervous before speaking in front of an
For speeches of Introduction, all these are essential except
None of the above
I This speech can define or describe ideas or concepts.
TRUE Egocentrism is something to be considered in .
When the president needs to give a speech, what method
Reading from a manuscript
of delivery
Impromptu Speaking Which delivery involves following a 4-step method?
Deciding to record the Interview is something that needs to
False, before
Reviewing of notes Which of the following is not done during the interview?
Our goal as the speaker is to celebrate and pay tribute to
another person.
Doing a background check on the website, and determining
if it is biased
The is the part of the speech where we can establish our
credibility and goodwill.
False, Gestures Movement is associated with hand actions.
The Answer is the medium by which a message is
Yearbooks Almanacs are a form of what kind of book?
Examples can be used to show the “magnitude or
False, statistics
seriousness of an issue”
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence is a way of organizing what
Persuasive Speech
kind of
Extemporaneous speaking involves preparation and
Good delivery _____ is about attracting the audience to our message.
is “among the most emotionally charge and emotionally
defended of all human concerns”
You ask your seatmate in a conference to lower her voice
TRUE so as not to disturb the speaker and other audience
Review the main points of the speech Which of the following is a function of the conclusion?
Hearing is “the process of receiving, constructing meaning
False, listening
from, and
Doing surveys, interviews and reading up on material that
lends support
This speech must meet three basic issues: need, plan and
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

It is a kind of connective that indicates the end of a point,

and the start of
Incremental plagiarism
TRUE The central idea is also called the thesis statement.
The preparation outline is made and detailed as we
research and
Difficult questions must be phrased in a neutral way, and
must be asked
The Romans said that the effective orator is “the good man
speaking well
Answer _____.”
This speech is designed to educate or inform, but also to
Which of the following is not part of the message a speaker
Outfit of the speaker, None of the above
_____ is a method of gathering information. It takes a lot of
Research interview
TRUE Ethnocentrism must be avoided when writing a speech.
A public speaking engagement is equally structured as an
Immediately after the interview When are the reviewing notes and transcribing done?
In doing library research, it is best to consult the
librarians Answer
for recommended
TRUE Rate refers to how fast or slow we speak.
This type of order shows the audience the cause and effect
Causal order
relationship of two distinct things.
You accidentally found an argument that goes against your
main point.
Always think
positive Answer
and visualize success.
Internal Summary is the statement that gives our audience
False, Internal preview
a preview of the next main point that will be discussed.
We always need to our speech nefpre the actual speaking
pa engagement.
Dialect is the distinct characteristic of pronunciation, grammar and
one Each main point reflects just idea or theme.
Loaded questions or hostile questions
are questions that might be offensive to the interviewee.
Used to qualify ideas Which of the following is not a function of statistics?
moral Ethics is concerned whether an issue is immoral or
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

TRUE Short speeches can be recited from memory.
The introduction and conclusion are made before the main
False, after
body of the speech.
To develop confidence, focus on your
message Answer
instead of your audience.
The central idea needs to be more precise than the specific
The six topics we can use for clustering are People,
False, problems
Places, Events, Natural
Review the main points of the speech What is not an objective of an introduction?
False, momentary or short Pauses are long breaks we take during the of a speech.
Pacing and posture are examples of our
movement Answer
Speaking The outline is developed to help us in the of our speech.
Which method of delivery is meant to lift the burden of
Reciting from memory
recalling our
Once the interview is done, we must review our notes and
transcribe Answer
The term that refers to the time and place the
communication process
A fight you had with your significant
Which is not a form of external interference?
Everyone experiences public speaking at one point in their
We need to assess the importance of these demographics
to the speaking situation we are in.
Silently rejecting the points of the speaker, and eventually
tuning out
The term used to refer to very brief statements that tell the
audience where we are at in the speech (Lucas, 2009).
The Correct of the speech must be relevant to the
Tell private stories about the speaker In giving a Speech of Introduction, what must we avoid?
Internal Summary is the statement that gives our audience
False, interval preview
a preview of
This type of order shows the audience the cause and effect
Causal order
relationship of
If the interviewee refuses to be
recorded Answer
, we need to be prepared to take
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

It has no opportunity for immediate

Which is not a characteristic of a public speaking event?
Pauses are long breaks we take during the delivery of a
False, momentary or short
False, critical thinking Listening well will help us hone the skill of criticism.
Public speaking is more organized than Which of the following is not a difference between public
a conversation. speaking and
right Ethics is concerned whether an issue is
Examples are “specific cases used to illustrate or to represent a group
Age and gender setting are types of demographic audience
Clarifying statements or asking follow up questions are
signs that we are
We listen
passively Answer
when we are listening to something or someone while
P We must recognize why a person is being recognized.
Listening is important as it was used to pass on stories,
poems, folktales
The specific purpose includes the main points that will be
False, central idea
discussed in
We assume we know what the speaker
What does it mean to jump to conclusions?
will say and put words in his mouth
FALSE You download a speech and recite it in front of the class.
You take down notes from the speaker’s message, and
raise concerns
The first impression our listeners make is highly dependent
physical appearance
on our _____.
All of the above What questions are not acceptable in interviews?
“is the process of putting ideas and information together in
a way that will make sense to listeners”
False, one idea The specific purpose includes two ideas
Each main point reflects just
one Answer
idea or theme.
What do we need to avoid in making the preparation
Keep it brief\
impossible Perfection is possible in speeches.
We always need to
practice Answer
our speech nefpre the actual speaking pa
central idea The
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

_____ reflects what you want to say in the speech.
If there is a disconnect between our words and actions, the
Non verbal cues
listeners are
Which of the following is not a characteristic of good
None of the above
In evaluating sources from the Internet, what do we need to
Authorship, Sponsorship, Recency
It is designed to inform the audience What is not a characteristic of Persuasive speeches?
The introduction is meant to get the attention of the
E Delivery is light, and can be humorous.
What term means passing off another person’s idea as
your own?
We must avoid using
figurative Answer
language in making the specific purpose of a
Our responsibility is challenging, as we need to convince
people who may
During Interviews it is okay to ask questions that are not
part of our
Rounding up percentages so your presentation looks
All of the above What happens when we listen too hard?
Lucas (2009) believes that sloppy articulation is also
caused by
Public speaking and everyday conversations are both
forms of oral
I Our goal is to boost the credibility of the speaker.
TRUE Connectives are used to connect ideas to each other.
Which of the following is not part of the 5-step method we
None of the above
should follow
Mentally debating with the speaker is a sign of good
False, poor
False, supporting materials Testimony and examples are an example of connectives.
Which method of delivery allows us to adapt to varying
Extemporaneous Speaking
situations, and
You ask your seatmate in a conference to lower her voice
so as not to
Name calling is an attack that is demeaning and aims to dishonor the
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

False, an art Good is a science.

Change in pace or volume is an example of adjusting or to
the audience during the speech.
One of the roles of the speaker is to get to know the
audience by
Which of the following characteristics refers to the research
Planning and practice
and careful
Which of the following is not something that needs to be
Record the interview
done before an
Internet search means looking for possible topics in
False, reference
Which of the following is a feature of a public speaking
None of the above.
event but not a
Which of the following is not a Speech for Special
Speech to Entertain
Use different formats for different kinds
Which of the following is not a tip for doing research?
of notes
We engage in
Critical listening Answer
_____ when we want to filter a message, and discerning
The specific purpose needs to be written in the form of an
infinitive Answer
We can enclose key phrases in
Quotation marks Answer
_____ as it can help generate more
False, supplement Internet research acts as a replacement to Library research
It is an automatic response Which of the following is not a definition of listening?
I We must not overwhelm the audience with too much data.
Hypothetical example It is an imaginary example that we can use to drive a point.
Critical Thinking involves the ability to see clearly the
Researching sample speeches on the Internet, and using
certain parts of it
polish Practicing gives us a chance to refine and the speech.
Prepare for the worst possible scenario. Which is not a technique in developing confidence?
is the part of the speech where we can establish our
Internet sources may not be as credible as that of
resources found in the
movement Pacing and posture are examples of our.
Hearing ____ is a physiological process we undergo when there are
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

sounds in our
It specifically identifies certain traits of our audience that is
Situational Audience Analysis
unique to each speaking engagement.
involves related skills such as distinguishing fact from
Critical Thinking opinion,judging the credibility of statements, and assessing
the soundness of evidence
The Problem-solution order can be used for informative
False, persuasive
The introduction and conclusion are made before the main
False, after
body of the
outline is developed to help us in the delivery of our
Testimony What is not an example of a connective?
The is the part of the speech where we can establish our
credibility and goodwill
The preparation outline is made and detailed as we
research and prepare
Google is an example of a
search engine Answer
In a debate, you bring up certain trivia about the speaker in
hopes to
listening What communicative activity do we practice the most?
It is often light or humorous What is not a characteristic of a Commemorative Speech?
Extended examples, Anecdote What kind of example is referred to as narratives,
examples illustrations, or
The first impression our listeners make is highly dependent
physical appearance on our
Enunciation deals with the physical production of speech
False, articulation
Lucas (2009) believes that sloppy articulation is also
caused by.
Yearbooks are sources we can find in the library that tell us
False, biographies or biographical aids
about the
This is the kind of speech delivered during weddings,
You mention in your speech that there are compelling
arguments that contradict your idea, but despite this you
feel that your main points still stand because you also have
undeniable evidence that support it.
Our goal is to excite the audience about the topic that will
be discussed.
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

The role we assume when delivering a persuasive speech

is an
_____ refers to the changes in volume, pitch and rate that
Vocal variety
we employduring delivery
Executing _____ properly is partly attributed to common
sense, and partly
Deals with Question of Fallacy Which of the following is not a kind of persuasive speech?
Which of the following is not a guideline of Informative
Assume that the audience knows a lot
TRUE Listening and hearing are not synonymous.
The interview is process is over once we say goodbye to
False, not over
our interviewee.
False, audience Good public speakers are message centered.
Debating with a speaker as soon as he says controversial
Which of the following is not an example of how we can
None of the above
arrange ideas?
All of the above Which of the following are found in libraries?
Which of these techniques do not help you become a
Listening very hard to the speaker
better listener?
our friend is running for student council president and she
Critical listening
is sharing
Internal Summary is the statement that gives our audience
False, Internal preview
a preview of
You mention in your speech that there are compelling
arguments that
direct Public speaking is an indirect form of channel we use.
Lets try clustering ideas. Group the Lets try clustering ideas. Group the words below in the
words below in the category they category they should
should belong to. Arrange the answers
in alphabetical order vertically.
[Best Beaches] [Ati-Atihan]
[Earthquakes] [Baking Cookies]
[Pampanga] [Christmas in the
Philippines] [Different Birthing Types]
[Pres. Duterte's Hometown] [EDSA
Revolution] [Heart attacks] [Manual
[Summer Destinations] [Philippine
Elections] [Pregnancy] [Montesorri Style
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

[Touring Asia] [Weddings] [Tsunamis]
What kind of example is referred to as narratives,
Extended examples
illustrations, or
You paraphrased another author in your speech, and let
the audience
As a public speaker, when you do not listen well, you may
end up passing
Internal interference refers to distractions that occur
within Answer
the audience
Taking down key words that help
hat does it mean to take down notes properly?
explain the main points
Vocal variety can communicate emotions, importance and
attitude of the speaker towards the speech.
The allows us to reiterate all our main points before we end
the speech.
purpose determines whether your speech will be
informative or
This technique is as simple as using your 5 senses to
Direct observation
make inferences about the audience.
Vocal variety Which is not an attribute of the speaker’s body language?
What kind of listening do we engage in when we want to
Comprehensive Listening
understand the
Topical order can be used to arrange ideas in a directional
False. Spatial order
Which of the following is an attribute of the speaker’s
All of the above
frame of reference Answer
refers to the totality of one’s knowledge, racial profile,
If we want be better listeners, we need to understand how
important it is,
We need to consider the audience’s disposition towards
the topic in making the speech.
Appreciative listening and critical listening are essential to
False, comprehensive
be better
Government Resources help us find publications, and can
also provide us
We use this speech as an opportunity to inform the
audience of the
I Our speech must have accurate information, and our
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

remarks must adapt

It is delivered after an event, and is used to recognize the
people who
False, an art Good delivery is a science.
C Eulogies and toasts are examples of this speech.
Topical order can be used to arrange ideas in a directional
False, Spatial order
Virtual libraries _____ are websites designed to merge Internet research
and library
Not concentrating or making critical judgments are signs of
poor listening Answer
Specific purpose
_____ should reflect what you want to achieve in the
What do we need to avoid in making the preparation
Keep it brief
The purpose of the speech should not be too technical or
too superficial.
Gaeris said that the guiding principle of is a sincere
concern for the audience.
Authorship needs to be evaluated for Internet sources since not all
writers or Aut
Keep it detailed What must we avoid when making the speaking outline?
Speaker The communication process starts with the
There are no gender-neutral equality Which is MOST true for female writers using pseudonyms?
Peitho It is the first women’s’ coalition newsletter.
Refutation Which is NOT a canon of classical rhetoric?
Topoi It aids in discovering argument for rhetoric discourse.
A type of argument that do not require a speaker to invent,
such as laws.
20. A concept where man is a symbol-using animal living in
Modern Rhetoric
a fragment society.
Every person has the right to live. I’m a
Which example BEST describes an enthymeme?
person; therefore I have the right to live.
It is a song or a poem with a lamenting tone that expresses
loss of a family member or a loved one.
It is the faculty of observing in any given case the available
means of persuasion.
It consists of two contrasting ideas that are intentionally
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

Enthymeme What is the rhetoric version of induction?

Eulogy It is also known as homily.
Pathos Which is NOT a division of dispositio?
What figure of speech is present in the line, “Fear leads
Anadiplosis to anger. Anger leads
to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”?
It seeks to defend or condemn one’s actions and is
concerned with the future.
Ethos, Pathos and Logos Which are Aristotle’s appeals/modes of proofs?
Pathos An artistic argument that supports the rational appeal.
Rational proofs is most important Which is true in Classical Rhetoric?
It is the part of classical rhetoric that expresses an idea to
different words and effects.
A rational appeal that generalizes a conclusion from
analogous facts.
An argument emphasizes on a person’s credibility and
It is the repetition of the last word from the previous line,
clause, or sentence at the beginning of the next.
A type of argument that a speaker invent with ethos, logos
and pathos.
It is a published biography intended to recount
the life of someone who recently died.
Exordium It informs and render subject for the discourse.
Aristotle Who laid out the foundation to modern rhetoric?
Forensic, Political and Epideictic What are the three kinds of discourse?
Eulogy Which is NOT a rhetorical figure?
Eulogy It is an expression that gestures of honouring somebody.
It is the repetition of similar idea within a repeated
Chiasmus grammatical structure, but doesn't involve the repetition of
the same words.
Rhetor, Audience and Subject What comprises the rhetoric discourse?
Antimetabole examples can be demonstrated in many
Scientific Facts
ways, except in
“As I assess myself, I can do anything
Which statement presents an introduction paradoxical?
but dance.”
What figure is speech is presented in the line, “All for
one and one for all!”?
It is the part of classical rhetoric that organizes the
Anadiplosis, Antithesis and
Which is Aristotle’s figure of speeches?
Rhetorike It is the art of oratory.
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

It is the repetition of similar

concepts within a repeated grammatical
Chiasmus structure, but doesn't necessarily involve the repetition of
same words.
“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country
can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” –
J.F.K, what figure of speech does the statement
It can be used to convey paradoxes and irony, to
Antimetabole strengthen an argument, or to show in a
novel way how two ideas relate to each other.
“Don’t you surrender! Suffering breeds character; character
breeds faith; in the end faith will not disappoint. You must
not surrender.” –Jesse Jackson, what figure of speech
does the statement represents?
What specific proof is presented in the example: All
Fallible Signs teenagers today are too liberated and bold due to modern
Dialectic It is the equivalence of Rhetoric.
It is the repetition
of the last word (or phrase) from the previous line, clause,
or sentence at the
beginning of the next.
Eulogy From the line below, what figure of speech is present?
What figure of speech is present in the expression, "When
Antimetabole the going
gets tough, the tough get going."?
It is a song or a poem with a lamenting tone that expresses
Elegy loss
of a family member or a loved one.
Rhetoric It is also known as the art of persuasion.
Which among the choices is NOT a common topics in a
It is referring to the concept, object or person meant for the
Tenor metaphor.
It includes "tropes," literally "turnings" or substitutions of
Ornamentation one term for another; as in metaphor.
No standardization in the analysis Which is NOT a limitation of the Neo-Aristotelian criticism?
It is a deliberate process of casting subject into language;
the same ideas can be expressed in different words with
Style different effects.
It is a perspective that places metaphors at the heart of
Metaphoric Criticism action.
Virtues It is the correctness of grammar and usage, clarity,
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

ornamentation, and propriety.

Its goal is to identify aspects of the rhetorical action that
Neo-Aristotelian its persuasive effect on the audience.
It changes in the sound or arrangement of a sequence of
Figures of speech words, such as anaphora or asyndeton.
It is a statement that is recast to stress it or achieve
Figures of thought audience contact, as in the rhetorical question.
The goal is to determine the effects that stories are
expected to have
Narrative Criticism on their audience.
Evaluate the context The first step in the method of Neo-Aristotelian criticism.
The correct answers are: Dictio,
Composition What are the two parts of style?
Vehicle It is the image that carries the weight of the comparison.
Evaluate the metaphors used Which is NOT a step in Metaphoric criticism?
It may be flat and predictable or they may exhibit a wide
variety of traits who are presented as enlightened in one
Characters instance and yet as lacking insight in another.
It contains literary cues that run contrary to what might
initially appear to be the obvious interpretation that readers
Irony are expected to interpret in the story.
It is the assumption that the readers are already familiar
with other texts and so borrowing freely from motifs that
Intertextuality these texts employ.
It presents a diverse perspective concerning what is
transpiring in the story, and readers are expected to regard
Point of View some of these as more reliable than others.
It is the order in which a narrative relates events, readers
are expected to consider each new episode in light of what
Ordering Events has gone before.
It refers to the amount of space given to reporting individual
episodes or by the number of times that a particular event
Duration and Frequency of Events is referenced in the narrative.
It refers to the readers’ perception of how the characters
are and it may be shaped by comments from the narrator,
by reports of the characters’ own words, deed, or
Characterization perceptions
It drives the plot and involves the readers in the
Conflict adjudication of opposing tendencies.
It is the figures of speech and other symbolic languages
that readers are expected to understand in a way that
Symbolism transcends the most literal application.
It is the spatial, temporal, and social locations of events
that are significant for how readers construe what is
Settings reported in a narrative.
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

It includes "tropes," literally "turnings" or

substitutions of one term for another; as in metaphor.
It changes in the sound or arrangement of a sequence of
words, such as
anaphora or asyndeton.
It is a statement that is recast to stress it or achieve
audience contact, as in the rhetorical question.
For how many years did the
Liberals held the reins of the Philippine government as
mentioned in Pres.
6 YEARS Magsaysay’s speech?
According to Pres. Duterte, though corrupt-ridden,
this government bureau managed to collect Five Hundred
Eighty-Five Billion
FEDERAL HOUSING Obama’s grandparents bought a
ADMINISTRATION house through F.H.A. What does F.H.A. mean?
How many days did authorities refuse
to tell then Mrs. Aquino the condition of Ninoy when he was
43 locked up?
DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL In which convention then former
CONVENTION 2004 President Barack Obama delivered a keynote address?
When did our law enforcers launch an operation to serve a
warrant and to
May 23, 2017 neutralize terrorists?
What is the occupation of Pres.
COOK Obama’s grandfather?
To whose President of the United
ABRAHAM LINCOLN States did Pres. Cory Aquino liken herself?
What does the name
BLESSED “Barack” mean?
When did Pres. Corazon C. Aquino deliver
her speech in the Joint Session of the United States
SEPT. 18, 1986 Congress?
URGE VOTERS TO VOTE ON What is the purpose of Pres.
ELECTION DAY Ramon Magsaysay’s speech on November 6, 1955?
What is the political position
VICE PRESIDENT of Richard Nixon during the Presidential debate?
When did the First Nixon and
SEPT. 26, 1960 Kennedy presidential debate happen?
The number of soldiers that were
75 killed with drug money during the five-month battle.
He was Pres. Corazon C. Aquino’s Vice
It includes "tropes," literally "turnings" or
ORNAMENTATION substitutions of one term for another; as in metaphor.
Purposive Communication 2
Purposive Communication 2 is a three-unit course that develops students' communicative competence
and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them
opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or
global context.

Its goal is to identify aspects of the rhetorical action that

Neo-Aristotelian Criticism its persuasive effect on the audience.
It changes in the sound or arrangement of a sequence of
words, such as
FIGURES OF SPEECH anaphora or asyndeton.
Implies a no gender-neutral equality Which is not a limitation of Neo-Aristotelian criticism?
A type of argument that do not require a speaker to invent,
such as laws.

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