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Boom, Bust,

Recovery story
By Luke and Tekai
The 1920’s Boom
The Boom!
● A strong sense of “Keeping up with the Jonses”.
● Credit was introduced.
● Stock market was using “credit” paying a small
amount of the stocks full price.
● The stock fell as collateral. (Buying on margin)
● Stock market used for fast income.
● Many risks with stocks were taken in hopes of
quick profit.
The 1930’s Bust
The Bust!
● After the boom, The stock market crashed on
October 29th, 1929 (Black Tuesday).
● stocks dropped by 11% and 30 billion dollars lost
in the stock market over 2 days.
● This was the start of the great depression.
● Bankruptcy and closures came as a result of
people not investing in the stock market
The 1930’s Recovery
The Recovery!
● Theodore Roosevelt’s “New Deal”
● Relief for the unemployed
● Recovery of the economy
● Reform of the financial system
● A system of programs and public works to give
the citizens jobs. Bridges, Roads, Train tracks,

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