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PDPI – Methodology

Harmer. ch.15. ”Teaching Vocabulary”, pp. 258-276 Study Guide

Look over the 13 sample lessons (examples) in this chapter.

Which lessons do you prefer? Why?

i prefer the examples 2 , 6, and 11 because my student learn English easily when I do activities like that.

How would you use or adapt these lessons to your classroom?

Example 2 - I have big flashcards with natural features similar to the example in the book, so I would not
need to change the format of the activity.

Example 6 - I use word maps to teach vocabulary because I can teach my students how to organize the
words in categories. I would use only the pens instead of the markers. But i would not change the gist of
the lesson.

Example 11 - My students love competition and the activity does not need to be adapted because it just
uses the board.
What methods/ways do you use to help your student build vocabulary?

I follow some ideas that I learn through the teaching of scholars.

I teach reading for meaning because that skill is one of the most effective ways of teaching vocabulary.
My students follow strategies that include actively searching for words.

I teach vocabulary in a context and music and games can help a lot.

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