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at 4 318) 48) 510) 8A) 9) 104) 38) wC 15a) 180) 1916) 200) 2c) 24(C) 2548) zac) 2714) 3048) 230) A) 388) 381) 990) 401A) 430) 44 (0) 48(C) 488) 47) 5008) 53(C) 54 (0) 55,6) 58(A) 59(A) 606) 638) 64 (C) 65,0) 68(0) 67) 7018) 78) %(C) 7510) (A) 791) 800) (0) 84(6) 85,8) 88/8) 89(0) 9044) 9318) (6) -95(0) 98(c) 99 (A) 1008) PARTI 4 mon (A) He's walking along the shore. (8) He's swimming in the sea, (C) He's holding a fishing pole. (0) He's getting into a boat. 2 wer (A) Awoman's standing on a busy street. (8) Awoman's wiping a car window with a cloth. (©) A woman's carrying a jacket over her arm. (0) A woman's parking a vehicle. z isal (A) A truck has stopped at a traffic ight. (8) A man is loading boxes onto a cart. (©) Aman is kneeling on the grass. {0) Some boxes are stacked on the ground. 4 men (A) One of the women is writing on a notepad, (8) One of the women is looking at some files. (©) The women are sitting at their desks, (0) The women are facing each other. 5 wa (A) Cars are parked in a garage. (8) Plants are arranged on tables. : (©) There are umbrellas blocking a road. (0) There are chairs set up in front of a building, 6 wer (A) Some travelers are seated in a waiting area, (8) Some workers are setting up partitions, (©) One of the women is handing out tickets. (0) One of the men is approaching a counter. PART 2 7 \Wstmm Where did you leave the account files? Mca wean men 10 wee Wear cn (A) In your mailbox. (@) To South America (© No, live nearby. Who should | call about the broken window? (A) The maintenance department. (@) Try not to leave ft open. (© Around nine o'clock. ‘You ordered more parts for the motor, right? () | promoted him. (8) Thanks, its a new model. (©) Yes, last week. When is the rent due? (A) Please send it by Friday. (@) Ido have one, (© The new apartment complex. Why don't we submit the supply request? (A) OK. Ill print it out. (8) Yesterday morning. (©) Yes, we do. Won't you be at the panel discus tomorrow? (A) The presentation schedule. (8) The brown panels look nice. (O) No, 'm leaving the conference tonight. When did Susan ask for @ computer upgrade? (@) About an hour, (B) Sometime last week. (@) To business class Do you work in marketing or public policy? (A) It’s open to the public (8) | don't like the new policies. (©) Neither, actually. 16 mecn a7 wor Men 19 wean 20 weber ‘Are you available for an interview next Tuesday? (A) Yes, I'd be happy to come in, (B) Abit earlier next tir (C) Sure, let's go over the weekend. How did you make this soup? (4) Quite a long time. (8) Here's a copy of the recipe. (© For Saturday night ‘Wasn't the office furniture shipped last month? (A) The delivery’s been delayed, (8) Ms. Martinez does. (© Amore modern design. Do you have some paper clips | can use? (A) The paper comes in several colors. (8) | found it very useful (©) How many do you need? How do I change my password? (A) I don't have any more. (8) You'd better ask Ms. Wang. (0) Yes, you can log in now. You can't get us an earlier fight, can you? (A) It’s. a wonderful city (8) I usually pack light. (0) No, they're all fully booked. ‘Why is the door locked? (a) I'm sure security can open it. (®) Six o'clock every day. (0 Ws right around the corner. ‘Are you using the copier? (A) Would you like some more? (8) You go ahead. (O) Mr. Tong's office. 23 24 wee 25 mcn 26 webr Mau 27 Wear tacn 28 Mea Weam 29 Me 30 Meco weam a4 | really need the updated expense report. Meta (A) The trip to London, (8) It wasn’t that expensive, (0 Mil send it as soon as possible. ‘Who's leading the logo design project? (A) Ican lead you there, (@) By the third of October. (©) We're still deciding. What happened at the workshop yesterday? It’s been working fine. (8) | missed it, too. (© ike that shop. Is there a dressing room where | can try these sweaters on? (A) The store opened at 10... (8) How would you like to pay? (©) They're all occupied right now. ‘The dinner with the clients is Wednesday. 1) Four copies, please. (8) I'msure that he did (©) Thats not what | was told. Why is the financial forecast still not finished? (A) They're forecasting rain. (B) In the finance department. (©) You didn’t receive it? What did you think about that presenter? (A) I wish he could train my team. (@) Thanks, that's good to know. (©) About three times a week {sour production line operating again? (A) That's 2 high rating. (8) Not quite, but almost. (© Yes, thave. I'm going to put on my sweater. (A) The morning weather report. (8) I could turn the heat up. (© thaven't decided yet. z isa 32.34 (Co Hi, Ms. Larson. ®*Thanks for agreeing to review the budget report that | prepared. | wanted to make sure that | did it correctly | since it’s my first time. | wasn Yes, Jason, Sit looked very good over The only thing I'll noed you to do is to add more details to the expenditures list. We lke to have every office supply Itemized. -Cn Oh, OK, sure. Ill work on getting those details this afternoon. It would be helpful to ‘809 how it was done in the past. ls there ‘an example of a report that I ean look at? \W-Am You should talk to Emiko—she can give you a copy of last month's report. 38-37 voau Ms. Batra, Show does the stage look to ‘you? Is the piano in the right place? w-am The stage arrangoment is fine. But ean ‘we make sure that thera'll be enough background lighting? 1 want all the members of my band to be visibl Ay Of course, But 7d rather do it when the rest of your band is here sol can be sure ‘the lighting is right. OK. *7l'm meeting them for lunch and ‘then we're coming back here to rehearse together this afternoon. We'll see you then. 38-40 w-8r Hi, Bob, %1 received your ‘software training at two pas. this Friday. But I have to moot with the markoting rector of J. Alderman and Sons at that time. Oh, I'm sorry; | completely forgot that you had a client meeting, How tong do you ‘think i take? W-8r Probably thirty to forty-five minutes, | have to review a contract with him. is there any way that you could start the training later in the day? Unfortunately, the rest of the team isn’t free after three rw, butifit’s OK with you, “lean Just e-mail you the training documents to look aver an your own, Contact me next weekif you have any questions. We8r OK, Mr. Patel. “Did the doctor want you to make another appointment? Mc 4V¥es, but I'l have to check my work calendar. ‘w-br ‘You can now make appointments on our | Web site if you have an account. Just log ‘on and view available times online. How do sign up for an account? Br Colin handles all registrations. Colin, can ‘you help Mr. Patel set up a patient account ‘onour Web site? Mca Gr MeAu Certainly. Ifyou have a smart phone, we can do it now. Or “I can give you a ‘handout with instructions to set up your ‘account lat Mon “FU set it up later. Mau OK, “SHore’s the handout. Ploase call with ‘any questions, 44-46 M-cn Mina, “1 was thinking about our travel plans for the industry conference we're going to in Boston. It's only two wooks away. ‘w-Am Well, the three of us are all taking the same flight, so maybe *8we could ride together {from the office to the airport.“ "But, ‘we'll be gone for several days, so the cost of parking would really add up. M-Cn True, You know, | think it's twenty dollars | totakeatexi \W-Am That's a possibilty. Let's ask Martin what he thinks. 4749 wer weer MeAw wane 53-55 mc ‘vib We'll handle that, When cities partner with us, part of the service we provide an advertising campaign. We'll produce television and radio commercials that will ‘encourage community members to use the That's groat nows! Has the deadline bikes. changed also? | ‘Sam, 47M. Kim just called about his order. He wants us to double the number of Uniforms we're making for his hotel staft Actually, “he still wants the ordertobe | finishod by the first of May. Zz iAsil | w.10 Thank or stopping by, Vincent and | Saniy. tho Board of arctoe desided to purchase new security cameras, so someone from Menovar Technologies is coming tomorow to deliver and install thom. M-Cn It'll be good to have the latest equipment. Hmm...8That’s a problem. There'sno way we can make so many uniforms that | ‘quickly. “How about we hire some part-time tailors to help with this extra work? “Good ie for me? Can you get a ist of names | agree. So Vincent, Ill need some of your Maintenance Department staff to help with the installation W¥-Cn_No problem. I'll send two people over to assist Hello, °Ms’am. Thanks for shopping ot Freshmade Supermarket. Do you have one of our loyalty cards? w-am Thanks, M-Au "Will there be a training session for my ssocurity personnel to use the new camera system? wm §7¥es, Sanjay~Menovar Technologies suggested next Monday for the training. Is that OK for your team? ‘os, but 50 forget to bring it today. ‘Unfortunately, | ean’t look up your phone ‘number because our computer system Isn't working, s0 I can't give you a discount today. OK. | understand. Oh, and #21 took this bottle of soy sauce from the shelf, but don't want to buy it naw. SzThat's fine, | know where it belongs. Now, will you be paying with cash or credit? M-ku Sure. S*How about ten o'clock? | \w-am Sl e-mail Menovar right away to see if ‘that works for them. 59-61 a 1 ®™Thank you for agreeing to meet me Hello, Mr. Tanaka. ®*Welcome to Bike for this interview. ©The readers of Solutions Consulting. When ! heard Auto World Magazine are eager to hear that a representative from the Burrvlle about your company’s plans for a new car City Council wanted to meet, | was very ‘manufacturing plant. excited, ©2Ves, we'llbe opening a facility in Indonesia soon. We currently have two | plants in this country, so we're looking forward to expanding our production SAThat's great news! What are your goals. capabilities overseas, for your program? wor Well, 5% "4we know your company helps cities setup their bike-share programs, and Burville wants to set one up, too. 11800. And when will the first cars be built We want to encourage our rasidants to In that factory? exercise as well as to reduce car wafic. But it’s going to be a challenge convincing people to participate N-au That's @ good question. Right now we're | planning on Decomber. W.8r Hi Raymond. It's Marte Dunmore. I'm | Stockton Commvanity Festival calling about the wood options we ‘discussed for my new kitchen floor, M-cn Groat! What did you decide? W-8r Well, thought about choosing the dark pine. But then © took the samples you ‘gave me into the kitchen and looked at them carefully. °° decided the pattern on the oak will look best. November Sand 6 Rain Dates: November 12 and 13, Enjoy localshopping an dining! Oskis a grest choice. I's harder than pine, ‘Welcome to the Natural History Museum. 0's 8 good value. And the light color of Can help you? the ash and maple don’t rally match your Hi—S*r'm trying to find the spocial Fossils ‘tenon exhibit saw advortised on TV. Can you we8r OK, great. When can you start the tell me how to got to i? ‘natallation? M-Cn Sure, We're here in the Main Hall. That's cn ll have to chock my ealendar when | the Bird Hall over there. ®°The fossils are ‘get back to the office. Can I give you a call justin the next room, on the other side later? | ‘of Bird Hall, I's a large welblit space that where you want to go. ‘Wood Flooring Options wate Thanks. Oh—and 7is my ticket good for Product Code] Type of Wood ‘special exhibits? wa2, Maple: Gn 70¥es. Everything is included with regula SW5t ‘Oak: admission at our museum. wre Pine wos ‘Ash ‘we often use for special exhibits. That's | | Natural History Museum, Fiammat Hal rd Hal] Mi" | cafeteria 65-67 LJ ‘u-au 1 think the restaurant’s going to get some: nice publicity by being in the community festival this weekend. I'llbe a great way to get customers interested in our food. W-am It's definitely good advertising. Aren't you working the first day of the festival? M-Au Yeah—but if the event gets rained out and is held ata later date, | won't be able to workit because Ill be on holiday. Luckily, the weather this weekend should be warm and sunny, so I plan to be at the fe ‘opening day. How about you? | Wissen Fm net scheduled to work for the restaurant, but °"'ll be there helping a fiend, She has a small jewelry shop and needs s hand with her booth. | PART 4 T1788 Mech "Attention, shoppers! ?Today is the first day ‘of cur spring sols overt. "This i bing held on the first floor. "All art supplies are now on sale, staring {rom as litle as one dollar. Weve got great deals on brushes, eanvases, paint, and more! Also, “hom now ‘until August thrtoth, we're accepting submissions {for our summer art contest! This is a wonderful ‘opportunity for aspiring artists to get their work ‘shown, Please visit the information desk for details. Thank you for shopping at Baxter's Art Supply Store, 4-76 | Wam Hi, Armand, “this is Linda from the management office of Redfox Apartments. 751 received your message about your dishwasher ‘not working properly s0 ve called @ repair person to come and fix it on Monday moming at eleven o'clock. Since you'll probably be at work at that time, "could you please stop by the management office before then? You'll n ‘iving permission for the repair person to enter in ‘your absonce. 77-70 Wt This is Marla Santes, your technology reporter for RMT News, reporting live this week from the Global Technologies Trade Show. | Throughout the week, I'l be showing you some | of the latest products on display here. Right rows | have in my hand the newest mobile phone from Helios Wireless—the Helios Ton. ”°What’s really unique ebout this phone is its revolutionary screen. Helios has developed a glars-proof ‘material for the screen that’s easy to read outdoors ‘even on the sunniest days. I've tried it and it works! "If you're coming to the trade show this be sure to chock out this product at the Helios booth in aisle six 80-82 Nenu Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming to this lastiminute meeting. ®:*Romember the large order of glassware we shipped to the client in Califomia? lis boon @ wook. So, | called the shipping company ‘this morning and apparently we put the wrong address on the labels. They've located the boxes {end are reshipping them immediately to the correct address. But since we could have lost one of our biggest cliants ever this mistake, I want to make sure this never happens egain. Masaki, like you to go through our address list and double-check all of our | llents’ addresses, 83-85 vam Hi, it’s Soon-Hoe from Payroll. I'm looking over some paperwork for your new ‘employee, um... a Mr. Kyle Elis. He didn’t fil out fone of the tax forms he received at yesterday's new-hire orientation. | can't finish entering into our system until | have that information. Its important we take care of this today, so he can {got paid on time. Gan you send Mr. Ellis to iy office as soon as possible? *I realize this may intemupt his training. This form is only one page, wo Oring tia apetal tout af Longmar Batteries’ manatacturng plot. show you tran how our stots and engines develo sur Langmert Batorio, os well ts how our production eam menufaue ie Sal predits Conemark hes become ane ofthe leading | companion tha enroy industry end we sve | to crane inmate ond eating ge rout At the ond of th tur, you have the eproranty | to hear from Laura Shen, one of our leading ‘scientists here at Longmatk, Dr. Shen will discuss some of our newest research and products. 8Please note that photography ie not allowed uring the tour as it is distracting to our workers. Now, follow me! Zz iAsil 80-91 | mau Hello, everyone. Thanks again for attending this screening of my film documentary, Cultura Cusines. *1 apologize again for stating @ litle late—the projector wasn’t working propery Before | show the film, I lke to tell you 2 bit bout it A few yours 090 | traveled 10 Bolivia ond fallin ove with its food and its food culture. Inthe movie, a group of poople from a small Bolivian village show you how problems can be resolved while everyone's enjoying # delicious meal. 1A8 two hours long, it fsa fong flm.but Fl be “answering questions when its over 92-04 \W-8e %Good morning, team. Congratulations on creating such @ successful marketing campaign for our Heritage Mill cookies. We've already sean ‘a dramatic increase In this product's sales since the launch of the television commercial, so Id like you to expand this marketing campaign to our other products as well. ©°According to a recent ‘survey, our customers really liked the images of ‘the families eating together thet they saw in our ‘commercials. So let's keep this concept in mind as ‘wo think of ideas for our other products. We'll discuss those ideas at our meeting next week. 95-97 M-au Attention all passengers on Flight WAS, Due to inclement weather, this fight has been canceled. We're vary sorry for the inconvenience. In order to assist you in making alternative travel arrangements, **we'll be calling passengers up to the counter according to your boarding zone numbers, Please take out your boarding passes ‘and look at the zone numbor you have been assigned. Approach the counter only when we call ‘the group with your zone number. In just @ few ‘moments, we will begin unloading your luggage, "Please listen for a separate announcement about ‘where to retrieve your bags. Thank you for your patience and cooperation, 8 Passenger: vanes Rlbertson Flight: : was 7a Boaraing Zone: [INN 98-100 we8r S®Last week I went to the yearly retreat for Kiorson Bookstore managers. The good news | coming out of that meeting concerns money. Each store in the chain will hat ed | budget next year to spend on expanding one of | the sections in their store, After | returned, 15 ‘took an informal survey about what kind of books customers would like us to eany more of As you cean see from the chart, it's elear which one they like the best. And the art section will need to be ,duced, unfortunately. That inventory has become +100 exponsive to stock gue Cuscomersi Opel HE AN Ft

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