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3 MA ets 5@) 60) 718) BC) 9B) 100) NA 2B BA wa) BO 168) 17/8) 18() 194) 200) 21a) 22 (0) 238) 24) 2808) 2610) 27) 288) 2916) VA) 31(C} 92(C) 9310) 94(A)_ 3500) 368) 3714) 980) 3900) 40) 410) 6210) IC) HC) SC) 4818) 4710) 48(8) 491A) 5000) S1(A) 5218) 590) BIA) 85(C) 56(8) 57(A) 58(C)59(6) 60(0) 61(0) 62(8) 63a) 64 (0) 6508) 66(6) 67() 8A) 696) 70) 718) 7A) 73(0) 7%(C) 7548) 76(8) 7710) 8(A) 7918) 800) 814A) 82(C) 830) BIE) 8548) 86(0) 87(A) 8c) 8910) 908) AC) 9210) 81) 94 IB) 98(0) 100(8) (ela Rd ed (A) Some chairs are arranged in a circle. (8) Some stairs are being cleaned (©) Aroofis being repaired. (0) Atree is being trimmed. (A) One of the women is wearing a scarf (8) The women are talking to each other (C) The man is pouring coftee into a cup. (0) The people are closing their menus. (2) A notice is being hung on a post, (8) The women are walking toward a doorway. (©) The man is changing a bicycle tire (0) A basket is being removed from a cart. (A) She's searching in her handbag, (8) She's looking in a display case. (©) She's paying for a purchase, (0) She's holding some flowers. 2 wor (A) Ashop assistant is giving man some money. (8) Some people are entering a supermarket. (©) A cashier is putting merchandise into a bag, (0) Some customers are waiting in line. (A) The man is switching off a lamp. (8) The man is opening some curtains. (©) The man is seated by a window. (0) The man is hanging some photographs on the wall. PART 2 7 wer wean men Woks ‘When did you buy your new phone? (A) The store is close to my house. (B) Last week when it was on sale. (©) I think its the same number Do you know where Keiko’s office is? (A) That’ the official logo. (8) To reserve a room. (0 It’s on the second floor. That was a short movie, wasn't it? (A) The theater on Glenn Road. (®) You're right—it was only an hour! (© I must have misplaced it. Where can I find a building directory? A) In two weeks, (@) No, thank you. (C) Near the front entrance. Who's going to lead the merger negotiations? (A) John Sanchez is. (@) Thanks, | appreciate i. (©) No, that’s not mine. How do I contact the financial consultant? (A) A free consultation. (8) He left his business card. {Ina few more days. When is the health inspector coming? (A) Anytime this week. (@) It’s good for your health, (©) At the back door. 14 Weam Maw Meco a7 Mau 20 Wasn't this assignment due last week? (A) It's taking longer than we thought. (©) Sign at the bottom of the page. (©) No, you don't need permission, ‘Whose turn is it to buy coffee? (A) Two sugars please. (8) In the kitchen. (©) Lalready bought it. Where will the company retreat be next year? (A) Every year. (B) It hasn't been decided yet (0) Yes, 've been there. Let's discuss the building designs this morning. (A) We can do it this afternoon instead. (@) The sign on the wall (©) Does he work in that building, too? Why is there a cake sitting out on the front desk? (A) The potted plant on the ground (@) I'l answer the phone, (©) Because Barb's party is today. How are we going to move all of these office chairs? (A) Sergio will help us. (8) Across the hallway. (0) Have a seat by the window. Have you gone to the leadership training yet? (A) A new training manual. (8) Sure, we can leave some for you. (0) I didn’t know it was required. 2a 22 23 Maw 26 wer aT Wear ‘Why don’t we start marketing to a younger audience? (A) That's 2 really good idea. (8) The film starts at nine, (Q) Fifteen should be enough. What kind of tablet computer do you have? (A) Ihave a few more minutes. (B) An electronics store nearby. (0) Are you thinking of buying one? ‘Wouldn't you rather travel somewhere during your time off? (A) A round-trip ticket for two thousand dollars. (6) I'm planning to paint my house. (©) | would follow up with Sahar, ‘You gave the customers the bil, didn't you? (A) A reliable delivery service. (8) That's an impressive offer. (C) Hasn’t the payment arrived yet? How soon can you finish the Sterling report? (A) He's a reporter there. (8) I'llbe done before lunch. (C) Please make ten copies. Would you like your receipt now, or shall | put it in the bag? (A) Just put it in my bag, thanks (®) About twenty-five euros. (©) That's 2 great looking sweater. The registration deadline is on Friday. (a) Where did you hear that? (8) They arrived already. (0) Yes, Id like to. Wear 29 Mec Mau 30 31 Maku a Your airline has an overnight flight to Delhi, HH doesn't it? a (A) The nearest train station BS (8) Yes, it departs at eight ra () Usually at a hotel downtown. | can‘t seem to open the file you sent me. (A) Yes, the post office is still open. (8) Sorry—tll try sending it again. (C) We can't see that far either, Would you like to include breakfast in your room reservation? (A) Sure, that'll be fine, (8) Check-in is at three o'clock. (© Aview of the ocean, if possible. Should | print copies of the budget for the meeting or e-mail it to everyone? (A) The last page of the order form, (@) Four million dollars this year. (©) Everyone there will have a laptop. wer Mc Maw WeAm How cant help you? Hi. got my ear repaired last week and sed your shuttle service to get a ride back to my office. ®2Gan you tell me why there's a service charge on my Invoice for using ‘the shuttle? I've never had to pay that before, ‘Yes, Sunfortunately the cost of auto fuel has risen quite a bit, so the company now requires us to charge for the shuttle. ‘Wolt, | wasn’t expecting that. ''m sorry we didn ahead of time. *4ll wai please be aware that you' ides in the future, inform you of this ‘the fee now, but have to pay for 341n sports news, our own Easton Jaguars ‘won today’s soccer match against the Portville Lions. Here to tell us about the ‘game is Aaron Parker, the goalkooper for ‘the Jaguars. Mr. Parker, thanks for joining ‘Thanks for having me. Today's game was challenging—*it started to rain early on, and the storm didn’t let up for nearly an hour. There wore several times when we lost control of the ball because the field was so wet and slippery. Well, you all played really well despite the ‘weather. 37Nowy, it's time for a commercial break, but stay tuned—well soon be back ‘with Aaron Parker to talk about the game's most exciting moments. 38-40 4143 Hi Paul, °1 knew we were planning to ‘work at the trade show together next but something hes come up, Do you ‘think you could find someone else to go in my place? Sure, that can probably be arranged. Can ask why you're unable to go? S°My department recently hited several new people, and I want to be here to make sure that their taining goes smoothly. | understand. 4 call Ramona and ask hhor if sho'd be able to attend the show instead. 511d like to book two tickets for tonight's city bus tour. Sure, we still have seats on the bus. This ‘our will stop at five different sites and end Up at the Seven Stars Restaurant. ‘Oh. Thot sounds good. A friend ef mine is visiting from out of town. He'l like that ‘Yes, but 2we have to put in the order for the restaurant in advance. You have ‘a choice between the chicken with ‘vegetables or the becf with rice ‘We'll both have the chicken, Hore are your tickets. And by the way, ‘we're expacting clear skies tonight. You'll definitely want to bring your camera. You ‘won't want to miss taking photos of the city's skylin 44-48 MCh Hi, Siba. “Do you need help taking those files up to our office? It looks like you have ‘your hands full ir Ifyou don’t ming, that'd be great. | CD Panly | Cloudy | Rain | Rain sunny MCh. This is Soung-ho Park from Park Investors We met last month at the Westside Technology Conference. | attended your interesting presentation and spoke to you afterward about my small investment firm. tim calling because td like to hire you to discuss ways to make my company’s database more secure. "I know you specialize Im this type of work, and I'm hoping you'll be interested in this project. Could you please e-mail ‘me a list of your consultant foes? Use the e-mall ‘address on the business card | gave you. Thanks. Vlestside Technology Conference ‘onl 5:00 Prerecing Your ata Cara gre 8:00 Leaning to Cade Jeo Kim 10:00 Devices, Keor Aa “T:00 Ie Nawor Bello? Ax Loman 72:00 Lunch ets

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