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71 TEST 3 28) 34) 418) 1) 71a) (6) 918) 1010) 128) 13() 4A) 18) 17) 18) 9A) OB) | 2) 2G) wa) IE) 20) 2G) 29) 3018) 2B) 3A) BIC) 8A) 3710) 38(0) 390) 4018) 42(8) (NHC) 4510) (A) Clothing is hanging on racks. (8) Lights have been turned off in the store. (©) A woman is folding a coat. (0) A woman is opening a garment bag, 47(c) 48() 49) 50/8) 52(0) 53(A) BK (0) 5518) 57(B8) 58(8)S9(A) 6010) 4 62(4) — 63(D) 64 (C) 65 (C) 670) 68) 698) 7010) R(A) 73(8) (8) 75 (0) 77(0) —-78(C) 7914) 808) 82(0) 8318) BIA) 8510) € Lsal 87(C) 88 (0) 89(B)—-90(C) (A) Some armchairs are occupied. 921) 991) IB) 9810) (8) Books and magazines have been arranged on 7) 9B(A)—-99(0) 10/8) shelves. (©) Agate has been placed at the bottom of a stairwey. PART 1. (0)A painting has been left onthe floor 1 mo; 5 wer Q (A) He's looking ina file drawer (8) A flags being raised on a pole (8) He's printing some documents, (@) A ship is approaching a pier. (©) He's stacking some folders. (©) Some people are walking toward a boat. (0) He's putting on his glasses. (©) Some workers are sweeping a dock 2 we 6 M-Au (A) Some people are sitting in a car. (A) Aman is putting up a metal barrier. (8) Some people are facing each other. (8) Some people are boarding a bus. (©) A woman is opening her handbag. {© Acartis being loaded with bricks. (0) A man is removing his jacket. (0) A wheelbarrow is being pushed at a work site. 7 usu What floor is the seminar on? wear (A) The fifth. {B) About marketing, (©) Atnine thirty tomorrow. vib Where are the new printers being made? (A) Mr. Cruz printed them already. (€) In Toronto. (©) Eight hundred dollars ston. Ign't Takeshi coming to the concert with us? eau (A) In the front row. (8) No, he's too busy. (0) Ihave your ticket right here. w-tin When should we ship this order? (A) Shipping is free. (@) That's really short time. () The customer just canceled it. The storage closet is locked, isn't it? (A) Yes, but I'll give you the key. (8) There should be more in there (C) Please close it. 12 weam Do | need to use a microphone to give my speech? wy-cn (A) Right after lunch is served. (8) The room is quite small (Q tt was really well written, 43 We8r Why did Marie leave early yesterday? cn (A) Can you read it again? (8) Around four pa. (O) She had a dentist appointment. wise Would you like me to write up the contract, now? w-Be (A) Yes, that'd be great. (8) She's probably right. (9 Anemail address. a5 Mose 16 a7 Wea wer Mose mc 20 Mca wer 21 weam Mw Can | borrow that book after you're finished with it? (A) Louise asked me first. (8) At the public library. (© Ichecked it twice ‘Who's responsible for booking Mr. Chung's flights? (A) Next Monday. @) Yes, its on the calendar. (©) Sasha will make the arrangements. Have we been selling more orange juice or apple juice? (A) About the same of both. (8) Ill have a glass with breakfast. (©) Next to the milk. When is the new intern's first day? (A) 'm not in charge of the interns this year. (8) She was the first to submit her application. (0) Six o'dock each night, Has Ms. Medrano been to the doctor’ office yer? (A) No, her appointment isn’t until noon, (8) Thanks, I'm feeling much better (©) M1 probably wait in the lobby. Would you like indoor or outdoor seating? (A) It’sa very comfortable chair, (8) Isn't it supposed to rain? {0 The doors are opening, ‘Ms. Balani has the copies of the annual report, doesn’t she? (A) A yearly salary increase. (8) Let’s look on her desk. (©) Iwas a good offer. Men Maw 23 Mon wear Maw 25 Mcn Wear 26 Mau wan 28 ‘What do you think of the updated vacation policy? (A) | have one, too. (8) Three weeks in July, (C) | like how flexible itis, Didn't Emir move to the corner office? (A) The bakery is around the corner. (8) Yes, | saw him in there this morning, (©) | know a good moving company. Can we hire more staff? (A) No, it’s not in the budget this quarter. (8) | think it’s on the lower shelt. (©) Several new résumés. How de you turn on the air-conditioning in this office? (A) Yes, believe so. (®) Just about eighteen degrees {© Oh, I can open a window for you. This e-mail from Mr, Robertson is rather unclear, (A) Yesterday afternoon, (8) I didn’t understand it either. (C) At the post office downtown. ‘What was the topic of yesterday's workshop? (A) In the main room of the conference center (8) A lot of people attended. (©) I was meeting with clients all day. Why don't we finish discussing this after lunch? (A) They're on the third floor. (8) Sure, rl come back then, (O) No, just a chicken sanduvich. 29 Could you work my shift on Monday night? (A) Did you ask the manager first? (8) It's working fine now. (C) Last week, I think, I just received the weekly marketing report (A) I prefer the supermarket on North Street. (8) The market data was quite surprising. (He's away on business, isal Have the maintenance workers fixed the water leak in apartment 787 (A) The call came from apartment 94. (8) Some new tools. (C) How long did that take? a 32-34 \Weam Welcome to Metropolitan TV! ®My ‘name's Naomi and I'm In charge of your new employee orientation here at the television studio. ll show you eround and | then introduce you to your manager. | ce Thanks. fm xcited to work in the contertainmont industry. ©This is a whole nov aspoct of accounting for me. ‘vim Great! Now, *this is where you'll be working. All of the other accountants ‘work in offices in this hall, too, as do the directors of the shows. 34 like this ares. It's not noisy at all. ‘iam Yes, we try to keep this part of the building quiet so the people with offices here can focus on their work. 35-37 Hello, welcome to the Klineston Hotel How can | help you? va Hi, em Kris Wattana from Trouville Development Corperation. ®t reserved your large meeting room for this afternoon. My colleague and I want ro get everything in ‘order bofore the three o'clock start time, | WS Ab yes. see your name right here. #1’ just inant a vom ee | ke aac | | As Tana forthe reminder. Pwo be possible to have fifteen more chairs brought to the meeting room? weer Absolutely 'l call maintenance and ask ‘them to deliver the chairs right away. | 38-40 cn Wow, 2:800k at allthese people! Is this train always s0 crowded? Not usually. The football championship is this afternoon... Lot's walk to the back of the train... should be a lot of empty seats there. Gn Thanks for coming with me, by the way. “°1need to buy a new suit and shirt for a lecture Im giving and I'm not very good {at shopping for clothes... especialy in the city. W-8r Don't worry, know some great stores downtown, 41-43 Hi, Ms. Chen, 2m ealling from Industry Ovens Incorporated. *'! apologize, but the | oven you hed ordered was accidentally | lett otf ofthis morning's delivery | seheduie. We aught the oversight after | the tucks had departed on thie routes. This is not good news. Two days from now, “on Friday, my bakery’s going to be visited by a safety inspector. The new ‘oven must be installed in time, so that the bakery can pass inspection. Hmm ... That doesn’t leave us with much time. Please give me a second— “Ym going to connect you with my supervisor. ''m sure she'll be able to help you meet your deadtine, Fatima, #:4®do you remember the survey ‘our health clinic sent out last month? Oh, yes, “the one asking patients to rate cn Well, almost everyone wanted mare time to talk to the doctors and nurses during their visits. Right now, doctors ‘and nurses spend about ten minutes ‘with each patiant. Do you think we ean Increase it to fifteen minutes per patient? ‘That would require significant revisions to our scheduling process. “It'll be up to the members of the board to docide. | 47-49 W-br Antonio, *7ware you at yesterday's all staff meeting? It was during, uh, | was on ‘the phone with an important client and couldn't make it. 14-cy Mm, You got a copy of the mai minutes? vbr Yeah, but “the part about how to get reimbursed for travel expenses was really, confusing. Do you know if there's more documentation on that? NC» Oh, you printed out the minutes? “If you look at them electronically, you'll see there's a, there's allink to our internal Web site where you can find more details on reimbursement procedures. 50-52 | M-aw Our next guest on today's show is part of our Healthy Cooking series. Xd like to welcome nutritionist Emelia Vigo. Emelia, ‘what have you got for us today? | Wi-br "Tel like to tell you about some simple ‘tricks for making nutritious meals at home by substituting healthier ingredients for less healthy ones in your favorite recipes M-Au Now, you said this wae simple, I'm no 00k~do you think! can do it? | W.8r Absolutely! Let's take an old classic like potato soup, for exemple. You can use sweet potatoes as a more nutritious substitute for white potatoes. **That recipe, and more, are in my new book, Healthy Family Cooking. 53-85 We8m To sum up, Jamal, you've had another, very good year here with us. You're a valuable member of the team, which is ‘why you consistently receive outstanding performance reviews from other staff members. u-Gn Ive certainly enjoyed the opportunities that I've had while working here. w-am Which is great to hear, because wo'd like ‘you to take on more responsibilty. °We'ro ‘opening an office in Denver in a few months, and we'd like you to manage it. cn Wow, that's exciting! But some time to consider it? ‘can | have W-nm Of course. *Why don’t we get together next woek to discuss your decision? ‘raining materials for the summer interns coming along? They'll be starting in two weeks, 50d like to see the materials by Friday. Sure, no problem. By the way, Allison revised the section about the interns" work hours 80 it's easier for the interns to understand, aw Thanks, Allison. "There were some ‘questions last year about interns’ schedules. I'l be good to have everything statod clearly this timo. Yes, and | also added more information explaining the kinds of software products the interns will be working on. MAU Terrific. °We've got some great projects planned, and 'm glad you prepared everything so carefully © Lsal vcr Hello, Ms. Lee. ®t understand you'd like ‘wer Welcome to the Peterson Art Museum. my agency to design @ new advertising Cant help you? ‘campaign for your moving company. M-Au ®1'm supposed to meet some friends in wi8r Yes, We're concerned because another the nineteenth-contury painting gallery. moving company just opened nearby, Can you tell me where it’s located? and wo're starting to feel the effects of the compotition. Business hasn't been as {900d since then, weBr Here— this pamphlet will help. There's @ map of the museum in it, with details for finding our painting exhibits, Anything MCh | see, It would help if gota better sense of else? | ‘what customers like about your company. ‘That's something we can emphasize ‘throughout the campaign, Well, people say they appreciate our top-notch customer service and the effort we make to meet customers’ expectations. 'm sure no other moving service in the area can claim that. Of course, Oh, and °"Fd recommend taking tho stairs at the back of the museum. 62-64 ‘There are always so many people using = the main stairs by the front entrance. Mau Yes, heard there's a workshop on watercolor painting this summer. W-8r Yes— yeu can register for the workshop | right here if you'd like, u Id better come back to de that—my friends are walting for me, atm Hy Haruo, have you picked the cterer forthe shareholders’ mosting? Wo want everything to go smooth. von | havent decided ya, but Fe got quotes from a few toca cotarrs, Our budgets prety ight sem long toward Stor Restaurant. They have theless expensive line serve. | Museum Map. Floor 1 "Floor 3 | Photography] | Paintings | Floor 2 Floor 4 Sculpture | | Architeccure| \v-am You know... 5've had problems with Star Restaurant. | hired them to cater a meal for a management meeting last month, and they delivered the food an hour late. just don’t want a dolay like that to happen. during this meeting. You can spend a little | ‘more money if you need to. M-co Oh, 'm so glad you told me. "Then let’s 90 with Golden Eagle, Catering Company | Cost Café Delight 31.250 Comer Del $1400) Golden Eagle 5950 ‘Star Restaurant 5850 6 68-70 1 Next, let's discuss our spring hiring plan. In the past we've been successful by recruiting at university career fairs. But, 4 like to do something diferent this time. | au Really? Why's thar? (Am Well, our omployees spend se much time traveling to differant univarsities that they fall behind on othor important projects. Good point. We could put more of our resources into our second most effecti recruiting mathed. Actually, more than @ ited quarter of our employees were re that way. Wee That's exactly what l was thinking. "Would You set up a meeting with Yukiko in public relations and explore possibilities for expanding last year's campaign? How Do We Find Employees? University Cucer aie ‘0% Company ‘wen site a / PART 4 71-73 8 TGaed moming, everyone! We hope you've ‘been enjoying the conference on educational ‘technology this week. ’“Tomorrow, in addition to our ‘workshops and presentations, you'll have the option ‘of leaving the convention center to go on one of the site visits wo've arranged. There are two choices. 72you can tour ether 8 local high school or the public Nbrary’s computer laboratory. These tours are free, ‘and we expect them to be very popular. We have limited seats on the buses, so please make sure to sign up early at the desk by the entrance, “76 Au Today I want to focus our discussion on Castillo, a clothing brand we will start selling in our stores next month. As you know, our stores attract mainly younger shoppers. In thinking about fashion trends we want to feature, 7the ‘marketing department has found that customers ‘aged twelve to eighteen prefer styles that come in alot of different colors. We chose Castillo as a new vendor for this very reason. Just look at the color selection in these samples! Now, the finances of carrying Castillo’ lino. ’SHae-Rim will go over the anticipated costs and profit estimates. 7-79 ich Before we open the café today, | want to tell you about some seasonal menu changes, 71 just got word from corporate headquarters that new coffee beverages will be on the menu starting next week. One of the new drinks is called Wintor Delight. I've got some samples of it here for ‘everyone to try, Now, @ number of diferent syrup flavors, such as vanilla or hazalnut, ean be added to this drink. 7980 please be extra careful when you're preparing customers’ orders. We went to ‘make sure they get exactly what they want. 90-82 we8r Hi Roberto, it's Amanda, The company president wants J-1 Electronics to have a booth at ‘the trade fale in New York in June, and he wants us to mak the arrangements and come up with a display. I know | said we really need to focus on updating tho eliont database this week, but this ‘tip just came up—it wasn't my idea, Anyway, I {90t the rest of the sales team together today, 80. ‘we ean brainstorm some ideas for the display, But in the meantime, ®.*eould you contact the fair organizers about getting a booth? Thanks. And let re know if you have eny questions © Lsal 83-85 West You have reached customer service at Ocean Shipping— a leader in international shipping services. We're happy to announce that starting June first, we'll begin offering shipping sorvices to Brazil, Note that if you aro planning to ship @ vehicle to any location overseas, you ‘must provide proof of ownership. **Your eall may bbe recorded, and the recording could be used for ‘quality control or training purposes. Thank you for calling Ocean Shipping. 36-88 On Hello everyone and *welcome to Markell County Playhouse. Thank you for volunteering | to help make costumes for our next production | Changing Time. Because “this play has so many | characters, we'll have to wark hard to get ready | for opening night on April welth, Each characte hhas about three different outfits, so that's a lot of sewing for all of us. "The dress rehearsal, in complete costume, is only five weeks away, 60 we'll need everything done by then 29-91 Wea Hi Plerra, thie is Emme, °% know we were ‘supposed to meet in the conference room at nine {this moming to bogin discussing the ronovations | te the lobby, but rm calling to let you know Im having a problem with transportation. | was at the ‘rain station when tain service was suspended. Now I'm going to find a taxi but it may take a while before | got to the office. Why don't we go out to lunch today instead? | hope this will work for you, because | have some Ideas for the projact that Td like to talk: abou. 92-04 Mau Thanks for inviting me to your annual planning meeting. We're glad that you're considering us to meet the enargy needs of your factory. My company, Stillman Technology, is committed to providing renewable energy to | businesses like yours. By choosing to inst | our solar panels, you can power all your facilities | with affordable clean energy. And, hundreds of businesses have signed up. I'm sure you have a lot ‘of questions, But first, like to show a video of 1 speech our president gave when we received the Ecosdndustry award at a conference last year 8 95-97 cn Hello, ®this is Fred Capo, from Member Relations at Greenwood Gym. | just wanted to ‘thank you for participating in our member survey. "Everyone who completed a survey will receive 4 five dollar vouchor, which can be used for any class fees or in our café. ve already sent it to your mail. Also, looking at your feedback, | see that ‘you've given very high ratings overall for our gym. | Thank you! °"For the category that you gave five stars 19, like to ask you a few more questions. Hf you have time, please give me e call back at 555.0184, = aa Feedback Survey FH Cleanliness | eR detan Location OR [Astas | Sti riendliness tet Fata 98-100 Nau ®Weleome to today’s class on small | business start-ups, We'll be talking about dasigning 2 logo that represents the company ‘you're creating. I's how customers will identity ‘you, 60 the first thing you should do is consider the message you want to communicate. Please take 3 look at the handout in front of you. We'll talk about each of the features, but “let's begin by looking at the phrase, “Creative advertising at your fingertips The function of this part of the logo is to tell customers what the company is all about. Now, ‘try to come up with phrases that ‘might work for your own business— you'll find ‘Some paper and pens in your packets, Name Background Solutions Stock veative advertising at your fingertips lage Tagline

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