Roll For The Galaxy

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Player uses the standard 2-player parameters (player’s setup, standard rules) except where
otherwise specified. Bot plays in a simplified way: he spends credits -- rather than workers -- to complete
his worlds and developments and chooses 2 phases randomly while you choose 1 by standard rules.


1. Player sets up his tableau per standard rules.

2. Bot needs a player mat, a credit marker on the 1$ space and 2 white dice. Bot does not start with
a Home World or Faction tile but he randomly draws 2 tiles: first, place the lower cost world in his
construction zone (you decide which one if equal), then the other tile as a development.


1. Player rolls dice and assigns them per standard rules.

2. Player rolls Bot’s 2 white dice. Their results must differ, so re-roll one of them if they come up the
same. Assign them accordingly, flipping tiles of the rolled phases.
3. Bot’s actions are executed as described in the following section (Phases execution) for each
activated phase, including yours, from left to right. However, if Bot has rolled a phase which he
cannot do at all, he shifts to the next phase until he can execute it, even partially. In this case,
execute the action following the “if he did not choose this phase” description.



 If Bot rolled this phase, he draws 1 tile, places it as either a world or development at the
bottom of whichever construction zone stack is the shortest. Place tile as a world in case
of a tie. Bot earns $2.
 If he did not choose this phase, he draws 1 tile, places it as either a world or development
at the bottom of whichever construction zone stack is the shortest. Place tile as a world
in case of a tie. Bot earns $1.


 Bot completes the top development if he has enough credits to pay for it. If not, shift to
next phase. Bot will never benefit from any bonus earned through developments. They
will only serve as VPs at game end.
 If he did not choose this phase, same as above.


 Bot completes the top world if he has enough credits to pay for it. If not, shift to next
phase. Bot will never gain new dice through worlds. They will only serve as VPs at game
 If he did not choose this phase, same as above.

 If Bot rolled this phase, he produces on his 2 highest color value available worlds (yellow
then green then brown then blue). Use any die from the supply to serve as the produced
 If he did not choose this phase, Bot produces only on his highest color value available

Phase V: SHIP

 If Bot rolled this phase, he first trades the good from the highest color value world for
credits (up to the maximum 10$) and then consumes the good from the next highest color
value world for 3 VPs (yellow/green) or 2 VPs (brown/blue). If Bot already has $10, he
consumes twice.
 If he did not choose this phase, Bot only trades as specified above. If Bot already has $10,
he consumes instead.

-- Phases execution example:

Game state: Bot has no good on his tableau and has 4$, 2 developments and 2 worlds in his
construction zone.

Phases selection: You choose explore and Bot rolls develop and ship.

Phases execution:

 Bot benefits from your Explore selection and explores according to the “if he did
not choose this phase”: he draws a tile and puts it under his worlds stack in the
construction zone, then increases his credits by 1$. You explore per the standard
 Bot pays for his next development (value 2) and decreases his credits by 2$. He
puts this development in his tableau. You develop per the standard rules.
 Bot cannot ship at all since he has no good on his tableau. He shifts to the next
phase, “wrapping around” to Explore. He executes this phase per the “if he did not
choose this phase”: he draws a tile and puts it under his development stack, then
increases his credits by 1$. You ship per the standard rules.


Game end is triggered as usual. Add your score per the standard rules and add the value of all Bot’s
developments and worlds plus any VP chips he has earned. Highest total wins. Ties are broken by the
number of credits remaining.

Options for increased difficulty Bot’s score:

 When shipping, you can change the number of VPs earned when Bot consumes as follows:
blue = 2, brown = 3, green = 4, yellow = 5.
 To increase difficulty even more, add +1 to previous numbers (matching trade value).
 At game end, you can score Bot’s “6+ developments” as per standard rules.

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