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Lyjeah Gayle

India and China in the age of Imperialism

- Asian products had been coming to Europe for a long time. One of them was the
spice used by Europeans to add flavor to their food. This includes pepper, nutmeg
and cinnamon. Products coming from Asia was transported by Caravans that
travelled all around Europe.

In 1453 - Constantinople which is a major trading port that linked Europe and Asia
fell into the hands of Muslim Turks from the ottoman empire. Products continued to
flow in Europe but they became expensive.

The ottoman Turks controlled the price and flow of spice to Europe, Venice and
Genoa , city states located on opposite sides of Italy, monopolies of the Italians and
Muslims , Europeans embarked on a search of new routes to Asia . The only route
available was only in the Atlantic Ocean. They surmised that by sailing along the
northern , western, and southern part of Africa, They would eventually reach India
which is the source of the spice trade.

Centuries later, the Europeans improved their travel instruments such as the sextant
and astrolabe. They also acquired a compass from the Chinese empire. They even
changed the design of their ships for safety and speed on the open waters.

Portugal move forwards

- Prince Henry of Portugal was also called the “ Navigator “ had a major role in the
development of seafaring technology. He established schools for seafarers to
improve knowledge of ocean based travel.

- The new road to Asia was now open and the forces of Imperialism would soon
follow. The Portuguese became the first Western colonial power in Asia. They were
also the last colonial power to leave Asia when they handed over Macao to China in

The Colonization of India

Portuguese would not become the masters of South Asia. In the beginning, they
were not interested in colonizing the places they traded with. Instead , the
Portuguese built a commercial empire with the trading centers that protected their

The Mughals were able to bring India under their rules in 1526 CE because of Mughal
supremacy until the Europeans like the Portuguese did not attempt to colonize India.
They were satisfied with establishing trading center in places like Goa , Bombay and

The progressive rule of the Mughal Dynasty rules gave way to intolerance. The
muslim emperor Aurangzeb started to oppress his non muslim followers followers.
He re imposed the “iizya “ tax on Hindus and forced non muslim to embrace Islam.
He put death all those who refused to convert to Islam including Tegh Bahadur, the
ninth guru of the Sikh religion.

In response, the Marathas and Sikhs launched continuous rebellions against the
Mughals dynasty when emperor Aurangzeb died in 1707 , The Mughal Dynasty
became weak.

Robert Clive was the first British Governor of the Bengal Presidency. He began as a
writer for the East India Company (EIC) who established the military and political
supremacy of the EIC by securing a decisive victory at the Battle of Plassey in Bengal.

Nawab of the carnatic (Muhammad Ali Khan Walla Jah (1717 – 13 October 1795) was
the Nawab of Arcot in India and an ally of the British East India Company.) took the
advantage and attacked Pondicherry (Pondicherry now known as Puducherry is the
capital and most populous city of the Union Territory of Puducherry in India.).
however the french easily defeated the advancing forces.

Joseph Dupliex, the director of a private trading firm called the French east india
company. Dupliex saw the weakness of the indian military and proposed a plan to
the board of the directors of its company. Which was the COLONIZATION OF INDIA
or to colonized India.


However, Robert Clive followed Joseph Dupliex plans. They competed with each
other in supporting their own candidates, sometimes their forces (clive and dupliex
forces) would even meet in baatle.

Clive prevailed with his own military victories and Dupliex was sent home in disgrace
by the French East India Company.

In the second half of the 18th century CE, the British east india company
strengthened its hold on India which made the leaders of the remaining area

In 1757 CE, Siraj-id-daulah, the nawab of bengal, moved to curb the powers of the
British in his territory. He ordered the British at Calcutta’s fort William to limit their
armaments (military weapons).

The british refused to limit their armaments. Siraj immediately ordered an attack on
the fort and imprisoned many of the british in a small room with very poor
ventilation. Many of the prisoners died in the infamous “Black Hole of Calcutta”
which angered the british.

In the battle of Plassey on 1787 CE, Clive pitted 3,000 of his men against 50,000 men
of Siraj.
Clive used superior military tactics, he also allied his forces with some Indian leaders
like Jagat Seth who was a wealthy trader from Calcutta and Mir Jafar, the uncle of
SIraj. Clive also promised the Nawabship of Bengal to Mir Jafar,

“The Rise to Power of the British East India Company”

After the British East India Company was able to gain control over other provinces
like Oudh, Hyderabad, and the Punjab. On the other hand, the british blantantly
conquered other indian states whose leaders were not as cooperative or friendly to
the company.

“The British Government Gains Control Over the British East Inida Company”

In 1774 CE, Bengal governor Warren Hastings became the governor-general of the
British-India. Eventually and up to 1857 CE, the British government in India (also
known as “Company Raj”)

“Changes in India

The British introduced significant changes in the provinces under their control. The
indians became angry because the changes ran counter to their ancient customs and
traditions, which the officials of the British East India Company did not respect.

“ The Sepoy Rebellion”

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