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Emcee Script for Pageant


ivan: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! This afternoon we will witness as 12 dazzling candidates present their very
best and compete for the title Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2023.
farisa: As this afternoon will be full of excitement, we will soon find out who will be the worthy title holders! Farisa b
ivan: And I’m Ivan kamamang. We will be hosting .....
ivan: the most exciting....
far: the most fabulous....
ivan: and the most awaited....
Both: Search for Mr. and Miss Intramurals 2023! (Background Music)
ivan: Again, good morning ladies and gentlemen! It’s my privilege to be your emcee this morning! For this most awaited
part of the program. I’m also extremely happy to be accompanied by my very charming co-emcee, Ma’am Farisa Ayada.
ivan: How are you today, ma’am Farisa!
far: I’m pretty good thank you, sir Ivan!
ivan: You look wonderful today Ma’am Farisa! It’s a privilege for me to be right here beside you hosting this event!
far: Thank you sir ivan! I’m happy hosting this exciting event with you as well!
ivan: Absolutely! This is the most exciting part of the program. I’m pretty sure everyone is excited. Right!
far: You’re right sir farisa. It seems to me that they are all excited..
ivan: So, let us not prolong the agony of waiting. Let’s now formally start this pageant..
far: That”s right! But before we start, let us first invoke and thank our Almighty Allah this afternoon by dua from
ivan: May I request everybody to please for the invocation and will be followed by the singing of the National Anthem
thru color ceremony to be conducted by the katong madidis national high school girls scout of the Philippines .
------------------------After the Invocation and Singing of the National Anthem---------------------------------------
ivan: Now Ladies and Gentlemen! The long wait is over! KMNHsian are you ready?!(Roll Call)
when you grade is called please make some noise or yell. Where are the grade 7 students?
far: How about Grade 8... (So on so forth)
ivan: Ladies and gentlemen! This is.....
Both: Search for Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2023!
ivan: They say that beauty is relative. What may be beautiful to me may not be beautiful for you, or the other way
around.....’sO why we have with us our panel of judges who have an eye for beauty.
ivan: At this juncture, let us get to know the members of the board of judges for this pageant and the criteria of judging.
ivan: Starting off with the first judge.... is __________________________________________
far: Our next judge is ____________________________________________________________
ivan: Our last judge but definitely not the least is ___________________________________
Farisa: there they are! The people who will be responsible in deciding who will be tge next mr and mr intramurals 2023.
Ivan: ma’am farisa, can you tell us what the judges are looking , for this pageant?
far: Sure.. these are the criteria for judging on their production number: __________________________100%
ivan: Thank you ma’am farisa.
Farisa: ur welcome sir ivan, but ofcourse aside from the judges,the audience will also have a big participation in todays
competetion. I am sure they will shout their voices hoarse cheering for their bets.let us here it from grade 7
ivan: So, Ladies and Gentlemen-stay put, sit back and relax as we are about to witness our candidates for their sports
attire. Please be guided with our criteria for judging in sports attire.
___________________________________________________________________ 100%
. . . .. . . . . . . . . sports attire . . . . . .
Far: That was an ideal sports outfit. They all possess an athletic posture. To give us break on competetions’ tense, lets us
begin one of the highlights of today’s completion, the Singing contest competition. May we request our chairman of the
board of judges mam lavagette salevo to please read to us the criteria for judging. But before that we want to ask the
advisers to please submit the minus one music of your contestants to our sound operators. Thank you.
. . . . . . . . . . . . criteria for judging.

Ivan: lets begin the competition from grade 7 – iris (name of contestant)
Grade 7 – daisy (name of contestant)
grade 8 – lily / adelfa.
Ivan: thank you so much! I think everyone is eagerly waiting to see our candidates once again. So now, ladies and
gentlemen, let us welcome once again our candidates, in the most symbolic wear they will put on today – their School
Uniform Attire. (read the criteria)
. . . . . . . . . uniform attire. . . . .

Far: thank you so much candidates. That was another symbolic walk wearing one of our school’s identity.
Far: before their next exposure, let us continue our singing contest, this time will hear the performance coming from
grade 9 gazania and camella. Grade 10 dahlia and orchids.
Ivan : And now, I think our candidates are ready for their next exposure. Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the
most awaited wear of today’s competition. The Inaul Creation Competition is designed for the contestants o make an
on-stage statement of their compelling charm, presence and personality.
Far: definitely partner, so let us now welcome our 12 lovely and stunning Mr and Ms Intramurals 2023 candidates in
their inaul creation wear.
. . . . . . . . .inaul creation . . . . . . .
Ivan: wow! Just wow! I never thought this young ladies and gentlemen could carry that looks!

Far: yes partner im so proud of these young ladies and gents. To give the candidates a break for the toughest part of this
competition, yes! The toughest, because when they return, we will have the question and answer portion. Let us
continue the search for the singing idol of katong madidis nhs. Let us witness the number coming from the grade 11-12

Ivan: thank you performers. At this juncture the wit of the candidates will be test as they win the crown. Let us welcome
once again our candidates.

far: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2023 Question and Answer Portion.

Ivan :This is how it goes. We will call down our candidates one by one. Each candidate will pick a question from the bowl.
Lets begin with candidate #1.

Far: Thank you ladies and gentleman. While the judges are tabulating the scores, let us ask the candidates how they are
feeling this time.
-------------The hosts will be announcing the winner........
far: I know everyone is excited. Well, our long anticipation is over.
ivan: The envelope containing the results is handed to me by the committee. I shall open it now.
far: Good luck candidates!May the best candidate wins!
ivan: Ladies and gentlemen!For female category, Our Ms. Intramurals 2018 2nd runner up is candidate...... So on, so

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