Test Template

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Requirements, Graphical User Interface (GUI) and User Experience (UX) Test

Of <Name of the App>

Name of Tester: ____________________________ Date of Test: ____________

User Type: Visitor
Severity Table

Severit Severity Severity Description

y ID Level

1 Very High The system crashes during its operation, potential data loss and database corruption.

2 High The internship match results are inaccurate or irrelevant, users may miss out on relevant

3 Medium There is some missing information in need for the internship.

4 Minor There is an unclear error message that has no impact in the system.

Priority Table

Priority Priority level Priority Description

1 Must fix Server Error / Can't connect to the server.

2 Should fix The functionality of the system is not working well.

3 Low priority The system has a dull appearance and few icons. Missing items like icons and labels.

TASK Task Description Severity Priority Remarks

No. Mark Mark (1 -Pass, 0 – Fail)
Login to the app using the following credentials:
Username: admin
Password: 1234
Direction: Rate your experience using the application

Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1) Mark

User can easily User can navigate the User experiences

User cannot navigate
navigate the interface with some difficulty in navigating
the interface and
interface and find difficulty, but can still the interface and
Navigation cannot find necessary
necessary find necessary finding necessary
features and
features and features and features and
functionalities functionalities functionalities
Design is visually
Design is visually Design is not visually Design is unattractive
appealing and
Design appealing but not appealing or and visually
aesthetically pleasing aesthetically pleasing unpleasant
Application responds Application responds Application does not
responds quickly
Responsiveness with some delay to slowly and inefficiently respond to user
and efficiently to
user inputs to user inputs inputs
user inputs
Some errors or Multiple critical errors
No errors or Frequent errors or
glitches encountered or glitches
Errors and glitches glitches encountered
during use, but do not encountered during
Glitches encountered during use, which
significantly impact use, which render
during use impact user experience
user experience application unusable
Font is easy to
Font is easy to read Font is difficult to read Font is unreadable
read and
Font but not aesthetically and not aesthetically and visually
pleasing pleasing unpleasant
All features and Most features and Some features and Most features and
functionalities are functionalities are functionalities are functionalities are
easily accessible accessible and easy difficult to access and difficult to access and
and easy to find to find find find
Application provides Application provides Application provides
provides clear
feedback, but it is not inadequate or no incorrect or
Feedback and concise
always clear or feedback for user misleading feedback
feedback for user
concise actions for user actions
Instructions for Instructions for use Instructions for use are
No instructions for
Instructions use are clear and are somewhat clear unclear or difficult to
use provided
easy to follow and easy to follow follow
User experience User experience is User experience is
User experience is not
User Experience is satisfying and somewhat satisfying unpleasant and
satisfying or enjoyable
enjoyable and enjoyable frustrating

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