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Kinds of Retailers

1.According to size of store

a. Large-scale retailers - deals with a large stock of goods and purchased goods in a bulk. Double Store

b. Small-scale retailers - are called fixed shop retailers.

*Large - scale retailers is Rustans Super Store while small - scale retailers is in neighborhoods sari-sari

2.According to product limes carried

a. General merchandise store - this are outlets which carry a variety of products lines and assorted in
each line.
b. Limited line store - carry only one product with few related items.

3.According to form of ownership

a. Corporate chain store - two or more retail outlets, which may have the same name.

Example: Mercury Drug Store and Palawan Pawnshop

b. Independent retailers - this outlet have improved Retailing effectiveness by adopting self-service
methods improving store appearance and layout, better site locations and improved inventory-control
system, merchandising practices.

Example: 7eleven

4. According to method of operation

a. Full-service retailing - this is also known as the over - the - counter selling (OTC), where consumers
simply tell what products they can over - the- counter
b. Supermarket Retailing- this store operate on a self service basis, thereby known as supermarket
Retailing. Wet Market
c. Department store Retailing - offers the extreme os supermarket retailing. Sales clerks are present to
assist costumers in buying decision. Dry Goods

d. Non-store Retailing - if previous classification are in door selling, this fourth one is outdoor selling or
in house personal selling.

Benefits of Retailing
1. Costumer emphaty
2. Greater supply options
3. Greater business opportunities
4. Fewer Complexities

Benefits of Retailers

1. Access to Costumers
2. Access to product
3. Costumers emphaty
4. Greater supply options
5. Fewer Complexities

Ways to categorize retailers

1. Target Markets Served. The first classification looks at the type of markets a retailer intends to target
a. Mass market - low in price
b. Specialty Market - special attributes/brand
c. Exclusive market - different popular product
2. Product Offerings. Under this classification, retailers are divided based on the width (i.e., number of
different product lines) and depth (i.e., number of different products within a product line) of the
products they carry.

a. General Merchandize - values product lies

b. Multiple line specialty merchandize - multiple categorize of product
c. Single line specialty merchandize - one product line very narrow
3. Pricing Strategy.

a. Discount Pricing - Discount retailers usually sell low priced goods. Their profit margin is low that is
price minus cost

b. Competitive Pricing - Some retailers are not interested in competing on price nor are they willing to
be seen charging the highest price. They deeply study the market and ensure that their prices are
competitive but do not desire to get engaged in price wars with the discount retailers.

c. Full Price Pricing Retailers - Retailers who are catering to exclusive markets realize that such markets
are far less price sensitive than mass or specialty markets. The retailers targeting exclusive markets sell
in volume less than those discount or competitive market retailers however the profit margin in each
product is far more.

4. Promotional focus. involves the attempt to achieve positive results and seeks to reduce the
discrepancies between the current state and the desired end-state.

a. Advertising

b. Direct mail
c. Personal selling

Distribution Method. Retailers sell in many different formats with some requiring consumers visit a
physical location while others sell to customers in a virtual space. It should be noted that many retailers
are not tied to a single distribution method but operate using multiple methods.
1. Store based sellers

a. Stand alone

b. Strip - shopping center

c. Shopping area

d. Regional shopping mall

2. None - store sellers

a. Online seller

b. Direct marketer

c. Vending machine

4.Pricing Structure. Retailers can be classified based on their general pricing strategy. Retailers must
decide whether their approach is to use price as a competitive advantage or to seek competitive
advantage in non-price ways.

a. Discount pricing

b. Competitive pricing

c. Full price pricing retailers

5. Promotional focus. involves the attempt to achieve positive results and seeks to reduce the
discrepancies between the current state and the desired end-state.

a. Advertising
b. Direct mail

c. Personal selling

6. Service level. describes, usually in measurable terms, the services a network service provider
furnishes a customer within a given time period.

a. Self service

b. Assorted service

c. Full service

7. Ownership structure. looks at who owns the respective company. Those with private structures can
control who buys and sells shares.

a. Individually owned and operated

b. Corporate chain

c. Corporate structure

d. Contructually licened and individually operated

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