NX9523 - Biz Professional Practise Coursework (w21068666) - 05112022

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NX9523 Building Professional

Coursework Submission File

Name Jorris Ng Suet Teng

Student ID W21068666

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................3
2. Reflection 1 – Best Performing Phone...............................................................................................3
2.1 Market Segmentation..................................................................................................................3
2.2 Positioning & Targeting Strategy.................................................................................................4
2.4 Research for Marketing Mix........................................................................................................5
3. Reflection 2: Worst Performing Phone..............................................................................................7
3.1 Market Stagnation.......................................................................................................................7
3.2 Incompatibility of Product Features VS Consumer Demands......................................................7
3.3 Strong Competitions....................................................................................................................8
3.4 Negligence of Driving Factors......................................................................................................8
4. Share price positioning......................................................................................................................8
4.1 Sound Strategy.......................................................................................................................9
4.2 Effective Communication.............................................................................................................9
4.3 Leadership...................................................................................................................................9
4.4Teamwork & Conflict Management..............................................................................................9
4.5 Time Management....................................................................................................................10
Appendix A; Strategic Data Analysis....................................................................................................13

1. Introduction
This is a reflection report on the performance summary of Team Orange in CESIM universe
2 based on six rounds results that illustrate the team's market share trajectory. There will be
a discussion of the best-selling and worst-selling phones and also an explanation of the
decision-making process to maintain and improve Team Orange's share price ranking in the

2. Reflection 1 – Best Performing Phone

Based on the game results, Classic handphone model "EVA-02" has emerged as the
bestselling model in round 5 and 6 of the CESIM market with two strong product features in
the Asia market.
Round 5

Round 6

Figure 1

2.1 Market Segmentation

The key to success is by understanding the market segments to derive the core market
selection. Team Orange quantifies the consumers’ demand and analyses the preference of
the target consumer base (Lotame, 2022). The team offers distinct smartphone models to
target market groups. The goal is to be able to achieve 15% of Asia's household market
segment. The team examined each round's market outlook and previous round's
performance to determine market size and trends.

2.2 Positioning & Targeting Strategy
Team Orange started off by focusing on high product specifications and to position it at a
higher price for better profit margin. We use the positioning map (figure 2) to evaluate
our competitive advantage against the top performance models (Maggiore, 2018). Team
Orange then repositioned the product strategy by launching EVA-02 with penetrating
price to boost sales volume (Wells, 2020). The team has also reduced its advertising
budget to manage costs while keeping its strategic advantage.

Figure 2

2.3 Effective Marketing Strategy (Competitive Analysis)

Team Orange undertook a competitor study to tactically design a new approach to
gain larger market share and identify future trends in our target market sector. (Fairlie,
2022). Based on the initial market trends, we deduce that "additional memory" and
"premium display" are phone features preferred in Asia (figure 3). EVA-02 succeeded to
penetrate the market from round 5 onwards through competitive base price with winning
features that’s compatible to the target market’s preference (Hamilton, 2016).

Figure 3

2.4 Research for Marketing Mix
Team orange use the four Ps of the marketing mix (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) to
characterize the marketing choices made throughout the product development process
(Ferguson & Donndelinger, 2019).
Product: Team Orange taken on the differentiated approach - DSRR (SendPulse, 2021) to
identify target customers from various market segmentations (figure 4). EVA-02 was
developed with two key product features (extra memory and a premium display) with the
goal of capturing the Asia household market segment. In order to remain competitive, Team
Orange manages the cost efficiency with reduced investments on innovation (Miller, 2022).

Figure 4

Figure 5

Price: Price sensitivity is a crucial factor on the price decisions as it influences the consumer
behaviour. By evaluating the price acceptance of the target market from our competitors,
Team Orange trade off the battery and performance in order to achieve a competitive
advantage on its pricing (Yu, 2021).

Place: Placing the product effectively through tactical distribution of investments in the
various channels is important to ensure the product are reaching out at the best potential to
the target segments (VISHWAL, 2020). Team Orange distributes the investment budget in
the various channels through the forecast sales percentage in Europe and Asia markets
(figure 6).

Figure 6

Promotion: Team Orange’s aim is to create awareness and intentions to buy from the target
market household segment (Luenendonk, 2019). The team evaluated its advertising budget
against the competitors and manage it by reducing the investments from 20% to 10% of its
anticipated revenue, while still maintaining a competitive advertising strategy (figure 7).

Figure 7

3. Reflection 2: Worst Performing Phone

The "Hema H1" is the worst performing phone in terms of sales across all markets (figure 8).
Despite the Team phase out price reduction plans, it is not able to compensate for the
excessive advertising spend which has greatly reduces its market share (Jones, 1990). The
well-planned strategy from the competitor in their product positioning and segmentation
study are the key contributions to Hema H1’s low performance evaluated from the
competition study (Tubis, 2018).

Market share Market share Market share
Market share
Team Rounds Phones Country Price, € Margain Households High-End High-End
Companies %
% Households % Companies %
Orange R6 Hema H1 Asia 265 11% 1 2 1 3
Orange R6 Hema H1 Europe 265 11% 1 2 2 2
Orange R5 Hema H1 Asia 232 17% 3 3 3 2
Orange R5 Hema H1 Europe 232 17% 3 3 2 1
Orange R4 Hema H1 Asia 252 18% 6 4 4 2
Orange R4 Hema H1 Europe 262 21% 4 4 3 2
Orange R3 Hema H1 Europe 245 22% 6 4 4 2
Orange R3 Hema H1 Asia 236 19% 14 5 8 3
Orange R2 Hema H1 Europe 332 34% 3 3 2 2
Orange R2 Hema H1 Asia 310 30% 7 5 4 3
Figure 8

3.1 Market Stagnation

The "Hema H1" was developed to target the high-end segments in both Asia and Europe
market. The market share started to decline significantly from Round 4 onwards. The
stagnation can be due to economic maturity and cyclical business cycle (KELLY, 2021).

3.2 Incompatibility of Product Features VS Consumer Demands

There is a critical importance to evaluate the future demand trends of the target market
segments through consumer research (Johnson, 2014). From the market share analysis,
Team Navy secures a high market share between 17 – 21% in the target segments (figure 9).
Further evaluation on their winning edge tells us that they have a better battery life besides
strong functionality in its features. This can be further concluded that the high-end
segments have high expectations on battery life as well.

Figure 9

3.3 Strong Competitions

Due to the large number of competitors of these two significant market segments, it leads
to an intense competition to gain the share leadership (Woo & Cooper, 1982). The
dominating teams are Team Navy, Team Pink, and Team Red (Figure 9) which takes up
about 47% of the market share. This means there is a higher level of competition among the
remaining seven teams across 53% market share (Martin, 2022).

3.4 Negligence of Driving Factors
Using the DSRR model, the following factors are evaluated on the contributing reasons that
led to the low performance of Hema H1.

D - Definable
Hema H1 has failed to achieve the winning edge across the target high-end segments in
Europe and Asia. This is partly due to the lack of competitiveness on the product
specification based on the market demands.
S - Sizable
Performance result of Hema H1 shows a relatively low market share of 2% in both Europe &
Asia high-end market segments (figure 8). Despite bringing down the pricing, it is not well
communicated to the consumers. More budget should be allocated for advertising in order
to increase the awareness and intention to buy from the target segments.
R - Reachable
The Market Outlook will have a proportional effect on the distribution of channel
investment with a budget of €40,000. The budget will also be evaluated for adjustments
based on the competitors' investments.
R - Relevance
Product analysis on the winning phones throughout the game shows trending high battery
life among the top three winning team. Team Orange has failed to invest in product
innovation at an early stage in order to achieve better battery life for Hema H1. We also
notice that there is a greater demand for security in the Europe markets. The failure to
includes security feature also contributes to the low performance of Hema H1.

4. Share Price Positioning and Team Strategy

Team Orange achieves a market share of €59.03 at the fifth place by Round 6 (figure 10).
The team manages to achieve a 26.7% market share in the Asia Household segment that
surpasses its original target of 15%. Despite the share price did not fulfil the team’s goal, the
team has managed to accomplish its strategy by repositioning the product and base price
for higher demand (Daniels, 2022).

Figure 10

4.1 Sound Strategy

Team Orange constructed a budgeting framework to logically manage our forecast planning
and investment distributions on advertising and channel investments. In order to cater for

potential lost sales due to forecast variance, Team Orange has applied safety stock planning
as part of its forecast strategy (Robinson, 2020). The team has also set careful budget based
on the market forecast and product price by fixing a 10 – 20% of forecast revenue to
optimize advertising expenses. Through general market research on the technology
industry, Team Orange also decides on an optimal 13.6% of revenue to invest in research
and development without overspending (ProductPlan, 2022).

4.2 Effective Communication

Effective communication is critical to ensure effectiveness of discussion and to capture
important points for consideration from various perspectives. This also prevents any
misunderstanding and decreases the potential for conflict (Stevenson University, 2021).
Creating proper channels for communications is important to get alignment across the
team. Team Orange ensures effective communication by allocating round the table sharing
timeslots during their meetings to encourage members to share their individual opinions.

4.3 Leadership
Successful leaders have the ability to shape the behaviour of those around them, keep
information about the company's operations readily available, inspire their followers to take
calculated risks, and strike a healthy equilibrium between being optimistic and pessimistic
(Landry, 2018). Wee Peng was selected as the team leader in Orange Team, who has display
great leadership in bringing the team together for weekly discussion on the business
strategy. He has also facilitated the session with frequent checkpoints to evaluate the
progression of the discussion.

4.4Teamwork & Conflict Management

The advantages of a healthy team relationship extend well beyond the business's
performance (MIDDLETON, 2022). Each team member of the Orange Team made a
contribution based on the designated business roles so as to ensure an all-rounded
discussion with a good collection of feedbacks. For better conflict management, the team
ensures open communication to allow each individual to share their perspectives without
any biasness (III, 2022). Disagreements between parties are typically settled through the use
of voting as a method to achieve an overall team’s acceptance on final decision-making.

4.5 Time Management

Effective time management is essential to productivity (GENEVER, 2021). Team Orange
manages their time by preparing analysis summary on the market outlooks and previous
round results as pre-read materials before each meeting. This has helped to effectively pace
the individual members required time to digest the information and to come prepared with
business suggestions for the discussion.

Daniels, J. (25 May, 2022). Strategies To Improve Marketing Performance. Retrieved from Tribulant
Web site: https://tribulant.com/app/webroot/blog/marketing-social/strategies-to-improve-

Fairlie, M. (6 August, 2022). How to Do a Competitive Analysis. Retrieved from Business News Daily
Web site: https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/15737-business-competitor-analysis.html

Ferguson, S. M., & Donndelinger, J. A. (25 November, 2019). Design for the Marketing Mix: The Past,
Present, and Future of Market-Driven Engineering Design. Retrieved from ASME: The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers Web site:

GENEVER, H. (2021). Productivity vs Time: The Best Time Management Strategy. Retrieved from
Redbooth Web site: https://redbooth.com/hub/time-management-strategy/

Hamilton, R. (22 February, 2016). Consumer-based strategy: using multiple methods to generate
consumer insights that inform strategy. Retrieved from Springer Link Website:

III, G. N. (2022). Teamwork & Conflict Resolution. Retrieved from Hearst Newspapers Web site:

Johnson, W. (21 April, 2014). How to Evaluate Market Demand of Your Products Before Selling Them.
Retrieved from Small Business Trends Web site: https://smallbiztrends.com/2014/04/how-

Jones, J. P. (January, 1990). Ad Spending: Maintaining Market Share. Retrieved from Harvard
Business Review Web site: https://hbr.org/1990/01/ad-spending-maintaining-market-share

KELLY, R. C. (28 March, 2021). Stagnation: Definition, How It Works, and Example. Retrieved from
Investopedia Web site: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stagnation.asp

Landry, L. (4 October, 2018). 6 CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE LEADER. Retrieved from Harvard

Business School Online Web site: https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/characteristics-of-an-

Lotame. (1 November, 2022). What Is Market Segmentation? Retrieved from Lotame Website:

Luenendonk, M. (18 September, 2019). Marketing Mix | Promotion in Four P’s. Retrieved from
Cleverism Web site: https://www.cleverism.com/promotion-four-ps-marketing-mix/

Maggiore, D. (29 August, 2018). ‘Positioning map’ can reveal your competitive advantage. Retrieved
from Innis Maggiore Ad Agency Website: https://innismaggiore.com/news/blog/positioning-

Martin, M. (29 June, 2022). How Porter’s Five Forces Can Help Small Businesses Analyze the
Competition. Retrieved from Business New Daily:

MIDDLETON, T. (25 January, 2022). The importance of teamwork (as proven by science). Retrieved
from Atlassian Web site: https://www.atlassian.com/blog/teamwork/the-importance-of-

Miller, C. (1 January, 2022). What is Cost Efficiency and How to Achieve It? Retrieved from Jaggaer
Web site: https://www.jaggaer.com/blog/what-cost-efficiency/#:~:text=Cost%20efficiency

ProductPlan. (2022). How Do You Know Your R&D Spend is Appropriate? Retrieved from ProductPlan
Web site: https://www.productplan.com/learn/research-development-spend/

Robinson, D. (21 September, 2020). How to use the safety stock formula. Retrieved from Skuvault
Web site: https://www.skuvault.com/blog/safety-stock-formula/

SendPulse. (27 August, 2021). What is Differentiated Marketing: Basics. Retrieved from SendPulse
Web site: https://sendpulse.com/support/glossary/differentiated-marketing

Stevenson University. (2021). The Importance of Effective Communication. Retrieved from Stevenson
University Web site: https://www.stevenson.edu/online/about-us/news/importance-

Tubis, N. (1 March, 2018). How To Study Your Competition To See Business Success. Retrieved from
Forbes Web site:

VISHWAL, S. (26 November, 2020). Understanding Place in Marketing Mix. Retrieved from Super
Heuristics Web site: https://www.superheuristics.com/place-in-marketing-mix/

Wells, T. (21 December, 2020). How Harley Brought A Dying Brand & Price Positioning Strategy back
to Life. Retrieved from Taylor Wells Website: https://taylorwells.com.au/price-positioning-

Woo, C. Y., & Cooper, A. C. (November, 1982). The Surprising Case for Low Market Share. Retrieved
from Harvard Business Review Web site: https://hbr.org/1982/11/the-surprising-case-for-

Retrieved from ProfitWell Web site:

Appendix A - Strategic Data Analysis
Market Market Awarenes Awarenes Intentions Intentions
Market Market Awarenes Awarenes Intentions Intentions
share share Channel s High- s High- High- High-
share share Advertisin s s Performa Battery Premium Extra Premium Water-
Country Price, € High-End High-End Investmen End End End End Security Design
Househol Compani g Househol Compani Househol Compani nce life camera Memory Display resistant
Househol Compani ts Househol Compani Househol Compani
ds % es % ds es ds es
ds % es % ds es ds es

Asia 171 15.05 1.45 7.66 0.86 3,726 3,961 10,012 126 1,795 83.09 1,988 28.73 376 18.46 80 70 x x Classic
Europe 190 9.27 2.81 3.45 1.06 3,065 3,439 3,889 347 730 95.27 782 78.90 161 21.20 90 80 x x Sport
Europe 198 6.56 2.30 4.88 2.04 4,350 3,200 2,748 306 1,066 192 560 66.87 248 45.17 139 120 Sport
Europe 198 3.17 0.73 4.18 1.18 2,000 2,000 1,204 83.77 872 104 281 22.03 219 26.98 113 147 Classic
Asia 198 7.92 1.28 11.87 2.39 4,000 3,450 5,078 114 2,846 245 1,064 26.01 617 55.46 113 147 Classic
Asia 198 3.83 0.86 4.12 0.98 2,800 1,800 2,418 74.54 945 94.62 550 18.72 231 24.54 139 120 Sport
Asia 199 8.09 1.43 6.55 1.63 2,918 3,103 4,998 121 1,574 156 1,096 29.08 330 35.92 120 70 x x Classic
Asia 210 7.41 1.65 6.38 1.37 2,590 1,550 4,405 163 1,490 146 1,061 35.76 346 32.81 80 105 x x Classic
Europe 211 2.66 0.91 2.89 1.11 978 1,176 943 98.34 601 94.33 243 27.70 147 24.40 90 110 x x x x Classic
Europe 265 1.29 2.39 1.53 2.15 3,256 3,582 502 353 327 216 111 66.78 71.18 42.68 200 80 x x Avant garde
Asia 215 2.43 0.98 3.62 1.94 1,700 1,300 1,393 85.27 833 190 355 21.66 199 46.90 90 100 x x Avant garde
Asia 219 5.79 1.97 4.57 1.58 2,932 2,000 3,626 177 1,069 158 823 41.70 239 35.76 85 85 x x x x x Classic
Europe 219 2.82 1.03 2.09 0.79 1,207 2,000 1,018 121 430 71.06 252 30.26 101 16.25 85 85 x x x x x Classic
Asia 220 3.48 1.50 1.48 0.44 6,434 2,017 2,436 165 362 45.03 473 31.02 77.12 10.09 98 65 x x x Sport
Europe 220 5.92 2.50 1.87 0.70 4,011 1,644 2,510 323 416 64.89 518 72.97 92.67 15.00 98 65 x x x Sport
Asia 228 2.51 1.32 2.02 0.92 1,815 2,000 1,476 116 457 91.13 357 28.00 105 20.78 90 90 x x x x x Sport
Asia 228 2.39 2.15 2.33 1.82 1,845 2,000 1,399 195 531 183 339 45.68 122 41.20 90 90 x x x x x Avant garde
Asia 228 2.16 1.32 2.35 1.06 1,850 2,150 1,260 113 530 102 304 28.23 130 26.41 136 120 x x Sport
Europe 228 5.40 2.88 2.94 1.61 2,618 2,000 2,169 381 630 150 481 84.48 142 33.18 90 90 x x x x x Sport
Europe 228 2.34 2.43 1.87 1.46 1,466 2,000 863 309 389 134 209 71.54 90.47 30.14 90 90 x x x x x Avant garde
Asia 230 2.53 1.73 1.88 1.26 4,427 1,872 1,702 161 452 130 347 36.02 99.08 29.36 85 75 x x x x Avant garde
Europe 230 2.31 1.96 1.48 1.00 3,276 1,516 951 258 325 93.20 203 57.47 74.02 21.40 85 75 x x x x Avant garde
Europe 238 3.97 2.73 3.34 2.02 2,050 2,500 1,489 336 698 181 349 79.59 165 43.08 136 120 x x Sport
Europe 215 5.25 1.92 4.72 2.22 2,608 2,581 1,962 235 1,047 199 459 55.06 226 45.40 105 105 x x Sport
Asia 245 2.98 1.65 3.58 2.26 7,403 4,516 2,046 172 878 251 393 32.83 176 48.35 90 110 x x x x Classic
Asia 248 2.00 3.10 2.47 2.94 2,400 2,150 1,199 283 563 297 282 66.50 137 73.62 105 120 x x x x x Avant garde
Europe 248 2.20 3.01 2.45 2.35 2,050 2,500 825 370 511 210 193 87.81 121 49.96 105 120 x x x x x Avant garde
Asia 250 2.99 2.40 2.83 2.05 7,403 4,516 2,053 252 693 228 394 47.95 139 43.94 100 100 x x x x x Classic
Asia 250 1.89 1.54 1.47 0.76 2,200 1,700 1,092 151 338 80.37 268 33.59 79.89 18.40 100 100 x x x Sport
Asia 250 1.85 1.44 0.97 0.50 5,500 3,100 1,251 144 232 51.33 250 29.56 50.38 11.62 108 75 x x x Sport
Asia 250 1.41 1.69 1.29 0.94 3,500 2,000 913 178 300 88.54 196 35.42 68.73 22.46 80 97 x x x Avant garde
Asia 250 1.21 0.81 2.27 2.46 3,000 2,000 734 67.25 538 275 185 18.11 119 53.82 70 124 x x x Avant garde
Europe 250 1.25 0.92 2.07 1.86 2,500 1,000 477 103 446 188 123 29.45 105 39.82 70 124 x x x Avant garde
Europe 250 1.70 2.00 1.32 0.90 3,000 2,000 701 290 275 76.32 152 58.45 65.49 18.90 80 97 x x x Avant garde
Asia 260 1.72 2.99 2.05 2.79 5,583 2,017 1,194 280 498 286 233 61.65 108 65.67 118 117 x x x x Avant garde
Asia 260 1.26 2.06 1.35 1.75 3,000 2,800 770 189 314 178 172 42.81 70.12 40.22 105 95 x x x x Avant garde
Europe 260 1.86 2.59 2.10 2.05 4,041 1,655 788 335 466 189 162 75.49 104 43.52 118 117 x x x x Avant garde
Europe 265 3.06 2.16 1.34 0.73 4,500 3,100 1,282 301 292 67.37 261 62.30 65.40 15.33 108 75 x x x Sport
Asia 244 2.53 1.52 3.63 2.54 1,886 2,143 1,416 149 811 275 359 32.05 192 58.70 130 100 x x Classic
Asia 265 1.03 2.38 1.21 2.62 1,394 1,584 565 215 268 270 150 51.70 66.18 62.74 200 80 x x Avant garde
Asia 268 0.92 2.51 1.21 2.44 5,247 2,319 602 250 291 263 129 53.78 64.19 56.50 120 120 x x x x x Avant garde
Europe 268 1.01 1.83 1.34 1.62 1,088 1,110 365 202 281 138 92.97 56.08 68.87 35.68 120 120 x x x x x Avant garde
Europe 278 3.08 3.63 3.79 3.40 2,050 2,500 1,155 446 793 304 271 106 188 72.32 166 166 x x x Sport
Asia 278 1.23 4.96 1.90 3.90 2,400 2,150 738 453 434 394 173 106 105 97.52 167 167 x x x Avant garde
Asia 278 1.10 2.33 1.61 2.13 1,850 2,150 642 200 364 207 155 50.06 89.57 53.37 166 166 x x x Sport
Asia 278 1.02 3.45 1.30 2.54 1,720 2,000 579 345 296 272 144 73.07 67.85 57.47 115 125 x x x x Avant garde
Europe 278 1.16 1.81 1.18 1.26 5,000 2,800 486 256 258 122 100 52.55 56.99 26.26 105 95 x x x x Avant garde
Asia 280 2.29 2.59 2.13 2.13 8,500 6,000 1,690 251 533 215 284 48.47 101 44.53 99 100 x x x x x Classic
Europe 288 1.31 3.23 2.11 2.51 2,050 1,700 490 397 441 225 119 97.21 108 55.37 167 167 x x x Avant garde
Asia 288 0.61 1.45 0.73 1.09 3,056 3,323 376 134 169 103 82.97 29.80 36.91 24.24 120 120 x x x x x Sport
Europe 288 1.66 2.16 1.76 1.91 1,337 1,561 595 272 367 178 148 64.53 87.40 40.55 120 120 x x x x x Sport
Europe 289 2.61 2.65 2.17 1.98 3,876 900 1,129 376 485 193 243 82.82 114 44.71 109 110 x x x x x Sport
Asia 289 0.64 1.30 0.69 0.98 1,843 300 375 117 158 98.56 108 33.74 45.06 28.50 109 110 x x x x x Sport
Asia 290 1.29 2.29 1.38 1.57 3,810 300 844 224 330 165 219 59.21 90.15 45.38 126 125 x x x Classic
Asia 290 0.57 2.44 0.71 1.56 1,193 300 307 224 155 157 97.36 63.12 46.02 45.22 135 116 x x x Avant garde
Europe 292 2.13 2.20 2.12 1.53 1,300 900 777 276 445 141 199 68.86 111 34.56 115 136 x x x Sport
Europe 298 2.47 3.07 2.17 1.92 3,414 2,000 1,004 448 478 193 220 90.15 105 39.44 115 125 x x x x Sport
Europe 300 2.50 3.48 2.84 3.25 4,105 1,683 1,062 452 630 300 218 101 140 68.98 150 140 x x x x x Sport
Europe 300 2.24 2.20 2.61 2.37 6,000 4,000 1,004 273 587 211 184 60.76 122 47.67 128 128 x x x Sport
Asia 300 0.85 4.53 1.29 3.71 5,160 2,002 581 419 313 377 115 93.57 67.48 85.94 164 164 x x x Avant garde
Asia 300 0.84 2.76 1.07 2.25 5,675 2,216 587 259 260 230 114 56.44 55.10 51.48 150 140 x x x x x Sport
Europe 300 1.20 3.03 1.92 2.39 3,732 1,530 505 388 424 219 106 89.04 95.58 51.26 164 164 x x x Avant garde
Asia 300 0.48 2.62 0.73 2.70 5,247 2,319 313 261 176 291 67.33 56.10 38.86 62.63 130 130 x x x x x Avant garde
Europe 300 0.65 1.63 1.09 1.69 1,108 1,110 233 180 227 145 59.35 49.93 55.72 37.26 130 130 x x x x x Avant garde
Europe 302 0.65 1.38 1.39 2.34 989 900 220 167 288 221 60.22 43.30 72.70 52.64 140 125 x x x Avant garde
Asia 308 0.66 1.25 1.34 2.78 1,868 300 377 110 308 296 112 32.23 87.44 80.64 120 145 x x x Classic
Europe 310 1.79 2.36 3.41 4.56 3,638 1,492 751 301 752 416 158 69.40 170 97.94 172 172 x x x Sport
Asia 310 0.60 1.87 1.17 3.17 5,027 1,950 413 172 284 321 82.19 38.62 61.49 73.66 172 172 x x x Sport
Asia 310 0.50 3.31 0.73 2.46 5,500 4,000 321 358 175 273 66.86 66.51 35.97 52.72 138 138 x x x Avant garde
Asia 310 0.46 3.00 0.80 3.31 5,000 3,000 291 313 191 374 63.67 61.92 40.66 72.35 135 135 x x x x Avant garde
Europe 318 0.70 2.02 1.08 1.46 4,500 3,100 281 289 236 143 59.90 57.88 51.15 29.77 138 138 x x x Avant garde
Europe 320 1.15 1.14 2.80 3.06 3,350 2,000 447 129 622 293 103 33.65 132 61.36 109 172 x x Sport
Europe 320 1.23 1.41 2.10 2.57 4,000 2,500 488 201 463 256 107 40.90 100 52.47 130 120 x x Sport
Asia 320 0.67 1.31 1.66 3.59 3,000 2,000 430 108 393 331 95.69 27.96 86.19 80.26 130 170 x x Classic
Europe 320 0.58 1.19 1.48 2.46 4,000 2,500 230 170 327 245 50.48 34.50 70.69 50.11 120 130 x x Avant garde
Europe 320 1.28 1.89 1.34 1.58 2,100 3,800 471 238 280 143 108 53.41 62.39 31.54 120 105 x x x x x Sport
Europe 320 0.61 1.78 1.18 1.98 3,000 2,800 233 236 252 188 53.15 51.46 55.93 40.15 135 135 x x x x Avant garde
Europe 328 2.44 5.75 3.66 5.79 19,600 3,900 1,227 1,038 862 603 208 160 170 115 176 176 x x x x x Sport
Europe 328 1.42 2.78 3.66 6.62 8,900 2,800 635 427 835 680 125 80.39 171 132 220 180 x x Sport
Europe 328 2.20 5.20 2.59 3.28 14,700 3,000 1,069 900 597 332 189 149 124 67.68 220 160 x x x Sport
Europe 340 1.21 1.94 1.85 2.55 4,000 2,500 482 276 408 253 106 56.08 88.35 51.88 125 125 x x x x Sport
Asia 340 0.20 1.32 0.24 0.93 2,200 2,300 117 126 55.03 94.15 28.59 27.98 12.86 21.49 120 105 x x x x x Sport
Europe 350 0.86 2.29 1.54 2.87 1,643 1,919 316 298 324 273 75.53 67.31 74.55 59.79 150 150 x x x x x Sport
Asia 350 0.20 2.04 0.35 1.79 3,056 3,323 125 189 80.70 169 27.48 42.11 17.60 39.83 150 150 x x x x x Sport
Europe 355 0.80 1.62 1.98 3.79 4,000 3,300 314 218 431 379 69.40 46.44 91.56 74.71 160 160 x x x Sport
Asia 360 0.15 1.39 0.36 2.54 3,000 3,000 85.82 136 84.22 276 20.66 28.98 18.43 55.53 160 160 x x x Sport
Asia 388 0.11 3.18 0.24 2.83 3,840 3,100 70.97 354 55.01 297 15.48 64.73 12.03 62.01 176 176 x x x x x Sport
Asia 388 0.10 3.10 0.18 1.75 2,320 2,400 60.47 318 39.75 178 14.51 64.84 9.17 39.89 220 160 x x x Sport
Asia 388 0.07 1.34 0.23 2.89 1,770 2,400 38.56 125 51.41 301 9.71 28.17 11.82 64.75 220 180 x x Sport
Asia 588 0.00 2.48 0.00 2.06 3,800 3,200 0.47 288 0.61 217 0.11 50.30 0.13 45.08 225 130 x x x x x Avant garde
Europe 588 0.01 0.19 0.15 1.97 3,800 3,800 2.60 25.46 32.44 205 0.62 5.49 6.72 37.44 150 245 x x Avant garde
Europe 588 0.01 0.30 0.11 0.91 1,700 3,400 3.18 40.43 22.58 80.78 0.82 8.57 5.08 17.61 130 245 x x x Avant garde
Europe 588 0.01 0.56 0.08 1.15 5,200 3,200 4.18 89.59 16.50 117 0.94 15.98 3.57 22.67 225 130 x x x x x Avant garde
Asia 588 0.00 1.27 0.00 1.88 3,700 3,200 0.44 143 0.94 205 0.11 26.00 0.21 40.22 130 245 x x x Avant garde
Asia 588 0.00 0.69 0.00 3.17 4,900 3,200 0.32 76.14 1.15 374 0.08 14.10 0.25 67.27 150 245 x x Avant garde


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