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AS cd DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS (COMPUTER BASED TEST) Name of the Test: The Tamil Nadu Government Office Manual Test (Withdut Books) a Maximum Time: One Hour“ Maximum Marks: 40 ~ IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS OBJECTIVE TYPE Danse M cums emnssner Read the following instructions carefully before beginning to answer the questions. AAS GES om wosss Asm AGL Cosy &psssin_ opHaymyecmaré SOVSRLOMEL Lig Sead . This computer based Test contains 40 number of questions in objective Type. O55 seme aus Cojomongy, <0 AancneDH csmsuleoren ahennésensnds Asmreim_g1 N . Answer all questions. Each question carries one mark SOAS) AATSGEGS AoLusMhssod Padang oherad 96 WS LAUIT © en_wgy 3 In case of doubt, English version is the Final. Memdsaheo esC5oi HEU gyms eugoer snGsstue Gero MenrssGor Oy Husmongy B - Words of masculine gender in these questions shall, where the context so require, be taken to include feminine gender. OH Mennssoid QL Aidysror asin unosenssoufen aunisenpacihed Comoniuiger, § sipegysCau Quen UNoensFeuflen — cumjsongsesih SIG. . Before answering the questions in CBT, candidates should read the following instructions displayed in the monitor: Aemeniusmjsd seal os Gojoe cAem_wahbss Asm etd (oat senfeMuNssr Henquled Consipid oyHlajenysener sevenorasci Lg Seb a) One question will be displayed on the screen at a time. Cy SETS Hd GG aoan we GGw sexes Henqued Csnenpid a b) Time available for you to complete the examination will be displayed through @ countdown timer in the top right-hand corner of the screen. It will display WS 4 rd How long Hindu member of staff can take permission to report office during amawasai ritual? Big eptGeriscr sorenmsweny 06 sbupsons Sflenwsdr Cag) smopions AMUVSSHDS cy Hops Gib Com cronigy (A) V2 hour (B)1 hour 1/2 wee Gab 1 wer Gord (© 2hours (D) 1/2 day 2 woah Comb V2 pret When the attendance closes after the office opens? AQAA Ais cs pseren HI Kseris Deron aunens USGA apy seLGid YS 10 minutes @) 15 minutes 10 gSi1a 15 BL (C) 30 minutes () Lhour 30 piBLid 1 wesfi Gb When a person 1 day casual leave is deducted for availing without permission to attend office? Gout assme Han sQwsAVdarod smogons absnd @EpIdt sIQeud AOLMY Dig 5 Bib Qaiwss@id? (A) 5 days (BY days 5 pmLaér ae prledr (© 2days (D) 4 days 2 pred 4 pmscr If any Government servant comes to office at 1.45 pm on any day with (or) without permission the day will be treated as BG AF Lowfiusmerit o@yiogluy Genr (51) wiguosderfHlGusr Apsed 1.45 wowhlég erent DQAes appre og teeing senés_ GUO? (A) Permission (B) Duty eos, Sigma Leh ‘Casual leave (D) Late present pbewe AGLY AMDB a1jens 3 118/DD/21 [Turn over How many days a Government servant can avail casual leave at a time? 7) Lerluneriad pHAsLId AGLIMET PEy sous cppanan prisdr rGsseomb? eye days (B) 11 days 10 pm adr 11 pmscr (© 9days (D) 6 days 9 pmtsér 6 pmtacr What is the system name for dividing the office into convenient section? 0G BgQamsias uo GMlajsons Oisg gaGanG oyssGS Geis GCareimgus Ganazener Liplus cpanpae erénon Lusi? (A) f Tottenham system (B) Rettanham system LimLeér amb ACL és aomb (©) Mountpatten system (D) Dalhousie system Queraim_GucLen Le@Qanerdl Money and valuables received in the Collector office in course of official business should be entered in premub wppbd Bee Qupwre Gungcsd wre gt Aut sigaasgsé QupuGwaGung &pscim apg UPCauty.d upla) GatwiOUL CarsinQib? (A) Special Register (B) Money Receipt Register Api usGaG Lamb Gupi Usa (©) ASecurity Register (D) Treasury Register ung usa s@gpob USGaQ How many columns in Personal Register? penUPCoul 46 2 drat aerrisofién creimenféenes? @) 4 ®) 5 © 6 ow 118/DD/21 4 10. uu. 12, 13. Important orders should be kept in «fd psdu geamacr mag upmoMéatiur CarenGib? (A) Record Room @B)AStock file usleusop Aoi st@ (C) Separate Almirah (D) None pall sieriomfustes argjayBlevenco Date on which next action is to be taken in the personal Register to be entered in column no. AGES Blawysms oGS5 Gadmgu srét seriPCayad obs sasGd GPM our Gadn@n? (a) 4 (B) 5 Of 6 @) 7 Security Register is maintained in the form prescribed in Ungiemiyy Usa aps UgcusSla upmofléscii Cadn@ib? xv (B) XVII (C) XVI (@) XVII How many days to be taken for pasting correction slips in the concerned book? POSS HanOscr adpaen pr serdeer o Mus Ysserisahd gCLCuL GareinGid? @ 1 (B) 2 Ys @) 5 The files which are kept pending for more than three months will be entered in ary UB HEEFES Cod Heyman% o.ctot PLOY Camiysener orb UPGar gd UPWLUL GCacinQb? (A) Personal register (B) Special Register perusiGad Api safiusad (C)Y Brought forward personal Register (D) Periodicals Ya@anemt 5eUSCaG srogpriusGa® 5 118/DD/21 [Turn over 14. At the top of the note file, What colour fly leaf is placed? SQIAGS GAL Camry Cod en uns apg Pnsend yen pdr noués GarcinGid? (A) Red MW vetiow Sati wesedr (©) Blue (D) Black Bow spoy 15. If any disposal file is taken from Record Room, how much time to be taken for returning file, aap Caniysmer UPapY@ig: «HSslUCLTd sana esperar ongrisserseer A@dY @lisen_4s Carein@ib? (A) One month (B) Two months 9G orp Bran@ wnsid (CY, Three months (D) Six months warp wip DI wpb 16. How many envelopes are used in sending Confidential papers? Qy6Fw sncracr SOIL ah senen 2 psd WWELOS SILOS? (A) One envelope GY Two envelope go oon QrénG 2p (©) Three envelope (D) None warp 2p axgaydldoener 17. When a new librarian take change, he should report fact of loss of books within the period of? OG AQaot Gross ungenamjrs veshile Ceibs o>snen pm_sersecr svemmod Guner Usssmisdt Aaupiiscnat Opileflés Cassin @ib? A/S 15 days (B) One month 15 pmtadr @O wong (©) Three months (D) Six months warp ong Bp wg 118/DD/21 6 18. 19. 20. 21. How many days and which day the woman Government Servants avail permission in a month? STs Sgavsisahd Cudr o7% omPut oo WIESE ass~m— pric aps Alpennsefle smogions euyeomb? (A)J Three Friday (B) Tuesday (wary Gausreflés Sipeno Qadieumis Sipenio (©) Any Three days (D) Any two days gamers epenyy Brewer garaig) QyarQ prac What is the period than the Government Servant could avail the compensatory holiday at his credit? AG ren profi Game unis pr se7sG 2A Os Ob AGLY a>poncn prs e5e6 aaa Cassin Gib? (A) One month (B) Three month © ong wary wig (OY Six month (D) One year y Bp wigid 9G AGL What is the period of destruction Personal Register? poLPCaul crspmrer yarDaiende Menent or PlsscuGid? (A) After one year (B) After two years 960 QranG yainG (C) After three years OY After five years yan ger@ Bis! yan® How many days a Government servant can avail Restricted Holidays? emangd EG sigaes Lefer ammUpssULL Leimaes AGLI epperer BIL 85sG TOSEeMD? (A) 4 days days 4 pascr 3 psc (C) Sdays (D) 7 days 5 priser 7 pm_scr 7 118/DD/21 [Turn over 22. 24, 26. Which record of the following has to be kept 10 years in the office? Epsam uPCaiGsstle crng 10 yar srord nasPGss CauctrOid (A) Survey Stone Register (B) Survey Equipment Register flo marenai 56 USGA flor serena sGeAacr Us\Ca® (©)/ Field map application Register (D) Survey Expenditure Register Y@tuLmisd pedseréarenuPCa® fle .s1erenau Qemetlen UGA In which following form court suit Register is maintains? apsGacr seaNLUsICaly.oe aps Ugasse Upmoflés Codn@ib? (A) B-VIT (B) B-VIII G-ugenb VIL G-ugenb VII (OY B-VIIIA () B-VIIB Q-Liganb VITA G-ugenb VIIB In which year 12 days casual leave started? AM AMIGK SFE 12 pm scr pHAUE AOLY ors -BenG epsd mba B17 (A) 24.11.1980 (B) 16.12.2003 (© 01.06.1985 (D) 29.12.1995 What is the size of the paper to be used in writing petition? og idadr crapgib srafidn sera, G55 (A) 10 length x 8 width B)p13 length x 8.5 width 10 fond x 8 seb 13 Somb x 8.5 isa (C) 12 length x 7 width (D) 10 length x 7 width 12 fond x 7 sab 10 forb x 7 a0 How many copies need to be sent for the Indents for stores? Ms GLY QGss Casing u GunGLserseren Crone -oiflses ULgUd assener Ipslacr qin Gasdn@ib? (A) 3 Copies (B) 4 Copies 3 Insect 4 OpBadr (CF 6 Copies (D) 7 Copies 6 Ap Slact 7 Dy flescit 118/DD/21 8 27. 29. 30. After how many years does the Government Gazettes to be destroyed supplied to subordinate Revenue officers? sTifion sQamisGse aphsiuc sips asseno Berghe Ter sips Gauein@b? (A) 3years (®) 1year 3 gan® 1 ein, (Cf 10 years (D) None 10. gen Ziiflés Cana @dmw ‘The Government call for a report to be submitted after a year, such file may be entered in aris QrTATE HE Veron oflsans seus Cong Camuyscr Spacim usa) Qaiigy (gsaamb? (A) Personal Register (B) Brought Forward per usa (yar Aenean Usa (C) Special Register (Dy Call Book Apiy usa opaaaiiy upGag If the current files are produced in the court the following to be sent as the court finer ms@55s Cami yesoner guid Cungy S[pseim_eujpenp wt Gid sgt Garsin@ib? (A) f Current file only (B)_ Note file only pudy Gamiy ly Gani (©) Current file and note file (D) Copy of current file pLCy opp GAY Gem putiy Ganiiy pad we Oid How is order from Government is disposal off? SAUIG ES ULM aenamsancr ccasng apiga4 Osis Cassin @id? (A) D.Dis B) R.Dis. uy. Bey. wy Filed Disposed ) N. Dis. Gandy apa.aj uy. 9 118/DD/21 [Turn over 31. 32. 33, 34. Roneo number alpha system of filing means collector keeps the following with his own custody CoraAGun cain oe9nA cpenpdd aL Gag! cenprd wneuL % Aw per esi 2drar Expaain a Qaener ungisrLugy (A) Personal paper BY Confidential paper SALULL ger SDUG_OUCL sud Dbpyus gundsdT (C) Urgent paper (D) No meusy suinévsdt argiay.Sledone0 ‘The Taluk Register No. 10 A refer to? prgQen10 or UPCa AUngdr Up Blugs? (A) Dharkast (B) Transfer of Registry sttemeoe. ude, omppid (©) Relinquishment (D/Water Rate Register 2 fend ae) Siteoa auf All Despatch and local Delivery book should be maintained the GO JHLjOs wpb caret AanGiy usGaG as Aungeimassed Uma éscuGdngs? (A) C.F.54 BY CF. 61 © CF44 @) CF. 62 When the map is quoted for reference in file, how it should be shown? pLOYs Come Cpetiuriiecne ygrmore en Gib Gung Sipscim abs pon_cpeopsenct 500. Gigs Cassin ib? (A) Noted in pencil Gamided Qucnard Gfés Cadn@ib @/Y Flagging QammguG_ Cound (C) Page number noted crainescr Glia Gascin Gib (@) None aga Bevan 118/DD/21 10 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, How many columns used in confidential register? Lnppan Gann safer USCad aspen sasha upmofeaciiGdlngs? (A) 5 B) (Cc) 10 ) 3 A Government important letter to be sent by? 27s HSAUSgAb anbss sq ssas oS eee signi CusnGs? (A) Ordinary post BY Register post angipeon 16586 Lupa e580 © Telegram (D) Fax 568 Geis Qpsrene pad Who is responsible for attendance register? augenats usGaiG wing pe@nr_us CungLiIe B\Gss Casein Gib? (A) Section Assistant (B) Head clerk Bilay srapiit pane aoppt (OA Section Officer (D) Officer Giflay genveuit igiaes seroeuit Who is responsible for postal Stamp account? AGI Adoo sarsAHS cbs Qari Qungcry aps CaustrGib? (A) Section Assistant (B) Dispatch Clerk Sis Alay erupssit Si@iiyes «sgt Fair Copy Superintendent (D) Typist a6p pad Olas seranenflturanit pest How many columns does the Call Book Register consist of? Apt punddaafier self Gout 14/56 (Call Book) arjspenen sevrscr? @Y, 6 Columns (B) 7 Columns 6 samedt 7 semua (©) 8 Columns (D) 10 Columns 8 samedr 10 serisdr u 118/DD/21 [Turn over 40. When will the last pay certificate to be destroyed? Qper omflus energy arLiGungy silat Garein@ib? (A) After 5 years (BS After 3 years 5 yainQare5i@ Ser 3 yen Qalepbe Der (©) After 10 years (D) After 15 years 10 gainQare5de Sen 15 pein arene Sen 118/DD/21 12 qe:\t2 ts/DD/21 Register Number DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATIONS THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT OFFICE MANUAL TEST (With Books) Maximum Time : 1.30 hours. Maximum Marks : 60 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS DESCRIPTIVE TYPE Aflanet Aeorwehs Gib acs Senger Read the following instructions carefully before beginning to answer the questions. Hennsae5eG ceorwoflzes Asm wg apcny Sipéscir o\flajysonat sasemons ig sey. 1. _, Answers in excess of the prescribed number of questions appearing at the end of the answer book will not be valued. Beorsenor GUI Oster craineaisonses oslsions cipPI Gir, lon sprefics QoyGuded 2 rer 8s ceirensonsuorron Aen scr BLO Qeiwicingy 2. Answer should be in brief and to the point and need not be a verbatim reproduction of printed pages. (Applicable for tests to be answered “with books” only). Aoorsct sGaswnsqd, AeraApe ofl sirAgnd Qqis CasinOd. upsaBa 2 croneydenp rLigCu aumisogse anisms AGbU as wing. (SGA ypssriseer craggsd Cpe WLOb QUuTGpEI) 3, Incase of doubt, English version is the final. Bamische ssCrsS@iiSen ido ayeAled AonGsatii Ocren AenssCor nSuneng. 1. Answer any EIGHT questions: (8x 3=24) FCsgib oO Herds ere uploraiiics : 1. Explain about Casual Leave Adoey AGLY uph Horses. 2. Explain about Premature Disposal. Hsin CPRasdr UHH) Herd ss. [Turn over 10. I. Explain Demi-Official Correspondence. Cpiqns sya Cundgairig GHdg) Berssayt. What is the Suit Register? a flenowlued apse Api UsGas arenpned ereinen? Describe about the confidential Records. Qresbuss Camiyscr uph Aleuflésay.. What is brought forward Personal Register? Yasnami ser usa cranpned rene? What is Flagging? Qama.uIGse oresypmed arenes? Describe about the outgoing Reminders. QaiohsAsdgud Plerenay Qasr usps) ofleuf What is Office Order Book? DQIUGS caer ys ssb crepe ordre? What is the correction slip? Boggs 8 Gser creamed crenear? Answer any THREE questions: (@x5=15) cT@aGugytd epergy Alenna(e5é6 oBlen_wel : Write the importance of stock file. QOrn St Ose sAusgiand EASE TESS Explain about the different kinds of disposals. LSCapULL Canty apraisenar flere. Explain about General discipline in the office, SgiaHs BUTE PEpMECPEND LDH AaiMésa. 118/DD/21 2 Til. What is meaning by current files? Give details of its arrangement. BULLY 59 crénpne archer? 915 oeni0Lieou eAlaufh Explain the fair copying system. a5 55a ceggaigi UD oAfleuns Rerésayid. Answer any THREE questions : (8x 7=21) coaCuad pany Aanése5s@ Sewell: . What are the important registers maintained in the office? 2G SQaessAe upmoMssiuL Casdngus pdAus USGaiGser wrens? What is the importance of personal registers? How is it checked? SeuACaLger sAUSgIobd WTg? 2g criainp samfésons AailuNiGApE!? Explain the procedure to be followed in registering tapals under the Tottenham system. Lint Lenanmd cpenpwe sundsener isle Getag Glog DémijppUid por_qpannscnet fait Detailed the grant compensatory holidays. FO Qaiuyd AQgpenp Hersey What are economy measures adopted in use of stationeries? 098) QuTGar LUETIGJgGIAPE son_ciIiq.ds Causing us Asean ponL_qosnpescoar eUpEeYtd. 3 118/DD/21

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