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2 peep itm | | po : 2 4 Pattern of aural selilerent in Rakitan Me What is the pattern of xoral Motaly ore \edustral end tonne ical conte ar Nw\bons > Bntient aby, LJ Redighous_centve srt ¥ : ee eee ay. _Porjatn. a HH pul 3 | _s Basid yecemt avons ae eae = eee Re i leer Fide + aise — Rerad settlement and ciky growth Dy How many different. rere aa Oi, Gi escapes he cals ws 9.) What is Uyvbanizatint ~Bepetling of eile Anas ac ale a Hne cities for Living amd _eaming urease and Cov letter Civic facilikies is cotted Urbanoolion: 2 Nome ond dleserine_ tho types of Wovkk. ine Reve ore thyas Sypes of work . their names are | Bricnowy - = _ Secondury ea Verkiary ond Quaternary. ~/ Prvenary 1 AN the mennual and agriaitye ockwities \nelonga be {PE mary ockin NifA. Secondary t- Whe precesing of raw materials “alteined from By cs \eure And miming, \ colled Seccondary ackivily. _ “Teiavy t= 't involea ol He sevice relabed ocictier, Quartevmary t- \4 \ncludes sWited seseorch aubiviki ea. S- Wirral ave he problem saying owing So Lrlsaniobent Sr Phot of grdnlems xise due te Lrlsonization Ukes- + Grewing poverty £- Dnamplanyenen’ As Aha week Camse « toca People. cin —_-ceyten do Gkier fev corning % co \sos lout es eas Seromal solos ore vou lble Sccvival in, Me caMier 16 tous Sex all new commer. ieee ari ae neues stem hang 4 Shenk curd _thetched hovses ove ovar ble YS mmo} peepl Pov Iiving \oeceare of Lew income So people — ane Living 1s soda creas wis peor Sever kyon = hyaiene- __Po\Wwiont - Rives ove Used om clucthin Soy human ond +f waste, aWv_pallubion iso, devine prelblern ic onauy Wotan cities Congeslst stveets ate clogged ol day wit weses ae and ude ond covs ete. \nduckdier pump cut tomes ignoving || Aaler\dUstmaniaabion. 1 Whats goed alnovt loig city qyooth in Asal \napite of Led mony redler, Wag, cay have, Act of bendfite os well which can never ba ovailile vo Country Side—¢-4 Big. rant_campanies ohtvacted Syom developed counties, thes Aner ty. and other sewives cax@ mang torchely. camilale, Place where leroes prepic ond +k (em everead ova hoppy te ive and works pork brings in mere mony thon farming. education provinien 4 ayenter mith seceundary Scheels ard calls 5 Whot can \pe clone te vedoce urban probleme? City autores howe the Sele_vespeosiln\ ya They must \evought Avareparaney and capicity to cou pep issue Tales Liem decision uSe Npary ovhevaty O* Wh OF Yn ety ym provide comfort cand foc) stete _¢ eo ple Draw flow disqpven (Pam X2- 7:24) For Ane \mportance of pork of New Yovk. xtorD Multi skills to countries withou nationals bring modern technology and new EXPLORE BOO ut them. + They pay low wages and force people work hours. Big companies ignore increasing water and air local pollution controls, pollution. The authorities improve services such as elect supply and roads to attract companies, to the be of local people as well. All the decisions that away. T company's home country, matter are taken in the thousands of kilometres + They bring many jobs into the area, often new t of work. time. The country exports manufactured goods for the first The companies take profits out of the cour sometimes without paying taxes. Higher spending power other industries and local of their workers supports | services. Compensation for health timely and not in proporti with lower safety standi itions than would be allo + Multinationals get away and poorer working cond! in developed countries. damage or accidents is not ion to the impact Bad publicity, especially in the home country, for multinationals to change and improve. They can close down and leave without any warning, ith devastating consequences for local people. Fi gure 8.22 Comments about multinational companies yams ; wich, after being processed into ves products in factories, are sold in cities at quch higher prices. Value is added at every sage between harvesting a crop to consuming a processed product. This is vty industrial growth is needed for a country to start climbing up the development adder. If it succeeds, personal incomes will increase to allow more spending which, in un, supports other industries and services and makes the national economy grow. farmer i 9 How much goes to a coffee far Faure hen ajar of. coffee sells for US$5 in en American supermarket? Life expectancy: average number of years a new-born baby is expected to live Literacy rate: percentage of adults able to read and write Quality of life: how well someone can live, including health and education as well as wealth Socio-economic: to do with both people and money Standard of living: how well off a person is and what they can afford yow is economic development measured? The most used measure of a country’s we co wealth is its GDP (Gross Domesti : jestic Pi . itin US dollars per head makes it easy to compare wealth between Serre Stating Gross means total. Domestic Product is the value of goods and services produced in a ’ | g country in one year. The formula for calculating GDP is total value of goods and services in one year = GDP per head total population of the country | countries is not easy, hence the GDP is an average very rich and very poor people, but the proportion of rich people is much higher in developed countries. In 2005 the five poorest countries inthe world, with GDPs between US$90 and US$150 per head, were all in sub-Saharan Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia Democratic Republic of the Congo, Liberia, and Malawi). The majority of people are poor subsistence farmers who grow just enough for their families to eat No Money value is given to what they produce. It Is not counted in the GDP. Obtaining accurate economic data for al value. All countries have their share of ° 96 World development and globalization TOR What is development and how is it measureq? evel of economic growth and wealth of a country’ which fi vGnomic development. Higher Jevels of economic development mean greate, refers to econorry and its people. On this basis the world is usually split into tw Gncnee ‘ich and poor. The dividing line in Figure 8.2 are the more developed rich countries (mainly in the northern hemisphere) from the less developed poor countries (mainly in the tropics and southern hemisphere). Section 1: One definition of development !s ‘| Figure 8.2 The world divided according to economic development Note the course of the dividing line runni Th i west to east across the northern hemisphe Meee devel From the USA-Mexico border in No! BMC erie ‘ey America it passes through the Mediterran¢ Labels used Sea between Europe and Africa, and t separates Russia from the rest of main A Developed world Developing world Asia. Off the coast of Asia, the line ma’ a ae a dramatic change in direction, 9° Br Rich world orworld = southwards and making a loop ro The North he South Australia and New Zealand, placing e | and Japan on the ‘northern’ side with all D First World ‘Third World =the rich countries. E Temperate world “Tropical world NY PRs, Great natural harbour, sheltered, deep water Port of New York Entry point for Growth of many Business centre immigrants industries with offices of from Europe shipping and insurance \ companies Brought many Big American industrial skills corporations (e.g. clothing, need office jewellery) space Figure 7.24 Importance of the port of New York Primary industries provide raw materials for other industries ‘Secondary industries are where raw materials are assembled or manufactured into finished goods Tertiary industries involve jobs to provide goods and services for the public Figure 7.7 Types of work Size Bigger Population Larger built-up area More residential areas Economic activity Industries in factories and workshops (secondary activities) Services in Offices, shops, transport etc. (tertiary activities) Not dependent on the land (primary activities) Public services Greater availability of electricity, gas for cooking, piped water supply, and sanitation More medical care: doctors, clinics, and hospitals Education: secondary schools, colleges, and universities Communications Transport focus for roads Bus and railway stations Airports and air strips Figure 6.13 Differences between urban and rural settlements

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