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Harry and Ron dislike Hermione in the beginning she interfere. She is sharp and brave. She
was irritating, grumpy, blurting. Harry give bad impression to Roan and Harry. Hermione does no longer
furnish a suited first impression. She comes off as a know-it-all and she is very condescending. Ron is
special says: It is no surprise no one can stand her he stated to Harry they pushed themselves into the
crowded corridor. She is a nightmare honestly.

Hermione lies to the teachers to defend them, they see her differently. She realizes she he does not
indeed be aware of everything. The author at the end says: “Hermione grew to be their friend there are
some things you can not share besides ending up liking every other and knocking out a twelve foot. They
each elevate with them elements of the special homes to more than a few stages to add to their bravery
so that mutually they are the blended strengths the Hogwarts founders appeared for even the
cunningness and resourcefulness of Slytheri mn. They need these blended strengths to counter their
personal weaknesses. Hermione’s development into a likeable persona and buddy stars when Harry and
Ron are from the moster and she mont=ster and coolly grants a bold faced lie to the teachers . The little
lady who has been abiding all the school policies now dares to lie to her superiors and new friendship is
born. They pick out these blended to counter their very own man or lady weakness.
Voldemort was power wizard of that century however he make the mistake of seeking
wisdom power, during completely ignoring latent power. Dumbledore this and seek to use these power
to finish him not kill him but just finish him. Indeed his failure to understand that there are somethings
that are much worse than death has always been his greatest weakness. Voldemort did not understand
the power of love because this was what did him in the first time he faced Harry porter . He had not
sensed the power of love that the mother for her child that was the simplest of act, of making a choice,
to flee and to wand between her son and his murderer . She selected to stay and the little act of love
and bravery that Voldemort exile of thirteen years. He completely disrecorded elvish magic or the
power of wizardry even though he had been quite skilled at wandless magic much before he even
gained a wand top little completely disrespect the possibility that another teenager under age would
hold such magical powers and skills for through normal levels that was what paved the way of
Dumbledore and Harry to test the theory of him having invisible his multiple horcruxes and unreachable
locations he also disrespected the lowly elves holding magical powers for more potent then magical
powers .Even the closet of death esters who may have believe themselves to be as the dark lords
favourts , were no one more than mare soldiers to him he ever felt any closeness and attachment to
anyone. Each person was a enemy or a tool that we would use on his own power and immortality.

The shy people are not completely antisocial they are just differently social. They learn and
regulate their sociability and they communicate in indirect or tagngent ways in their lives. Cellphones
and internet allow them to make connections and build up their confidence . People feel shy because
they cannot share their feelings towards those , whom they want to express their feelings. The rise of
lonliness and anxiety is now familiar refrain in the life and work of a sociologists. Even when spending
times withother we are sometimes get distracted by technologies along together. The life gets tough
sometimes , when you really need someone and no one can help you in such a way that you cannot
share your feelings with people , you want to share.

Cellphones allow them to make connection without any awkwardness of face to face interactions. this
sometimes helps to tell the absolute way of talking to the people. They feel shy because they don’t
have the capability to express themselves.

Cellphones encourages people to express themselves more better than expressing themselves face to
face. This type of systems are more important to express themselves and enourages them and make
them more capable to express themselves.

These have made it easy for people to laybare and intimate the details for their private lives online in
ways seem the very opposite to shyness. Not everyone using social networks and internet is some
times helpful to regenerate the feelings. Shyness is an emotional feeling that effects how a person
behaves around others and how they feels about themselves and it can be identified as the
confortable feeling of nervousness and selfconciousness .

According to my statement , whatever I said was all about that I want to express my feelings to a
person whom I was in love with and didn’t have the power to confess that face to face , but with the
help of internet and social media I told her my felings and confessed that more clearly as compared to
face to face. So this was really helpful for me.

1- Alfred Hitchcock, who was in Britian, worked for many years in Hollywood.
2- The sun, which is really a star, 93 million miles from the earth.
3- Charlie Chaplin, who was from the a poor family, became a very rich man.
4- The 1992 Olympics were held in Barelona, which is in the north-east of Spain.
5- We went to see the Crown Jewels, which are kept in the tower of London

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