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Quiz Unit 10 – Grammar: Conditional Type 1&2

Student name: ______________ Class: 10 ___ Score:

Task 1: Read and tick T for TRUE and F for FALSE. (2 pts)
1. Conditional Type 1: If + S + V(HTĐ), S + will/can/may + V.
2. Conditional Type 1 is used to describe unreal events in the present.
3. Conditional Type 2: If + S + V(QKHT), S + would/could/might + V.
4. Unless = In case

Task 2: Read the situations and decide which conditionals we can use to describe them. (4 pts)
1. If you ______ your English every day, you’ll speak it fluently.
A.use B. Will use C. used to D. are used to
2. If I were you, I _________ him as my nephew
A. will treat B. would treat C. am treating D. will have treated
3. If Bob ________ with us, he would have a good time.
A. had come B. would come C. came D. would have come
4. That man speaks EL fast, so they can’t understand.
A. If that man didn’t speak fast, they could understand
B. If that man spoke EL slowly, they could understand
C. Unless that man spoke EL fast, they could understand him
D. All are correct
5. Only if you promise to study hard ____________ to help you.
A. will I agree B. agree C. I agree D. I will agree
6. If you go away, you __________ write to me, _________ you?
A. will/won’t B. can/ can’t C. would/ wouldn’t D. do/ don’t
7. If I could speak Spanish, I _________ next year studying in Mexico.
A. will spend B. had spent C. would spend D. would have spent
8. If you ________ careful with electricity you might get a shock.
A. don’t B. won’t C. wouldn’t D. aren’t

Task 3: Rewrite the sentences using Conditionals Type 1 or 2. (4 pts)

1. I can’t swim, so I’m not going scuba-diving with you.
à If ________________________________________________________________________________.
2. Don't tell your parents. They will be surprised.
à Unless ____________________________________________________________________________.
3. You won't eat anything. You'll be hungry.
à If ________________________________________________________________________________.
4. I don’t drive too close to the animals on safari. They don’t get scared.
à Unless ____________________________________________________________________________.

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