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TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA Office of the Registrar Academic Affairs Reg.No-BSCM/0099/2023 Reif. No:APP/2020/1686260/BSCM/1401803 Date:13-Apr-2023 ANDARY SHALIN AUMA, P.O Box 90419 MOMBASA am pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) for Bachelor of Science in Supply Chain Management. This is a 4 years programme offered in the Department Of Management Science(Main Campus) at the main Campus, Tudor Mombasa. Registration begins on 8 May 2023 and ends on 12 May 2023. A candidate who wal not have registered sia be deemed to have forfeited the offer during the academic year placed. The University general rules and regulations governing students’ code of conduct and discipline and any other subsequent regulations that may be approved by the Senate shall apply. You are required to Scan the Letter of admission, with duly filled attached documents, National ID/Birth Certificate, Original Academic Result-slip or certificate, fee payment Gank-slip and a passport size photo as specified by the instruction on the website. The scanned documents must be uploaded and submitted online to On arrival at the University, you will proceed to your respective Department for signing of the nominal rol The University has few places of accommodation which shail be issued upon registration on first come first served basis. You will be required to make your own accommodation arrangements if you miss to get the available chance in the hostel. All University common units are taught and assessed through blended learning. All students must have a LAPTOP that has the capability of connecting to the internet and transmitting video and audio using a built-in wobcam and microphone on thelr computer. The admission process is subject to formal policies, 19 the registration procedures as per the university Full fees must be paid before admission through any of the bank accounts country wide indicated below. Cash payments are not allowed, All cheques with exceptional of bankers’ cheques must be accompanied with award letter which must be forwarded to the finance office to be issued with TUM official receipt. Standard Chartered Bank A/C No: 0102092728000, Absa Bank A/C No: 2034098894 KCB A/C No: 1169329578, Co-operative Bank A/C No: 0112907900160, National Bank A/C No 01038074211700, Equity Bank A/C No: 0460297818058. Yours Sincerely, Dr. Cromwell Muti Kibiti Registrar Academic Affairs Acceptance £ "Bt sae J cl Sig A Has leasé wile the order of names a Wey appear in the National I Signature: Ef pate__lif" MAY 2093 "Students are advised to visit wivwihelb co kadowload and fil the oan application form. = 180 90012018 Cortied ACCEPTANCE AND DECLARATION FORM 1 Thereby undertake to complete the course for which | have been admitted at the Technical University of Mombasa, unless otherwise provided in the prevailing University rules and regulations. J understand the change of course will be permitted only by approval of the University Senate. | shall abide by the rules and regulations of the University. | undertake to read and understand the Student Disciplinary regulations and shall subject myself to the Disciplinary process when applicable to me in complete cognizance of its requirements noting that the process is not negotiable. accept the rules and regulations governing the student association. I shall be of good behavior in my academic endeavors while in the University. | understand that if disciplinary action is taken against me, the University is at liberty to communicate the same to my parents, guardians, and sponsors (whichever is applicable) 8. | shall observe and apply Covid 19 protocols as stipulated. Students’ Name:_SHALIMN Auta _ A DART Permanent email address: . National 1D NO:_ 34571445 Date: 1" MAY 2023 Signature £ RegNo:_ Witness: EDS MONGA RE Date:_I™! MAY 223 Parent /Guardian's Name:__V I CENT WOON Signature: _|_-“iaanyle-f'4 Relationship: BAO TER Date: it MAY 2022 55 p90 9001-2015 Certified Page 1 of 1 JERSIp, TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA s % Title: STUDENTS PERSONAL DETAILS Department: REGISTRAR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Date: 10th March 2017 (To be completed in Duplieate and in capital letters). One copy to be retained by the Candidate. DAR me SHALIO. ae -AUMA... ‘Sumame First Name Middle Name, 4, Full Name (Mr/MrsJ/? Univesity Registration Number....ASCMUDO99 12023... Course Applied: @ASHIELOR...OF.. SCIENCE, UN.Cuppet CAIN... ADAGUMENT. Faculty of 6 HOO ene QF on CUES, MVAGAGEMENT... SMEG. Index No,.34.8) 7. Gender... PEIALE. Department: .. Transcript No Wu 2. Date of Birth: ..PassporvID No... Contact Address. P.O. Box .. ADM... Town N)2mbaCA...Code nnn County District. KAKAMEGA..... GQBATE,... Location... MABQMAD... CATION. Marital Status SIA Phone No.... O14 26.40.64 Email Address... AN OGrychalgeg malo, Other. TEGMLA.. Address for Next of AQ. Phone No. O3.285.22 Email: 4. Persons to be contacted in case of Emergency: a, Names. TESA... PMO. Phone No..OA.2.6 23.2214, P.O, Box. Ph. NOUMMAS 00 Town. pyrcaeasosncemnennersas OIE b. Names. MINGENT... 3, Next of Kins Names MULonbo. Town... MOMUAS... MLODEDD. ene Phone No. DA AAE MAHL... P.O. Box on soveee Town. .VAM .» Code. @ SS ISO 9001:2015 Certified Page 1 of 2 5, Educational Training/Secondary School INSTITUTION ATTENDED DATES From (year) To (year) QUALIFICATION L MECHNICAL UNIVER Oe _ MOMBALA 2026 = 2022 Ceetacre NT _MUCHAgK Sr HIGH Wore - 2014 |K-C.Ce CeRTiFICATE 6, Other Academic or Professional Qualification [Start with Current) DATES Overall Grade From To (monthiyear) (Monthiyear) 7 a) Provide order of your names the way you would like them to appear in your final Certificate and Transcript. AM bar. SHALIC. Sumame AUMA. First Name Middle Name b) NB: ALL your official documents including Student ID, Transcripts, Certificates and Examination Cards will have your names written in this order Any change of name after filling this form shall attract a penalty of fees as indicated in the Student Handbook | certify that the information I have provided is correct. Student Sigasture: AZ pate: LI AY... 2023 ©) 5 1$0 9001:2015 Certified Page 2 of 2 TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA ‘Document: Form Ref No: TUM/Form/RAA/O11 Title: MEDICAL EXAMINATION Department: REGISTRAR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Revision No.1 J Date: 10m March 2017 REGISTRATION NO. IMPORTANT Students are requested to complete Part I of this form, Part HI should be completed by the Medical Officer examining the student. PARTI i. Sumame: .APLDARY. Other Names: AUMA.......SHALL 2 " Date of birth TAC 1996... Place of birth: ..WNUA Gender: .. FEROALE. Nationality: KECHAN.. Religion: CHAM TAN: Tt Marital Status: SINGLE oer othe aaa i OF UST G70 | Hecpizal) 5). Have you bad any of the following illness? i Tuberculosis or other chest infection? Yes/No. ii. Fits, nervous disease or fainting attacks? Yes / No. matic fever? Yes/ S iii. Heart disease or Rhe iv. Any disease of digestive system? Yes/3 ¥. Any disease of Genital urinary system <2 vi, Allergies to food or drugs? Yes/® “i Vata x Vili. “Sexually transmitted disease? Yes /hQ ix. Poliomyelitis? Yes/NQ IH the answer to any of the above is Yes, Please give details with dates... Nie ©). Has any member of your family suffered from? 1 tuberculosis? Yes tv insanity or mental fiiness? Yes / 8 iii Diabetes Mellitus? Yes/N@ iv Heart Disease? Yeung 4). Have you been immunized against any of the following diseases? 180 9001:2645 Certified Page 30! i). Tetanus? Yes / Na. ii), Poliomyelitis? Yes Date, J‘ on DARE X ©). Have you suffered from any of the following condition: 4) Visual Acuity: Without Glasses R.6/..1N. ii) Hearing: Right ear...W. Ter D_ ss iv) Lymphatic glands...18 Circulation system... Blood Pressure... Diastolic, v) Report on Respiratory system: With Glasses Ro! AS : Report on CHEST X- AY (where necessary as per the eiicl finding) r N ie) i : vi) Any observati ‘ed Abdomen, Spleen. ee NIN “erie Evidence of Hemorthoids. vii) Any observable physical defects in addition to general record of o Ifany, please specify. Nike Is the student on any treatment? 7 ET ieany, please specity... NI Ac. viii) nese: fe NIP. Medial Oni fats east - PARI Special Remarks: is the student fit for the Course Admitted? 1/¥es /} ’ TUM Medical Officer Dae& spp 7 * 180 9001:2018 Certified Page 3 of 3 TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA Title: NEW STUDENTS ADMISSION Ref No.: TUM/Form/RAA/012 Department: REGISTRAR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Revision No.1 | Date: 10th March 2017 (Yo be filled in DUPLICATE) Provide your names in the order you would like them to appear in your final Certificate and Transcript. Any chi f name requested after the two weeks registration period provided, shall attract a xa Fee as indicated in the gid ents? Handbook AY DARI, SHALIA AUNA ne First Name Siliddle Name neoxo.BS6on Loo4a! 202. perartMent.MAQAGE NEC 1 @) DEPARTMENTAL DESK: VERIFICATION OF STUDENT? ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS Document Indicate Number Confirmed (Tick) Kes € Se) as = | LN a 29ST GS al ARE CTS omen “L SPMmbIooilaoad = deovie canes wade Nidtnoar £40 sian... &Ba (Oificial Rubber Stamp) pare Bigger b) LEVEL OF ENTRY Year of Study Semester. Dates 2, STUDENT?S CONFIRMATION Signatures evans un Date, !051 2023, 3. FINANCE DESK (Cash Office) Fees Payable (KShS enum? AA OS Amount o fice aid (Kshs) Name. ply? ke. Shleny 4. MEDICAL DESK: MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND REPORTS ww LB.MAY 2023 REMARKS. GNATUREROEE EES A 5 REGISTRAR?S OFFICE (Admission Dess) OFFICERS NAME. Si | confirm that the student has met all the required admission procedures. Temporary 1D Issued Signed Nominal Roll Admission Officer ‘Name. & ACCOMMODATION DESK (Optional) ‘Accommodation is subject 10 availabilty of rooms and i served on frst come first served basis, Is accommodation available? Yes No Room allocated Accommodation Officer Name Signatue.sssctnsse Date. 7 STUDENT IDENTITY CARD PHOTO (To be taken after orientation) NOTE L The registration process must be completed within the first two weeks of the semester. Il, Students MUST register for course units before commencement of classes UL. Students are advised to visit, download and fill the loan application form, Issue No.1} Revision No. 1 Department: REGISTRAR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA Date: 10th March 2017 | ‘The following documents should be dully filled by all new students and presented to the ) admissions desk upon registration SIN | Document Availed | Not Availed, Copy of admission letter Certificates (Original and copies for certification) | Dully filled new students Admission form Dully filled new students Personal Details form | Dully filled Acceptance Declaration form | Dully filled Medical Examination report Dully filled Accommodation form (optional) Name of Student: Name of Registry Offic ) * IS0 9001-2015 Certified Date: Date: Page 1 of 1 TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA. Rot No TUM/Form/RAA0S Title: EXAMINERS RECORD. Department: REGISTRAR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS, Revision No. 0 Date: Sth April 2018 INSTRUCTIONS TO ALL STUDENTS 1,_STUDENTS PERSONAL DETAILS. You are required to complete Two (2) copies of Form 7UM/Form/RAA/0I0 STUDENTS PERSONAL DETAILS 1x3 weir a copy together with two (2) COLOURED PASSPORT SIZE PHOTGRAPHS to the Registrar (AA). 2.__MEDI Admission into University is conditional upon satisfactory medical report being received. Students are therefore required to undergo a medical examination by recognized medical practitioner before coming 10 the University Document 7UM/FORM/RAA/OLI MEDICAL EXAMINATION FORM i attached for this purpose, The Doctor who examines the student is kindly requested to complete the form. The student is required to bring the report along with him/her on the day of registration. The form should NOT BE SENT BY POST. 3._MATERIALS NEEDED BY STUDENTS. i. Stationery ii, Books and equipment (depending on the faculty/School/Institute) in which one is registered, iii, Beddings (Bed cover, Sheets and bucket) INSTRUMENTS AND PROTECTIVE GEAR FOR STUDENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FACULTIES. Engineering. Applied Sciences ty A set of Draughtsman drawing instruments i, One white laboratory coat i) 2H, HB and 3H pencils and a good quality eraser ii, Safety boots iii, Blue Overall iii Dissecting kit i. Safety Boots ¥v. Scale rulers for Architectural Students SS 180 9001:2015 Certified Page 1 of 1 23 ad 300 oy =doy (UIVTE) 9 JavHa NYS ee gs) Ta 3Nod azquonay S193rans 2 UNITED Eby ao OTOETI NVILSTSHD ETL Bs INOS ANY AMOLSIH TT e3 AMISINGHD © ese ADOIOIA TEC ge28 3 SOLLWWSHLY TST BES? (wid) THHWASEN Zor e338 cena) +9 HSETONS TOT aK sad siaarans aa? ge wGdx | LEI/ETb2 AMVONY NEWHE YANY LIT/TTPLTSLE 288 WOOHS AMYANODSS ISNONT SIAVHOTM TIS TTPLTOLE a gas 338 aes dis L1nsa¥ NOLWONGa a ASVGNOIAS JO FLVONSILYAD WANA AHL HOS NON z I IVNOILVN VAN Technical University of Mombasa SCHOOL OF BUSINESS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE PROVISIONAL EXAMINATION TRANSCRIPT | NAME: AUMA SHALIN ANDARY | { DpmM/1001/2020 ] [ COURSE: DIPLOMA IN PROCUREMENT AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT | COURSE CODE: DPMM/SEP2020/S-FT YEAR OF STUDY: 2° UNIT CODE | UNIT NAME GRADE BPC 2203___| PURCHASING PRINCIPLES AND TECHNIQUES. B BMK 2201 MARKETING MANAGEMENT D BPC 2202 _| PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC POLICY AND ORGANIZATION b* BAC 2204 _| RESEARCH METHODS — [BEN 2201__| ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION B BAC 2201 QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES = __D* BMG 2208 _| BUSINESS LAW Il [oc BPC 2204 __| PUBLIC PROCUREMENT. - B “BPC 2205__| INTERNATIONAL PURCHASING c BAC 2202__| MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING I c BMG 2205 _| MATERIAL PROVISIONING AND LOGISTICS, A | BEN 2202 BUSINESS PLANNING Cc | BPC 2235__| TRADE PROJECT Cc | RESULT: PASS | SERIES: NOVEMBER 2022 ] REMARKS: TO BE AWARDED A DIPLOMA WITH PASS { DEAN - SCHOOL OF BUSINESS KEY 70.and above A + PASS Al {60% and above but less than 70% 8 ABS - ABSENT '50% and above but less than 60% C CNC - COURSE NOT 40% and above but less than 50% D COMPLETE. Below 40% E ‘This provisional transcript is issued without any alterations or erasures whatsoever, and is NOT a transcript. ‘The Senate Board of the University reserves the right t0 correct the information given on the transcript Technical University of Mombasa SCHOOL OF BUSINESS DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE PROVISIONAL EXAMINATION TRANSCRIPT [ { NAME: AUMA SHALIN ANDARY || ST.NO: DPMM1001/2020 _ | | { COURSE: DIPLOMA IN PROCUREMENT AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT ] | [COURSE CODE: DPMMSEP20208-FT__| | YEAR OF STUDY: 1° | | UNIT CODE UNIT NAME GRADE BAC 2104 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING c BMG 2101 BUSINESS LAW ¢ BAC 2102 MICRO ECONOMICS Cc EIT 2204 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS. B BMC 2107 COMMUNICATION SKILLS D APH 2101 HIV/AIDS AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE. Lf BPC 2101 | STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT | Ce BAC 2110 COST ACCOUNTING 2 c BPC 2102 PRINCIPLES OF PROCUREMENT. Cc BMC 2116 HUMAN AND PUBLIC RELATIONS: € | BAC 2105 MACRO ECONOMICS: Cc EIT 2101 COMPUTER APPLICATION c BAC 2103 BUSINESS STATISTICS. | B [ RESULT: PASS | [ SERIES: JULY 2021 } REMARKS: TO PROCEED TO SECOND YEAR OF STUDY DEAN - SCHOOL OF BUSINESS KEY XE TOand above A Lasers Est 60% and above bu ess than 70% 1 AB 50% and above but less than 60% C eXC- COUR: 430% and above bu less than SO" D COMPLETE Below 40% E This provisional transcript is issued without any alterations or erasures whaisoever, and is NOT a transcript The Senate Board of the University reserves the righ to correct the information given on the transeript TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF MOMBASA Office of the Dean School of Business All correspondence should be addressed to the Vice Chancellor When replying please quote Our ref: DPMM/1001/2020 Date: 12" May, 2023 Asst. Registrar (Admissions) RE: _AUMA, SHALIN = 0 0 The above mentioned person is a student at the Technical University of Mombasa in the Department of Management Science. She was pursuing Diploma in Procurement & Materials Management. She successfully completed her course in November 2022. The training she has undergone has provided necessary academic knowledge and skills that can enable her handle responsibilities in relevant areas and pursue further training in the same field. The student is awaiting graduation to be awarded her Diploma with PASS. Any assistance accorded to her will be highly appreciated _ Thank yous Dr. Samson Kitheka Technical University of Mombasa, Tom Mboys Avene P.O. Hox 90120 - $0100, MOMBASA - KENYA. TEL: (254) 41-24922238, FAN: (254) 4- 2498632, Mobile: (258) (724988577 0738 -955377 ‘TUM is ISO 9001:2015 Certifed E-mail: infoutumacke,, Website: www-lumaeke National CUSTOMER TRANSACTION RECEIPT Bank Hc, ‘| ‘wr ke dWvLs SUaTTaL waa NR idlZ934y NOILOVSNVYL YSAWOLSND REPUBLIC OF KENYA wees 39571745 Mt = = f& meron ieDie 70326538325 IDKYA2514564823<<3751<<<<<3751 9801026F2101255

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