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A Research Proposal Presented to

Ms. Rosalie B. Martinez

Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Subject

Research 4

Lovelyn Faith S. Atilano

Daryl Joy P. Cabaya

Divine Faith Osorio

Zenzeah Jodi D. Pajarillo

Kiannah Irish M. Salazar

August 2022


1.1 Background of the Study

Mobile technology is a type of technology that is primarily used in

cellular communication and other related aspects (Macwan, 2017). It has

evolved into a pillar of communication in today’s society, making our lives

easier and more convenient as it continues to develop at a rapid pace.

Although virtual communication is the primary use of mobile technology, its

uses are not limited to that.

Mobile devices such as smartphones and laptops serve as items of

entertainment as they can be downloaded with applications like TikTok and

YouTube, which are content sharing apps that cater to people with different

interests. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter keep us updated

on recent news, issues, and events that are happening worldwide. Most

importantly, institutes and administrations like the Philippine Atmospheric,

Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) and the

Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) also use

mobile technology to inform us about weather and volcanic situations,


However, in light of recent events, people are seeing a new opportunity

for mobile technology to be used in education. With the implementation of

modular and online learning in the Philippines, both educators and students

rely on mobile technology to share files that are required for topic discussions.

These online classes cater to both audio and visual learners and are frequently
held to discuss topics that may be too complex for students to comprehend

solely through reading.

Due to the pandemic, students have been exposed to a broader range

of learning techniques such as game and video-based learning, which differs

greatly from the traditional in-classroom learning method. Students can access

information, collaborate with peers, record their learning, and receive feedback

from teachers at any time and at any place (Ramnath and Kuriakose, 2015).

According to an article by Tutor Doctor (2019), surveys report that

37% of teens ages 15 to 17 found Mathematics to be harder than other

subjects. Mathematics is considered a difficult subject by most of the

students due to aversive teaching style, difficulty in following the instruction,

difficulty in understanding the subject, and difficulty in remembering its

equation and ways to solve problem (Gafoor and Kurukkan, 2015).

Although the use of mobile technology makes educational experience

more convenient, is it effective in terms of the students’ academic

performance? Thus, this research proposal.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of mobile technology

in the academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students of Governor

Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in Mathematics for the School

Year 2022- 2023.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1) What is the level of effectiveness of mobile technology in the

academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students of Governor Julian

Fullon Pacificador National School in Mathematics for the School Year


2) What is the academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students

of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in Mathematics for the

School Year 2022-2023?

3) Is there a significant relationship between the effectiveness of

mobile technology and the academic performance of Grade8–Chastity

students of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in

Mathematics for the School Year 2022-2023?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of mobile

technology in the academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students of

Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in Mathematics for the

School Year 2022-2023.

Specifically, this study aims to determine the following:

1) The level of effectiveness of mobile technology in the academic

performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students of Governor Julian Fullon

Pacificador National School in Mathematics for the School Year 2022-2023.

2) The academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students of

Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in Mathematics for the

School Year 2022-2023.

3) The significant relationship between the effectiveness of mobile

technology and the academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students

Of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in Mathematics for

the School Year 2022-2023.

1.4 Hypothesis

1) There is no significant relationship between the effectiveness of

mobile technology and the academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity

students of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in

Mathematics for the School Year 2022-2023.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The results of the study will benefit the following:

Students. They will be able to find an effective way to develop their

knowledge in Mathematics.

Parents. Parents also guide students to learn, thus, they must also

understand certain mathematical concepts using an effective way of learning.

Teachers. They will be able to apply an effective teaching method and

strategy, as well as create an effective learning plan.

Future Researchers. This study will assist them in gathering data for

their own study, and it will also serve as a reference for them as they develop

their own study.

Community. If members of the community improve their academic

performance through this study, the community will be involved in their success.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will investigate the effectiveness of mobile technology in the

academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students of Governor Julian

Fullon Pacificador National School in Mathematics for the School Year 2022-
2023. This study will mainly focus in the academic performance of Grade 8 -

Chastity students of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School in

Mathematics 8.

The participants of the study will be the 30 Grade 8 - Chastity students

of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School for the School Year 2022-


1.7 Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the following terms are defined:

Academic Performance. The degree to which a student, teacher, or

institution has met their short-term or long-term objectives, as measured by

continuous assessment or cumulative grade point average (Tadese et al.,


In this study, academic performance refers to the grades of the 30

Grade 8 – Chastity students in Mathematics of Governor Julian Fullon

Pacificador National School for the School Year 2022-2023.

Effectiveness. The extent to which objectives are attained (Bragg,


In this study, effectiveness refers to the level of effectiveness of mobile

technology in the academic performance of Grade 8 – Chastity students in

Mathematics of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School for the

School Year 2022-2023.

Learning Methods. Any activity or resource provided to aid the

learning process at the individual, team, or organizational level is referred to

as a learning method (Hayden, 2021).

In this study, learning methods refer to the different ways of learning

of Grade 8 – Chastity students in Mathematics of Governor Julian Fullon

Pacificador National School for the School Year 2022-2023.

Mobile Learning. Is a new method of gaining access to learning

content through the use of mobile devices (Priscila, 2020).

In this study, mobile learning refers to a method of learning with the

help of mobile technology of Grade 8 – Chastity students in Mathematics of

Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School for the School Year


Mobile Technology. Refers to portable electronic devices that project

digital images onto a liquid crystal display and are manipulated by touching

the screen with a stylus or entering characters from a digital keypad

(Almuraqab, 2021).

In this study, mobile technology refers to mobile devices (e.g.,

smartphones, laptops, and computers) that the Grade 8 – Chastity students

of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School for the School Year

2022-2023 use for their academic performance in Mathematics.

Participant. A person who takes part in an event or becomes

involved in a particular activity (Cambridge Dictionary, 2023).

In this study, participants refer to the 30 Grade 8 – Chastity students

of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School for the School Year

2022-2023 who will participate in this study.

Student. A person formally engaged in learning, especially one

enrolled in a school or college; pupil (Dictionary, 2023).

In this study, students refer to officially enrolled Grade 8 – Chastity

students of Governor Julian Fullon Pacificador National School for the

School Year 2022-2023.


Review of Related Literature

2.1 What is Mobile Technology?

As stated by the Geeks for Geeks (2021), mobile technology refers to

the use of mobile devices to perform communications-related tasks such as

communicating with friends, relatives, and others. It is used to transfer

information from one system to another. Mobile technology consists of portable

two-way communications systems, computing devices, and networking


Additionally, Ciaramitaro (2011) stated that mobile devices are no

longer just for voice communication. They’ve evolved into a platform for

delivering voice, music, text, video, and image messages. Importantly, the

mobile user can develop and share these diverse interactions on demand.

Mobile devices are used to access the Internet, watch television and movies,

interact with GPS (Global Positioning System), play games, as well as read

and respond to barcode and augmented reality messages, among other

things. The reach and functionality of mobile devices depends on their

underlying network infrastructure and the capabilities of the mobile device or


2.2 The Advancement of Mobile Technology

As per an article by Finextra (2017), mobile technology is a platform on

which multiple transmitters can send data on a single channel at the same

time. This platform is known as code-division multiple access (CDMA). It

reduces the likelihood of interference from two or more sources. This platform

allows many users to use single frequencies. This channel has changed over

time. Mobile technology is rapidly evolving and its applications have become

more diverse. It is gradually replacing some similar market sources that are

also used for communication, such as post offices and land lines. Mobile

technology has progressed from a simple device used for phone calls and

messaging to a multi-tasking device capable of GPS navigation, internet

browsing, gaming, instant messaging, and other functions. Professionals say

that wireless networking and mobile computing are the future of computer


2.3 Mobile Technology in Education

As reported by the study of Ferreira et al. (2018), mobile technologies

are technological products that a large portion of the so-called “digital

generation” owns and uses in their daily lives, as well as for recreational

and educational activities. Mobile technology contributes to more engaging

and personalized teaching and learning. In this context, mobile devices,

such as smartphones and tablets, emerge as an innovative tool connected

with various tactics and strategies.

According to the study of Martin and Ertzberger (2013), mobile

technology’s proliferation provides a plethora of opportunities to support

learning and performance both inside and outside the classroom. The

learning environment can accompany the students to the field site, the

laboratory, and beyond with mobile technology. There is an opportunity to

use mobile technology to better support students not only in the classroom,
but also as they navigate their learning context. Mobile technology enables

a new type of learning and performance support in the field, allowing access

to information, processes, and communication at any time and from any


As per an article by Bernstein (2019), Cambridge International has

released a new report based on an online survey of nearly

20,000teachersand students (ages 12–19) from 100 countries. According

to the survey, the use of technology in schools worldwide is increasing, with

48 percent of students reporting that they use a desktop computer in the

classroom. Smartphones are used by 42 percent, interactive whiteboards

by 33percent, and tablets by 20 percent. However, traditional modes such

as pen and paper (90 percent) and whiteboards continue to be popular (73


2.4 Different Mobile Devices

Personal digital assistants (PDAs), cellphones, and tablet PCs are a

few examples of mobile computing devices, according to Beal (2022). Mobile

devices today are multi-purpose devices that can run a wide variety of

applications for both consumer and business use. Smartphones and tablets

give users the ability to access the internet from their mobile device for email,

instant messaging, text messaging, and web surfing, as well as business

papers, contact lists, and other things. Sometimes newer, more potent

mobile devices can even completely replace PCs. Mobile devices are

frequently seen as an extension to your own PC or laptop. Furthermore,

when the devices are used together, work completed remotely on a mobile
device can be synchronized with PCs to reflect changes and new information

while away from the computer.

Pocket computers are another name for Personal Digital Assistants

(PDAs). PDAs are handheld gadgets that incorporate computer, phone/fax,

internet, and networking features into one device. An average PDA can

serve as a mobile phone, fax machine, web browser, and personal

organizer. Smartphones are electronic devices that combine a mobile phone

and a portable computer. Smartphones give consumers the ability to use a

mobile phone along with the ability to access and store information (like

email) and install programs (applications). For instance, a smartphone could

be a mobile phone that also has some PDA features built in, or vice versa.

Tablet PCs are a development of the notebook computer with touchscreen

LCD screens that may be used with your fingertips or a stylus. A stylus is

used to write in the text, which is then digitalized and can either be

transformed into conventional text by handwriting recognition technology or

left to stand alone as handwritten text.

2.5 Positive Effects of Mobile Technology

According to Rambitan (2015), mobile devices were not only used as

a means of oral and written communication, but were also used for browsing

the internet to find data or information related to the learning activities while

simultaneously for accessing online social networking related with the

necessary knowledge. Through the internet browsing students and teachers

can be assisted in the learning activities in the classroom. As explained by

Woodcock, et al. (2012), increasingly students’ own smartphones and, as

with other aspects of their lives, they will turn to them as a matter of course

to enhance their experience of learning. Their study has shown that once

students begin using their smartphones for learning, they begin to appreciate

the benefits and the further possibilities that exists within their current frame

of reference. Amongst smartphone users, this is already evident in the ways

they seek to manage their lives as learners using apps to check Blackboard

and Timetables.

As reported by Sarwar & Soomro (2013), smartphone features like,

text-to-speech, GPS and social websites are some examples, which can

help people to easily remain integrated with society. Using these services

and many more features, the target group of people can easily communicate

their needs, seek assistance from others and remain connected to society.

Even in today’s busy world, Smartphone had also made possible for us to

remain connected with our friends and family all the time. Always connected

to the internet through a smartphone provides a great instrument for

individuals for constant communication resulting in great safety for children

attending schools or going outside. The classic mobile phones provided this

facility for long time but the smartphone’s utilizing the same and providing

additional convenient capabilities to communicate with children and know

their whereabouts anytime. The Smartphone has given an opportunity to

individuals to act as a journalist at any point in time and real-time information

to society. Smartphone features like the camera, video capture, access to

social websites and nature of always connected to the internet enable

individuals to capture any video at any time and share it with friends and

family using social websites and other internet based options.

2.6 Negative Effects of Mobile Technology

According to Abu-Shanab & Haddad (2015), smartphones share

some general or common health effects caused by continuous and long-

term use. The following are the most serious: Headache followed by

irritability as a result of constant use of mobile devices, lack of concentration,

particularly among students as a result of frequent messages and calls. This

lack of focus will distract students from completing their assignments and

will have a negative impact on their academic performance. Excessive use

of mobile phones will cause users anxiety due to the constant flow of news

or calls, which will eventually cause eye strain (regardless of the size of the

screen, it will cause the same effect). Additionally, using mobile phones will

cause fatigue from constant calling, texting, and staying up. The use of

mobile and smartphones causes users to lose their appetite and makes

them tired. There is also loss of hearing from continuous calling, problems

with fingers from keypad use, and other health effects from continuous

mobile phone use such as neck pain, limb pains, lack of sleep, being

disposed, and addiction.

As reported by Sarwar & Soomro (2013), smartphones allow students

to text, collaborate on social networking sites, check e-mails, play online

games, and even watch TV channels. This is one of the sources of

distraction. This is not only distracting for the student, but it can aslo be

distracting for other students around them and, in some cases, the entire

class. Furthermore, it would be difficult for students to make calls during

exams in order to cheat, but it may be possible for students in a crowded

classroom or examination hall to use their smartphones to access

information online in order to cheat on exams. Indeed, there are some

startling statistics about the use of smartphones for cheating in the

classroom. Texting other students, looking up information online, utilizing

sophisticated calculators and phone apps, or reviewing notes saved on

phones to cheat on a test are examples of improper smartphone use.

Smartphones can also encourage hazing and bullying.

2.7 The Use of Mobile Technology in Different Fields

According to the study of Mohammadi et al. (2020) the development of

mobile learning as a new technology innovation and educational trend has also

given both teachers and students numerous opportunities. The use of mobile

technology has increased the potential for effective teaching and learning. The

mobile learning stands out from other learning systems because of its mobility.

Despite the aforementioned advantages, mobile learning will never completely

replace traditional education. However, when used properly, it can boost the

value of current learning methods.

As stated in the study of Sharma et al. (2022) mobile technology has

provided a variety of communication platforms for the healthcare system. Thus,

in the field of health, mobile technology has significantly aided in time

management and cost savings for healthcare at every level, from hospital visits

to private doctor appointments. With improvements in mobile technologies and

an increasing number of mobile users, new opportunities for using mobile for

patient care have emerged.

2.8 Mobile Technology and Mathematics

As reported in the study of Fabian, et al. (2016), there is an increasing

uptake on the use of mobile technologies for learning. Students attitudes to

mobile use were mostly positive. Student engagement with other students

generally increased and so does their engagement in the learning activities.

The ubiquity of mobile devices together with its potential to bridge classroom

learning to real-world has added a new angle to contextualizing mathematics

learning. Students’ attitude to mathematics, as assessed by a mathematics

attitude inventory, found no significant change for both groups except for the

significant decline in enjoyment for the control group. The use of mobile

technologies elicits positive responses from students both in terms of how they

perceive the mobile activities and how it improved their performance. As

specified by Attard (2018), teacher and student perceptions of whether and how

the use of mobile technologies within mathematics classrooms does indeed

improve engagement with mathematics. Amasha, et al. (2021) observed that in

primary education, a variety of teaching methods, such as enhanced and

discovery learning, have had a significant influence on student achievement,

particularly in mathematics. The results further indicate the effectiveness of this

current application in developing students’ cognitive skills and improving their

mathematical abilities.

2.9 What is Mathematics?

According to the study of Gordon & Hom (2021), Mathematics is the

science that studies the logic of form, number, and arrangement. Math is

present in everything we do. It is the foundation for everything in our daily lives,

including mobile devices, computers, software, ancient and modern art, money
architecture, engineering, and even sports.

2.10 The Significance of Mathematics

As stated in the study of Das (2020), Mathematics is linked to every

other subject, either directly or indirectly. Because science and technological

progress have made our modern society and environment more capable, there

is a need to study basic Mathematics up to X class to understand it.

Mathematics provides mental exercise and helps to keep the mind in check.

Through mathematics, children gain the ability to think clearly and are trained

to work on a regular basis. Each and every problem of Mathematics is an open

challenge for the mind and brain.

According to Nocar and Hodaňová (2016), Mathematics has a

tremendous impact on both the education of pupils and students in a special

field (mathematical knowledge) and on moral education. Nature,

technology, architecture, manufacturing, the construction industry, banking,

research, mapping, and other fields all have mathematical applications. In

genetics and nature, mathematics has many fascinating applications.

Statistical methods are used to test hypotheses in genetics. We can develop

statistical explanations of quantitative relationships using mathematics.

When processing research data, we need to know about arithmetic

diameter, scattering, standard deviation, and other statistics.

2.11 The Role of Mathematics in Developing Learners

According to Algani (2022), mathematics is critical for intellectual

development; no other subject in the curriculum engages the learners’ minds

as much as mathematics. Problem-solving helps in the development of

cognitive abilities. Math problems require mental effort to solve. When a

learner is presented with a mathematical challenge, his or her brain becomes

active in an attempt to solve the problem. Each mathematical problem has a

sequence that must be followed in order to be constructive and creative. In

this way, math is used to develop all of a learner's mental abilities.

Furthermore, mathematics enables a learner to be highly calculative. It

improves one's willpower, tolerance, and self-esteem. It also improves the

opportunity to learn and create.

As stated by Jain (2019), basic math skills help you solve general math

problems in your life, such as simple addition and subtraction which helps you

with financial management. Practicing and learning mathematics improves

your ability to reason and think critically. It sharpens your mind and is

applicable to all aspects of your daily life. Learners frequently perceive

mathematics as boring, overly abstract, uncreative, and extremely difficult to

understand, which leads to the development of math phobias. Everyone is

capable of grasping mathematics at an advanced level. Chemistry,

programming, technology, accounting, biology, and physics are just a few of

the career fields where mathematics is applied.

2.12 Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Performance

According to Singh et al. (2016), learning facilities, communication

skills, and proper parental guidance all have a statistically significant positive

impact on students’ performance. According to the findings of their research,

the most important factor influencing students’ performance is learning

facilities, followed by communication skills and proper parental guidance. As

reported by the study of Arora & Singh (2017), faculty teaching effectiveness,

students study habits, distraction factors, and family environment are all factors

that can influence a student’s grades. The subject expertise of the teacher,

ability to generate interest in the subject, and interaction with students all play

an important role in students’ achievement. In addition, effective study habits

and family motivation help students perform better academically. The study

also revealed that, after controlling for other factors, female students have

higher academic grades than boys. As examined by Mushtaq & Khan (2012),

family stress is also a factor that affects student performance.

2.13 The Relationship Between Mobile Technology and the Academic

Performance of Students

A study conducted by Ansari & Khan (2020), showed that smartphones

can be used to access educational resources or supplementary information that

is often available online, therefore improving academic performance. Students

utilize cellphones as learning tools for a variety of reasons, including their

portability, accessibility to a wide range of learning resources, capacity to

multitask while learning, and environmental friendliness. They use

smartphones to handle their group work and to communicate with teachers

outside of the classroom. But incorporating cellphones into a classroom setting

is a difficult challenge. In order to provide engaging lessons and maximize

interaction with students in class while reducing or at least minimizing

distractions that can be caused, lecturers may need to include cellphones into

teaching and learning.

The findings of a study conducted by Lepp et al. (2015) revealed that

mobile devices, specifically cellphones, are negatively associated with

students’ academic performance. They have stated that it is likely that the

temptation to use a modern cellphone to browse the internet, check social

media, play video games, chat with friends, discover new applications, or

engage in any number of cellphone-based leisure activities is too hard for some

students to resist when they should be concentrating on their studies. As a

result, the negative relationship between cellphones.

2.14 Academic Performance of Students in Mathematics

According to the Department of Education in the Philippines (2019), in

2018, the Philippines joined the Organization for Economic Co-operation and

Development’s (OECD) Programme for International Student

Assessment(PISA) as part of the Quality Basic Education reform plan and a

step toward globalizing the quality of Philippine basic education. The 2018

PISA results were released on December 3 and revealed that the Philippines

scored 353 in Mathematics, 357 in Science, and 340 in Reading, all below the

OECD average. With the PISA results reflecting students’ performance on the

National Achievement Test, the Department of Education recognizes the

importance of resolving difficulties and gaps in basic education in the


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