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We are Third-year students from Bachelor of Technology and
Livelihood Education major in Home Economics and we respectfully
invite you to participate in answering this survey questionnaire. Since
you are qualified as respondents in our study that aims to identify the
effect of the shortage of laboratory tools and equipment on the
performance of Home Economics students and to know the effective
methods to be applied in lieu of the absence of laboratory tools.
We are respectfully requesting your accurate and honest answer
to this questionnaire. Rest assured that your responses and personal
information will be kept confidential prior to Republic Act No. 10173 or
the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and its Implementing Rules and
Regulations (IRR).
Part I. Demographic Profile
Direction: Please supply the needed information or check the
appropriate box.
Name: _____________________________ (Optional)
( ) 18-25
( ) 26-30
( ) 31 and above
( ) Male
( ) Female
Civil Status:
( ) Single
( ) Married
Year Level:
( ) Second Year
( ) Third Year
Part II. Shortage of Laboratory Tools and Equipment in Home
Direction: Please rate the following statements as regards to the
effects of the shortage of laboratory tools and equipment in Home
Economics courses. Refer to the scale that follows:

Numerical Value Verbal Description

4 - strongly agree
3 - agree
2 - disagree
1 - strongly disagree

A. How does the shortage of laboratory tools and equipment

affect the student’s performance in hands-on activities?
Strongly Agree Disagre Strongly
Agree e Disagre
(4) (3) e
(2) (1)
1. Inadequate laboratory
tools and equipment
cause discouragement
in my learning
2. Lack of laboratory
tools and equipment
can lead to mediocre
results in laboratory
3. Because of the
insufficiency of
laboratory tools and
equipment, I get
behind in my learning.
4. Insufficient tools and
equipment reduce my
interest in laboratory
5. I cannot develop my
critical thinking to learn
new knowledge, skills,
and competencies.
6. The insufficiency of
laboratory tools and
equipment decreases
my efficiency in
performing academic
7. Shortage of materials
affects my learning
strategies and
8. I can’t apply my
learnings without
complete laboratory
tools and equipment
9. I always find it difficult
to develop practical
skills without
laboratory tools and
10. I experience
difficulty in performing
laboratory activities
due to insufficient tools
and equipment
11. Using inadequate
laboratory tools and
equipment in sewing
hinders in developing
my practical skills.
12. Limited laboratory
tools and equipment in
food service
management restrain
me to acquire
knowledge and
develop skills.
13. I cannot fully
understand the lesson
because of insufficient
laboratory tools and
14. I cannot perform
cooking activities
properly without
complete tools and
15. I cannot do a task in
sewing without an
ample amount of
sewing tools and
16. Insufficient
laboratory tools and
equipment hinders my
performance in food
preparation laboratory
17. I can’t directly
engage in the subject
matter I am studying
due to insufficient
laboratory tools and
18. Competence and
critical thinking are not
developed due to
incomplete laboratory
tools and equipment
being used.
19. I can’t practice and
apply my skills with
inadequate tools and
equipment that
emphasizes the
significance of
hands-on practices.
20. I am not motivated
to perform laboratory
activities when the
tools and equipment
are incomplete.

Part III.

B. How do students cope with the HE hands-on activities if

there are shortage in laboratory tools and equipment?
Strongly Agree Disagre Strongly
Agree e Disagre
(4) (3) e
(2) (1)

1. I used the available

materials in the
laboratory to perform
tasks in sewing.

2. I purchased my tools
and equipment to keep
in touch with
laboratory tools and

3. I asked for help from

other students,
especially from higher
level to understand
and keep up on the
laboratory lessons and

4. I watched video
materials to catch up
on laboratory activities
and lessons.

5. I asked my classmate
to share laboratory
tools and equipment to
do certain tasks.

6. I used alternative
materials in the
cooking laboratory to
perform the activity.

7. I asked from my
parents’ advice based
on their experiences in
performing laboratory
activities in cooking.

8. My professor provides
learning materials to
practice performing
laboratory tools in food

9. I read books and other

learning materials in
the library and in the

10. I asked from my

parents’ advice based
on their experiences in
conducting laboratory
activities in house
11. I borrow tools and
equipment from my
colleagues to execute
laboratory activities in

12. I improvised materials

in food preparation

13. I used my prior

knowledge to cope
with the laboratory
activities in sewing.

14. Peer mentoring helps

me to overcome
different laboratory

15. I watched video

tutorials on youtube to
apply proper
executions in food

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