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1- Read the Preamble of the Constitution of Pakistan.

What is the Importance of a

The preamble is an introduction to the constitution, which contain fundamental
values, aim, philosophy and objectives on which constitution is based. Preamble
of Pakistan Constitution state sovereignty of Allah, authority and will of people
order chosen by people shall be implemented. Order shall be implemented
through representable called (state). State shall ensure principle of democracy,
freedom, social justice, equality.
2- Read the Objective Resolution and explain its significance. Why it made a substantive
part of the Constitution? (Article 2A).
The objective resolution was resolution adopted by the constitution assembly
of Pakistan on 12 March 1949. Prime Minister Liquat Ali Khan, had presented it
in the assembly on March 7, 1949. It proclaimed that the future constitution of
Pakistan would not be modelled entirely on a European pattern, but on the
ideology and democratic faith of Islam.
The Pakistani objectives resolution proclaimed the following principles;
· Sovereignty over the entire universe belong to Allah Almighty alone and also
the authority which He delegated to the state of Pakistan.
· Their Constitution assembly representing the peoples of Pakistan resolve to
the frame constitution for the soverign independent state of Pakistan.
· State be power and authority they chosen respresentatives
the peoples.
· The principle of the democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice
enunciated by the Islam.
· The Muslim was gives independence together gives with teaching of Quran
and Sunnah.
· The monirty peoples have gives freedom to practice their religion and develop
their culture.
· Pakistan shall be necessary give including equality of status and before law,
social, economic and political justice and freedom of throught, expression
belief, faith worship and association, subject to law and public authority.
· To promote the depress class and give safegurad the provincial adequate.
· The independency of the judiciary shall be fully secured.

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