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Unit 7

Past Perfect Tense

( Минулий перфектний (доконаний ) час)

1. Коли говорять про певні події , що відбулися раніше або
завершилися до певного моменту в минулому:
I had been at a party by 9 p.m.
2. Для позначення дії, яка була завершена перед іншою дією в
минулому. Друга дія вживається у Past Simple Tense :
The film had already started when we got to the cinema.

Маркери часу

By seven o`clock - до сьомої години

By that time -до цього часу
By Monday - до понеділка
Before - до, перед
After -після

Стверджувальна форма

Підмет + had + V-ed (V3)

Заперечна форма

Підмет + had + not + V-ed (V3)

Питальна форма

Had + підмет + V-ed (V3)


1. Напишіть третю форму наступних дієслів:

1. speak -
2. teach -
3. eat -
4. tell -
5. begin -

2. Напишіть речення, ставлячи дієслова у правильну форму:

1. I lost the key that he (give) to me.

2. She told me that she (see) the film .
3. I went outside as I (hear) a noise.
4. She picked out the red dress, which she (not / wear) for ages.
5. Mike (not / swim) on the beach before that day.
6. His father was angry because he (not / help) him.
7. (you / have) dinner before you left the house?
8. (he / manage) to find a place to stay when he went to Paris?
9. Where (she / stay) before she moved to live with her boyfriend?

3. Поставте дієслова у правильну форму, використовуючи Past Simple

чи Past Perfect:

1. The storm (destroy) the house that they had built .

2. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework.
3. The children (clean) the blackboard they had used to do the
mathematics exercise.
4. He took off the jacket he (put on) before.
5. They (eat) all of the food that she had made .

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