Part 3

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Script for Talk Show

Jewel: “Hey guys! Welcome back to the next episode of my podcast.”

Jewel: “Today’s podcast will consist of……Would you Rather and Gotta Read It!

Jewel: If you don’t know, Would you Rather is a game where you choose between two options
and select the one you would choose. Gotta Read It, is me ranting and recommending my
favorite book to you!

Jewel: Let’s get started!

Jewel: Okay, I put the link on instagram for you guys to send me questions and we have some

Jewel: First question is from @MickeyDsNuggets. They asked- Would you Rather have the
ability to turn invisible or shapeshift?

Jewel: I think I would rather….be invisible. Only because I feel like I could be a really good spy
and gather information for people. Shapeshifter would be cool, but what if you shapeshift into
someone and that person comes walking through the door? You’re done *She laughs*

Jewel: Okay, the next question was sent by @RUsureurhim. Would you Rather be in Attack on
Titan or Fairy Tail? This is an obvious question but, I would choose Fairy Tail. At least I have a
chance at surviving while in Attack on Titan I would probably die the moment I walk outside.

Jewel: @kirbysstar asked- Would you Rather meet Link or Sonic? This is a hard one. Oh no…
umm…I don’t think I could choose but since I have to….I’ll go with Sonic because I might have
a chance to meet Tails.

Jewel: Okay, I'll do a few more and then get on to the next activity.

Jewel: @drawfrogslive asked- Would you Rather grow your hair as long as your height or not
have to do maintenance on it again? Um, I would grow my hair as long as my height. I always
wanted to be a real life Rapunzul, and I’ll just have other people do maintenance on it.

Jewel: Would you Rather eat chocolate cookies or peanut butter cookies for the rest of your life?
This was sent from @ChrisHemsworthfanpage. I’ll go with Chocolate Chip because they’re my
favorite and my cousin is allergic to peanut butter so I don’t want to eat them around him.
Jewel: Last and final question. @Doyouknowtheway2 asked- Would you Rather learn every
language or learn every instrument? I would Rather…Learn every language. People pay a lot for
others who can speak multiple languages.

Jewel: Alright let’s move on to the next activity Gotta Read it! *Pulls a stack of books off her
shelf and onto the floor next to her*

Jewel: going to be recommending my favorite books for you to read. Starting now!

Jewel: The first book I’m showing you is called- Pretend She’s Here by Luanne Rice. This book
is about a girl who got abducted by her dead friend's family. Not only did they take her, they
transformed her to look like their dead daughter in order to “pretend she's still here”. It’s one of
my most memorable reads.

Jewel: The next book is called- The Inheritance Games. A story about a girl who receives an
enormous fortune and a mystery that comes with it. I love mysteries so this was definitely one of
my favorites.

Jewel: Another book that I recently bought is called- Heartless. It’s a retelling of Alice in
Wonderland, except from the beginning of the Queen of Hearts. How she started and how she
ended up like she is now. I haven’t read it yet, but I'm excited to start.

Jewel: Okay I’m going to do one more and then that will be the end of today’s podcast!

Jewel: Last but not least, the next book is A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder. This book is about a
young girl in her senior year of highschool doing a project on an old cold case. As she reopens
the case for her project, she tries to prove that the suspect was not the one who caused an
accident to the victim. And surprisingly there is someone who wants her to stop digging for

Jewel: Okay guys, this is going to be the end of today’s podcast! Please Like and Subscribe so
you can be notified for the next episode. See you guys later!

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