Long Brown Short Curly Blond Straight: Revision Unit 10 + 11 + 12

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Student Name: ……………………………..................................

Ngày học: 30/3/2023 Class: Star 2

Mark:  Giáo viên chính: Teacher Lily 

Giáo viên trợ giảng:  
Revision Unit 10 + 11 + 12
Unit 10. People description (Miêu tả người)

Long Brown
Short Curly
Blond Straight

Grammar. Cấu trúc Ai đó có gì, miêu tả ngoại hình của ai đó

Subject + have got/ has got + Adjective + Noun
Eg: I have got brown hair
She has got curly hair
Unit 11. Zoo animals

Monkey Snake
Elephant Tiger
Giraffe Big
Seal Little
Polar bear Tall

Grammar. Cấu trúc miêu tả con vật

Subject + to be + adjective + noun
Eg: It is a long snake
They are tall giraffes
Unit 12. Food and drinks

Rice Milk
Meat Juice
Carrots Water
Fish Drinks
Yogurt Food
Bread Dessert

Do you like fish?
( + ) Yes, I do ( ̶ ) No, I don’t

Does he/she like fish?
( + ) Yes, he/she does ( ̶ ) No, he/she doesn’t

(+) He/she likes fish
( ̶ ) He/she doesn’t like fish

4. What do you want to eat/ drink?

- I want to eat fish and drink water

5. What would you like to eat/drink?

- I would like to eat fish and drink water

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