Week 5 - March 13-17, 2023

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Annex 1B to DepEd Order No. 42, s.




MARCH 13-17, 2023

Teaching Dates Mangga – 8:30-9:30 (MTWTH)

Quarter THIRD
and Time Pomelo – 10:00-11:00 (MWTHF)

Atis – 11:00 – 12:00 (MTWTH)

(Session1) (Session 2) (Session 3) (Session 4)

● Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of connecting to
the world; also, how to use ways of analyzing one-act play and different forms of verbal for him/her to skillfully perform in a one-
act play.

● Performance The learner skillfully performs in one-act play through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based
Standards on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, and Dramatic Conventions.

● Learning ● EN9VC-IVa-10 Determine ● EN9VC-IVa-10 Determine ● EN9VC-IVa-10 Determine ● EN9VC-IVa-10 Determine the
Competencies/ the relevance and the relevance and the relevance and relevance and truthfulness of
truthfulness of the ideas truthfulness of the ideas truthfulness of the ideas the ideas presented in the
Write the LC code for
presented in the material presented in the material presented in the material material viewed
viewed viewed viewed

● Objectives 1. Define viewing as an active 1. Recognize qualities that 1. Enumerate the seven 1. Identify facts from opinion,
process in comprehending pertain to the relevance types of Mis- and
2. Extract main idea and
visual media; and truthfulness of a given Disinformation;
supporting details in the
2. Follow the steps to better 2. Provide examples for materials presented; and
engage and comprehend a 2. Analyze and provide the each type of mis- and
3. value the importance of
visual media; and relevance and truthfulness disinformation; and
filtering facts from opinions.
of the material provided;
3. Reflect on the lesson about 3. Give importance to the
viewing by completing a relevance and truthfulness
3. Appreciate the relevance of the ideas presented.
and truthfulness of the
material given.

Lesson: Viewing as Integral

Lesson: Various forms of Lack Lesson: Seven Types of Mis- Lesson: Fact, Opinion, Main Idea,
1. CONTENT Way of Comprehending Visual
of Truthfulness and Disinformation and Supporting Details

A. References Learners’ Packet (leaP) Module Learners’ Packet (leaP) Learners’ Packet (leaP) Learners’ Packet (leaP) Module
1 Quarter 3 Module 1 Quarter 3 Module 1 Quarter 3 1 Quarter 3
1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Learner’s English Self – Learning English Self – Learning English Self – Learning English Self – Learning Module
Materials pages Module for Grade 9 Q3 M3 Module for Grade 9 Q3 M3 Module for Grade 9 Q3 M3 for Grade 9 Q3 M3

3. Textbook pages
ENGLISH 9: A Journey Through A Journey through Anglo- A Journey through Anglo- A Journey through Anglo-
Anglo-American Literature American Literature Learner ‘s American Literature American Literature Learner ‘s
Learner’s Material p. 264 Material for English Learner ‘s Material for Material for English

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning

INTRODUCTION A. Routinary Activities: A. Routinary Activities: A. Routinary Activities: A. Routinary Activities:
Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance Checking of Attendance
Prayer Prayer Prayer Prayer
Safety Health Protocol Safety Health Protocol Safety Health Protocol Safety Health Protocol Reminder
Reminder Reminder Reminder

B. Review
B. Review B. Review B. Review
Review of the past lessons and
Review of the past lessons Review of the past lessons Review of the past lessons submission of incomplete
and submission of and submission of and submission of learning tasks
incomplete learning tasks incomplete learning tasks incomplete learning tasks

C. Motivation
C. Motivation C. Motivation C. Motivation
Look closely at the expressions
We are living in a visual Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Which of the following written on the leaves. Consider
world. The advent of the Verify which statement is true information provide the which are useful in giving an
internet and the digital or not. Write TRUE or FALSE relevance and truthfulness opinion. Copy them in your
revolution, the widespread in your notebook. about COVID-19 important paper.
availability of mobile devices facts and which do not?
1. If someone lies about
that enables us to easily
something when asked, then
capture still and moving
his or her statement is false.
images, the appearance of
video-sharing sites such as 2. Truth is based on facts,
YouTube, and the rather than merely personal
views and beliefs.
proliferation of social media
networks such as Instagram 3. Biased evidence from a
and Facebook with users video supports the
primarily uploading visual truthfulness of an issue.
content, have all led to an Answers: Ideas from letters
unprecedented increase in the 4. Correctness of the ideas A and B are relevant to the
from a material to be read current situation
number of people using the conforms to the truthfulness
internet. or to a standard having the and to the topic being asked
quality of being true; however, and both are truthful as
The majority of texts it still accepts, at least slightly they provide information
young people are encountering erroneous statements.
from trusted and valid
and creating are multimodal.
5. Opinion can be a fact when sources such as the World
A multimodal document is one it is precise, factual, and Health Organization (WHO)
in which the meaning is confirmable with evidence or
and letter B is from the
conveyed by multiple modes, validation.
website of the Department
such as written text, audio, still 6. Demonstrating the of Health (DOH) of which
images, moving images, relevance of the idea
the data given was based on
motion, use of space, and so on. presented in any material
WHO. The ideas from letter
Photos, slideshows, and web
means it fits into the current C does not give
sites are examples of digital
and future situation of the
multimodal texts, while relevance to the topic and
people involved.
theater, storytelling, and does not show honesty
dancing are examples of live 7. To be honest in giving ideas since the ideas are false or
multimodal texts. means to provide a false
fabricated only as the
statement or information.
source verified them as
8. An idea provided from an myths.
Look at the illustration below
information is mature, free
and answer the guide
from lies and hypocrisy
questions that follow. Write
exhibits truthfulness.
your answers in your pad

ENGLISH 9: A Journey Through

Anglo-American Literature
Learner’s Material p. 264
1. This man has all the modern
gadgets, yet he is still lonely.
Why do you think this is so?
2. What is the general truth in
life depicted?
DEVELOPMENT Most of the time, you are asked To be able to determine the Seven Types of Mis- and In today’s society, we are often
to read, write, speak, and listen relevance and truthfulness of Disinformation bombarded with a lot of
in various lessons in the the ideas presented in the information. Most of these are
classroom. But what about the material viewed or read, the helpful, but there are some
fifth skill? following aspects are to be According to the First which may seem to be
considered. The ideas or Draft’s Essential Guide to misleading or even utterly false.
concept presented in the Understanding Information You should take into
Viewing is defined as an active material viewed or read is Disorder released in consideration the correct ways
process of attending and October 2019, here is a list of analyzing or interpreting
said to be relevant if:
comprehending visual media, to ponder before ideas presented in any material,
such as television, advertising 1. It provides useful considering and confirming either viewed or read. So, what
images, films, diagrams, information concerning a the truthfulness of any are the considerations you need
symbols, photographs, videos, given question of interest. to remember and understand?
drama, drawings, sculpture,
2. It relates to the matter at
and paintings.
hand; connects to a certain
A fact should be based on
happening of a society or 1. Satire or parody – If the
observation or research and it is
group of people. article or material shows not
It is necessary to remember debatable since the
imitation and irony out of a information is true.
that the viewing process is just 3. It is applicable to the
certain topic or issue. It has
as crucial as the listening and current situation or to a
no intention to cause harm
reading processes. You should particular issue.
but it has the potential to
be aware that effective, Example: COVID-19 is an
4. It is useful in any particular fool.
engaged viewers go through infectious disease caused by a
field and satisfies the needs of
the following steps: newly discovered coronavirus.
the user.
For example: A 2019 case in
the US involved a political
1. Pre-viewing - You prepare An opinion is actually your
On the other hand, the consultant to Donald
to view by activating your assumption or personal view
ideas of the material Trump who created a
schema (the prior knowledge and it is debatable because an
presented possess parody site designed to look
you bring to the study of a opinion is not always true.
truthfulness if they provide like Joe
topic or theme), anticipating a
the accurate information the Example: For me, COVID-19 is
message, predicting, Biden’s official website as
material has, obtain the enough to make anyone
speculating, asking questions, the former vice-president
correct and appropriate data, paranoid when in public places.
and setting a purpose for was running to be the
come from a reliable source,
viewing. Democratic nominee for the
deliver with honesty and not
2020 presidential election.
contain any lies. Facts and opinions help us
Source:https:// determine how true a statement
firstdraftnews.org/ is. Thus, in any kind of article,
2. During viewing - You view To verify how truthful the
wpcontent/uploads/ facts and opinions can be used
the visual text to understand ideas are from any material or
2019/10/ in developing the paragraph to
the message by seeking and information, we need to:
Information_Disorder_Digit add details on the main point.
checking understanding,
making connections, making
and confirming predictions and 1. Confirm the reliability of the
Another way of understanding
inferences, interpreting and source (online/printed). Do
2. False connection- When an article is through identifying
summarizing, pausing and not rely on one source,
headlines, visuals, or its main idea and important
reviewing, and analyzing and instead, check other bases or
captions don’t support the details about it. It shows the
evaluating. Your understanding references.
content. relationship of the ideas to the
should be
2. Check the credibility and
For example, the headline theme or main point of an
monitored by connecting to background of the
says, “Man Tries to Hug a article.
your schema, questioning, and persons/organizations/contri
Wild Lion, You Won’t
reflecting. butors of the ideas and
Believe What Happens
information and the one who
Next! It invites the readers Main idea is the most
finances them, especially a
to read the content or the important thought about the
3. After viewing - You are website.
viewers to watch the video topic. The topic is the person,
given opportunities to respond
3. Review the details and but the details does not place, thing, or idea being
to visual texts in an
grammar of the content. written about.
support the headline but it
intimate, critical, and creative
4. Choose reliable sources of is just for competition of Supporting details can be
way. You respond by reflecting,
content/material or research- viewers/readers which defined as additional
analyzing, evaluating, and
based information. makes the reader or information that explain, define,
audience a victim and feels or prove an idea.
5. Be cautious of that they are deceived.
clickbait/unbelievable Example: Lenny is an excellent
headlines and persuasive/ Based from: student. She is intelligent. She is
https://ethicalmediatrainin responsible.
influential content. g.eu/training/activities/me
Lenny always does her
6. Look for experts with dia-disinformation/
homework, and she is never late
different perspectives.
for class. As a result of her hard
work, Lenny is one of the best
3. Misleading content -
students in school.
When it uses misleading
information to frame an
issue or individual.

Example: The headline

claiming that former
President Benigno Aquino
III was disappointed over a
proposal to change the
name of the Ninoy Aquino
International Airport
(NAIA) into Manila
International Airport was
only fake news. Fact check:
Aquino has been mum
about the proposal, even if
an online petition, which
was rolled out on
www.change.org last year,
had already received more
than 39,000 supporters to
rename NAIA.

4. False context – When

genuine content is shared
with false contextual
For example, doubtful URLs
and websites that discuss
personal and political
issues of famous
individuals. One of the
suggestions to check
according to
anatomy.html is website:
which would challenge the
viewers of how much trust
they would put in

5. Imposter content –
When genuine sources are

For example, the use of

well-known logos or the
news from established
figures or journalists having
the wrong content or
details of information.
6. Manipulated content –
When genuine information
or imagery is manipulated
to deceive.
For example, the photos of
famous celebrities are
altered or changed like the
face is attached to a
different body to look like
the same person.
7. Fabricated content –
New content is provided
that is 100% false, designed
to deceive and do harm.
For example, a false claim
that a candidate for
president is endorsed by a
pope or an international

ENGAGEMENT There are various forms of Which of the following Read the excerpt below from an
lack of truthfulness. Here are materials show relevance to inspirational speech delivered
some of its forms and the COVID-19 pandemic that by a successful person to
categories: we are facing today, and students on the topic:
which has the truthful ideas “Knowledge is wisdom and
and which do not? wisdom is wealth.” Then,
Categories of Information answer the questions that
Look at the picture. What could Disorders A handbook by follow. Write the letter of the
be the cause of these Claire Wardle and Hossein correct answer.
phenomena? (Answer it Derakhshan of unesco.org
mentally, no need to answer on
highlights the following terms:
your notebook) (1) I think that you probably
never met a know-it-all who
ENGLISH 9: A Journey really knows it all.
1. Misinformation - provides
Through Anglo-American false connection or incorrect (2) One person can’t know or
information and misleading notice everything. (3)
Literature Learner’s Material
content; information that is Sometimes, it takes another
p. 51 false, but not created with the person to help you improve your
intention of causing harm (e.g. knowledge of yourself and the
someone posting an article world. (4) Equally, you also put
your best foot forward for
containing now out of date others to attain knowledge. (5) I
information but not realizing believe that the most important
it). thing is sharing ideas with
2. Disinformation - false others--as enriched knowledge.
context or false deliberately (6) Remember to keep an open
and often covertly spread (as mind in the process. (7) Think
by the planting of rumors) in about what others know and say
order to influence before you help by putting
across what you know. (8) This
public opinion or obscure the
shows that their knowledge is as
truth, imposter content,
important to you as your own.
manipulated and, fabricated
(9) This is, exactly, shared
content; information that is
wisdom. (10) Eventually, it
false and deliberately created
grows, develops, and bears
to harm a person, social group,
fruits like that of a tree. (11)
organization or country (e.g.
Hence, knowledge gives wealth.
a competitor purposely
posting false statistics about
your organization with an ______1. Which sentence best
intent to discredit you) expresses the main point of the
3. Mal-information - has
some leaks, harassment, and A. 3 B. 5 C. 9 D. 11
hate speech; information that
______2. Which sentence best
is based on reality, used to
supports the main point?
inflict harm on a person,
A. 5 B. 8 C. 9 D. 10
organization or country (e.g.
someone using a picture of a ______3. What is the most
dead child refugee (with no important thing according to the
context) in an effort to ignite speaker?
hatred of a particular ethnic
group they are against. A. Improving your knowledge of
B. Knowing everything
C. Sharing ideas with others
D. Sharing wealth
______4. Which sentence is more
of a statement of fact rather than
A. 2 B. 4 C. 5 D. 7
______5. What expression signals
A. equally B. eventually C. I
believe D. the fact that

A. Generalization A. Generalization A. Generalization A. Generalization

ASSIMILATION Determining the relevance and Information does not have
truthfulness of a material to be completely fabricated:
viewed or read is an important mis- and disinformation
aspect to apply in our daily often contain a mix of true
activities where we are and false assertions
exposed to various
B. Assessment
Therefore, viewing is information and materials B. Assessment
important because as you are online, from social media, Directions: Read the
dealing with mainly television, and many others. questions and find the Write FACT if the statement is
multimodal texts, you need to This makes any reader or appropriate answer from based on truth or reality, and
understand them and to viewer vigilant about OPINION if it is based on
become more effective, active, accepting and recognizing the the given choices. Write the personal belief, understanding,
and critical viewers to be able ideas from any material letter of the best answer in thought, or feeling.
to participate fully in society. your notebook.
viewed or read.
_____1. The announcer believes
1. The relevance of the that knowledge is the beginning
B. Assessment
ideas from the material of wisdom.
B. Assessment Directions: Determine viewed or read is evident in
Read the following statements. whether the ideas of the the following except . _____2. Knowledge can come
Decide whether you agree or material are relevant or from different sources.
a. The information answers
disagree on the given irrelevant to the issues that we
the queries of the reader or _____3. The tree of life grows and
statements. Write A if you are presently facing and verify
viewer. bears fruits of wisdom.
agree and DA if you disagree. if the ideas express
Write your answers in your truthfulness or not. Mark (/) b. The information has _____4. As far as I’m concerned,
pad paper. for relevant and truthful concealed the fact of the
1. You gain expertise and skills ideas/information and (X) for issue or topic. knowledge is power.
for analyzing and evaluating irrelevant and untruthful ones.
visual texts and multimodal c. The information connects _____5. What I’d like to say is that
texts that use visuals through to what is currently knowledge is our wealth.
viewing. happening.

2. A multimodal text is one d. The information is useful

where the meaning is for the viewer or reader.
communicated by more than
2. The idea of material
one mode – e.g., written text,
presented is said to be
audio, still pictures, moving
pictures, gesture, use of space, truthful if it.
C. Reflection
etc. a. provides some fictions
Directions: Reflect on what you
3. Digital multimodal texts can b. gives details and stories learned on this lesson on
include, for example, theatre,
determining relevance and
storytelling, and dance. c. gives the accurate
truthfulness of ideas by
4. Post-viewing prepares you completing the prompts below.
to view by activating your d. supplies rumors of the
schema, anticipating a 1. I understand that
current issue
message, predicting, ____________________________________.
speculating, asking questions, 3. It is a category of
2. I realized that
and setting a purpose for information disorder that is
viewing. false and intends to hurt a
person by ruining the 3. I need to learn more about
5. Viewing helps you build the
reputation of a company or ____________________________________.
expertise and skills to interpret
individuals through sharing
and assess visual texts and
interactive texts that use materials against them.
visuals by slowing down, a. Disinformation
C. Reflection
reflecting, and thinking about
what you're seeing. Directions: Analyze the lyrics b. Misinformation
of the song, “Heal the World” c. Mal-information
by Michael Jackson and
C. Reflection answer the questions that 4. A post online says that a
follow. Write your answers in supernatural creature has
Directions: Reflect on what you
your notebook. been discovered and yet
learned on this lesson about
viewing by completing the Heal the World when you open the website,
it does not say anything
statements below. Michael Jackson
about it. This is an example
1. My journey through this There's a place in your heart of one of the Seven Types of
lesson enabled me to learn Mis- and Disinformation
And I know that it is love
______________________________. which is
And this place it was brighter
2. It made me realize that a. Satire or parody
than tomorrow
b. False connection
_____________________. And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to c. Misleading content
3. I therefore commit to
____________________________________ cry d. False context
_______________________. In this place you'll feel there's 5. You have checked your
no hurt or sorrow
social media account and
There are ways to get there you have seen your
newsfeeds that your
favorite star’s facial photo is
attached to a picture of
someone else’s body in a
situation which surprises
you. You think it is
unbelievable. Among the
Seven Types of Mis- and
Disinformation, this can be
considered as .

a. False context

b. Imposter content

c. Manipulated content

d. Fabricated content

C. Reflection

NOTES/REMARKS Asynchronous distance

learning shall be the mode of
discussion and understanding
this lesson. Powerpoint
presentation shall be given to
learners in jpeg format

Prepared and submitted by: Checked by:


English 9 Teacher Head Teacher I – English Department/Subject Coordinator

Noted by:
Principal III

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