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What do Chick-fil-A, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and Patagonia clothing company have
in common? They are all organizations that take social responsibility in marketing

Many organizations in the United States embrace social responsibility. Though the
term is sometimes loosely applied, organizations that are serious about their role in
social responsibility use a three-pronged attack strategy based on proper legal,
ethical, and social responsibility behavior. Marketers should practice a “social
conscience” in dealings with shareholders and consumers. In their own industries,
Chick-fil-A, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and Patagonia clothiers exemplify corporate
social responsibility in marketing.

Georgia-based Chick-fil-A restaurant chain has a wide range of policies that help
integrate social responsibility into the very fabric of their organization. Chick-fil-A
closes on Sundays to encourage worship, offers substantial scholarships to
employees who will commit to finishing their education, and works to strengthen
marriages by counseling employees and offering weekend stays at resorts to
encourage communication between spouses. This company is often ranked at the
top of its industry with respect to social responsibility integration and practice.

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and Patagonia clothiers are huge supporters of the “green
movement.” Environmental advocacy is part of their corporate credo and mission
statement. Both companies not only encourage environmentalists and their causes
but also practice environmentalism in the manufacture of their products. Both
companies also use their Web sites to advance the environmental agenda. As more
organizations place an accent on holistic marketing, environmental awareness and
responsibility increases. Social responsibility is becoming the corporate mantra of
the 2000’s.

Discussion Questions

1. What are the three prongs of the social responsibility attack strategy embraced
by some firms today?

2. How would you describe proper socially responsible behavior?

3. Describe three examples of how Chick-fil-A practices social responsibility in its

Kotler & Keller Marketing Management Companion Website
Dr. John R. Brooks, Jr., Houston Baptist University

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