Research Q

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College of Computer Studies

MacArthur Hwy, San Fernando, Pampanga, Philippines

Survey Questionnaire

Dear Respondents,

We are working on research on the “Optimizing Queue Management System in the campus of OLFU Pampanga:
Assessing Customer Complaints, Satisfaction Levels, and User Preferences”. May we request to kindly answer the
questions in this survey questionnaire. The information you provide will enable our group to attain the purpose of the
study. Thank you for your cooperation.
The Researchers

Program Title: Year:

Feedback from students is very important in trying to improve the quality of queuing.
This questionnaire is design to gather opinions from students about their experiences at OLFU Pampanga Campus.
This is confidential survey. Do not write your name or identify yourself. Your response will be combined with the
responses of others in a process that does not allow any individual to be identified and the overall opinions will be used to
plan for improvements.

Directions: For each statement in the survey, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with statement by putting
a check in the box on the right side of each statement. There are no right and wrong answers. Your answers will be kept
strictly confidential, and you will not be identified.

Scale: 5 – Strongly Agree (Indicate that the characteristics is always manifested)

4 – Agree (Indicate that the characteristics is often manifested)
3 – Neutral (Indicate that the characteristics is sometimes manifested)
2 – Disagree (Indicate that the characteristics is seldom manifested)
1 – Strongly Disagree (Indicate that the characteristics is never manifested)

5 4 3 2 1
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree

The current queue management system

causes unnecessary delays.

The current queue management system

does not provide clear instructions.

The current queue management system

lacks adequate staff to assist with

The current queue management system

causes overcrowding in waiting areas.

The current queue management system

does not prioritize individuals with
special needs.
I am satisfied with the current queue
management system.

The current queue management system

meets my needs.

The current queue management system

minimizes my waiting time.

The current queue management system

is reliable.

The current queue management system

is adequately staffed.

The queue management system should

have a dedicated support team to assists
clients and address any issues promptly.

The system should have the capability

to handle peak times and high volumes
of visitors without compromising
The queue management system should
provide estimated wait times to help
manage expectations.

The queue management system should

provide clear instructions and directions
for each service area.

The new queue management system

should provide a virtual queue option.

If you have any comments, issues, or suggestions for improvements. Please leave a comment below.

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