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Single-use plastics are now prohibited in the majority of states and territories thanks to
Australia's adoption of the Plastic Reduction and Circular Economy Bill 2021. The hospitality
sector will be impacted by this legislation, and Ovolo, a modern hotel chain, is no exception.
Ovolo must adhere to this law and make proactive efforts to lessen its environmental impact
because it is a responsible and sustainable company.


Ovolo must follow the new guidelines and make sure that all single-use plastics are eliminated
from its facilities. Items like plastic straws, cutlery, plates, cups, and containers fall under this
category. Penalties and fines may apply if this legislation is broken.


To ensure compliance with the single-use plastic item ban, Ovolo should implement the
following policies and procedures:

 Conduct an audit of all plastic items currently in use and identify alternatives that can be
used instead.
 Educate staff on the importance of the ban and the new policies and procedures that have
been put in place.
 Replace all single-use plastic items with eco-friendly alternatives, such as biodegradable
or compostable options.
 Provide customers with reusable alternatives, such as metal straws, reusable cups, and
 Work with suppliers to ensure that all packaging is recyclable or made from sustainable
 Encourage customers to participate in Ovolo’s sustainability initiatives through signage
and marketing.
 Monitor and track the use of single-use plastics to ensure compliance.

Ovolo will be able to abide by the single-use plastic item ban by putting these policies and
procedures into place, lowering its environmental impact and showcasing its dedication to
sustainability. Additionally, this will aid Ovolo in luring travelers who are concerned about the
environment and seeking out eco-friendly lodging options.

Innovative Ideas:

Ovolo can also think about putting cutting-edge strategies into practice to lessen its
environmental impact, like using edible coffee cups. Customers would be served coffee in cups
made of edible ingredients that could be consumed after use, like wafers or sugar. Other
solutions include offering plant-based packaging options, installing water refill stations, and
using bamboo cutlery.


An important step in lowering Australia's plastic waste is the ban on single-use plastic items. By
putting the aforementioned policies and procedures into practice and thinking of creative ways to
further lessen its environmental impact, Ovolo can show that it complies with environmental
regulations. By doing this, Ovolo can serve as a role model for other hospitality-related
businesses and contribute to the development of a more sustainable future.

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