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CAPSTONE PROJECT tH) foe ON “RURAL BANKING IN INDIA AND IT’S FUTURE SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIRMENTS FOR THE MASTER'S DEGRI IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OF CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY, GHARUAN, MOHALI SUBMITTED TO Supervised by: Submitted by: ‘Name: Parveen Kumar Abrol Name:Anamika Sankhwar Designation: Assistant professor UID: 21MBA1646 CHANDIGARH UNIVERSITY, GHARUAN, MOHALI BATCH 2021-2023 CHAPTER 3 ANALYSIS OF DATA AND MAJOR FINDINGS INSTRUMENTS USED IN DATA COLLECTION ‘The instrument or tool that is used in the data collection of the research study is QUESTIONNARIE. Questionnaire is the most common method used for primary data collection by the researchers. It can be used for collecting quantitative or qualitative is defined as a research instrument which consists of certain set information. A questionnaire of questions with the aim to collect information from the respondent based on their opinions, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. Itis @ used as a tool to conduct a survey to get the information of the research problem. The questionnaire used in this research study has been framed on the basis of the employee's experience working within the organisations. The data collected with the help of the questionnaire is based on the recruitment & selection policies and methods adopted by the company and their impact on the overall employees’ performance. Questionnaire is the most important tool and part of the research study as it requires every information in detail, The questionnaire used in the study helps in getting the employee’s true opinion about the company’s recruitment and selection policies and to check whether these policies are effective or not for the employees as well as for the company itself. Questionnaire used here forms the basis of the overall study. Now-a-days, Questionnaire is the mostly commonly used instrument for collecting data, The researcher uses this instrument for collecting data by framing certain questions for obtaining information from the respondents SAMPLING DE: ‘Sample is defined as a smaller set of data that the researcher selects from a large population by using some pre-defined sampling method. It refers to a smaller, manageable set of large population, A sample is a subset containing the features of large population. SAMPLING ‘Sampling is a statistical tool which is used to indicate how much data to collect and how often ssearcher it should be taken, Sampling is a process in which a cts a sample i.e, smaller from the whole population to make statistical inferences from it, It is cost-effective and time convenient method. SAMPLE SIZE A sample size is define as the number of people/individuals a researcher should include in while selecting sample which depends on various number of factors like size and variability of the population and the research design. Tt refers to the number of respondents included in the research for collecting data / samples. The sample size of this research study is 80 respondents. SAMPLE DESIGN: POPULATION > Iteov s the 100 unit of population. SAMPLE PROCEDURES In this study convenient sampling method was adopted. First each organization was divided into different departments like Operations, CustomerServices, Human Resources, Internet Marketing and under writing departments, From this department, the respondents were selected on the basisof convenience. INTERVEIW SCHEDULE > ‘The interview schedule has been used to collect the data. Information can be gathered even when the respondents happen to be literate or illiterate TABULATION > Itis the arrangement of classified data in an orderly manner. ‘This involves creating table for recording the filled in interview schedule. These tables are ofimmense help to analysis by using the statistics tools help to analysis by using the statistical tools. TOOLS USED FOR ANALYSIS Simple percentage analysis > It is simple analysis tool. In this method, based on the opinions of the respondents, percentage and bar chart is calculated for the respective seales of each factor Formula: Simple percentage= No of Respondents x 100 Total No of Sample Size SAMPLING METHODS/TECHNIQUES, | Ce __ Figure 16: Sampling methods types PROBABILITY SAMPLING Probability sampling is a sampling method where a researcher sets certain few criteria and selects the respondents from the population randomly. It is also known as random sampling and in this sampling technique all the members of the population have equal chance to become partof the sample as sampling is done randomly. TYPES OF PROBABILITY SAMPLING ‘There are four types of probability sampling are as: Simple random sampling Cluster sampling Systematic sampling Stratified random sampling, NON— PROBABILITY SAMPLING Non ~ Probability Sampling is a sampling method where a researcher chooses the sample by using his own subjective judgment rather than selecting individuals randomly. In this method of sampling all the members of the population are not given equal chance or opportunity to be selected in the sample size and become a part of the research as well TYPES OF NON ~ PROBABILITY SAMPLING ‘The four types of non - probability sampling are as: © Convenience sampling * judgmental or Purposive sampling ;nowball sampling Quota sampling |AMPLING METHOD USED IN THE STUD ‘The sampling method that is used in this research study is CONVENIENCE SAMPLING. Convenience sampling is a type of non — probability sampling where a researcher selects the sample as per his ease of collecting the data from the respondents. It is also called grab sampling or opportunity sampling and here sample is taken from that portion of the population which is close to hand. Convenient sampling is the most common sampling method that is used in almost in every research study, because here every researcher can collects the data as per his/her convenience. This type of sampling method is widely used in almost every research, APPROPRIATI ANALYSIS STATISTICAL T FOR DATA DATA ANALYSIS s is the process of systematically applying statistical techniques to analyze, describeand evaluate the research data. It refers working with data to get useful Information, which canbe used to take useful decisions. The main purpose of data analysis is to apply and use statistical tools on research data to find trends and solution to the problems. TOOLS/TECH! FOR DATA ANALYSI! * Descriptive analys Regression analysis ‘Factor analysis + Time series analysis * Dispersion analysis DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 1) Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy for the period of ‘moratorium on loans taken by farmer from economically weaker sections from schedule banks under theloan scheme of the Indian Banks Association? 1 To great extent 10 To some extent To very little extent Table: 1:- % of the respondent Rural Bank Urban Bank To great extent 64 0 ‘To some extent 26 2 To very little extent 10 28 Total 100 100% a a , ‘ 5 26 28 ‘ fe , a 20 Dagwatetar — Bsomeextent —_B very ittle extent Rural Bank Urban Bank Interpretation: From the above data it is evident that among the respondent, > 44% of the respondent of rural bank says that Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy for the period of moratorium on loans taken by farmer from economically weaker sections from schedule banks under the loan scheme of the Indian Banks Association to great extend where as none of the respondent of Urban Bank says that Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy for the period of moratorium on loans taken by farmer from economically weaker sections from schedule banks under the loan scheme of the Indian Banks Association to great extend. > 26% of the respondent of rural bank says that Central Scheme to provide Inter Subsidy for the period of moratorium on loans taken by farmer from economically weaker sections from schedule banks under the loan scheme of the Indian Banks Association to great extend where as 72% of the respondent of Urban Bank says that Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy for the period of moratorium on loans taken by farmer from economically weaker sections from schedule banks under the loan scheme of the Indian Banks Association to some extend, > 10% of the respondent of rural bank says that Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy for the period of moratorium on loans taken by farmer from economically weaker sections from schedule banks under the loan scheme of the Indian Banks Association to great extend to very little great extend wher: 28% of the respondentof Urban Bank says that Central Scheme to provide Interest Subsidy for the period of moratorium on loans taken by farmer from economically weaker sections from schedule banks under the loan scheme of the Indian Banks Association to very little extend. To what extent is Sales Promotions have been used by banker to increase sales in the shortterm? © Completely 1 Partially DNil Table: 02% of the respondent ia Rural Bank Urban Bank Completely 90 59 Partially 10 30 Nil 0 i Total 100 100% 90 59 30 = 10 " (RURAL BANK URBAN BANK INTERPRETATION From the above data it is evident that among the respondent, > 90% of the respondent of Rural Bank says that Sales Promotions have been used by banker to increase sales in the short term where as 59% of the respondent of Urban Bank says that Sales Promotions have been used by banker to increase sales in the short term, > 10% of the respondent of rural bank says that Sales Promotions have been used by banker to increase sales in the short term where as 30% of the respondent of Urban Bank says that Sales Promotions have been used by banker to increase sales in the short term, > No respondent of rural bank says that Sales Promotions have been used by banker to increase sales in the short term is nill where as 11% of the respondent of Urban Bank says that Sales Promotions have bbeen used by banker to increase sales in the shortterm is mill. 1 Does your marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector? * Strongly agree © Agree © Disagree © Strongly disagree © Can't say Table: 3% of the respondent Rural Bank Urban Bank Strongly Agree 83 61 ‘Agree 17 2 Dinapee 7 76 strongly disagree 0 0 Can't say 0 0 total 100 100% 90, 83 80 70 61 60 50 40 2 30 0 7 16 10 ° Qe 0 0 f £ £ £ oS r' ¥y ss fs rs 3s ¥ ¥ é ge é ss o £ te Rural Bank m Urban Bank | Interpretation: From the above data it is evident that among the respondent, > 83% of the respondent of Rural Bank strongly agree that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector where as 61% of the respondent of Urban Bank also strongly agrees that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector. 17% of the respondent of Rural Bank agree that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector where as 23% of the respondent of Urban Bank also agrees that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector. ‘None of the respondent of Rural Bank disagree that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector where as 16% of the respondent of Urban Bank also disagree that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro sector. ‘None of the respondent of Rural Bank & Urban Bank also strongly disagree that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector. None of the respondent of Rural Bank & Urban Bank can’t says that Marketing policy of bank have a focus marketing on agro- sector. Muhiple ‘basic’ financial services and loan gateway is product marketing of the bank? Yes No able: 4:-¥ of the respondent Rural Bank Urban Bank Yes 9 0 No 13 38 total 100 100% 100 80 60) 40 20 Vv Yes Nol Rural Bank Urban Bank CONCLUSION RRBs’ performance in respect of some important indicators was certainly better than that of commercial banks or even cooperatives. RRBs have also performed better in terms of providing loans to small and retail traders and petty non-farm rural activities. In recent years, they have taken a leading role in financing Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and other micro-credit institutions and linking such groups with the formal credit sector. RRBs should really be strengthened and provided with more resources with which they can undertake more of these important activities, And most certainly they should be kept apart from a profit-oriented corporate ‘motivation that would reduce their capacity to provide much needed financial services to the rural areas, including to agriculture. Ideally, the best use of the resources raised by RRBs through deposits would be through extensive cross- subsidisation. This, in turn, really requires an apex body that would cover and oversee all the RRBs, something like a National Rural Bank of India (NRBI), The number of rural branches should be increased rather than reduced; they should be encouraged to develop more sophisticated methods of credit delivery to meet the changing needs of farming; and most of all, there should be greater coordination between district planning authorities, Panchayati raj institutions and the banks operating in rural areas. Only then will the RRBs fulfill the promise that is so essential for rural development

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