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Kortnie Hood

HIST 1301

Dr Catherine Johnson

06 December 2020

The Elections of Andrew Jackson and Donald J. Trump

During the elections of 1828 and 2016, Andrew Jackson and Donald J. Trump is

described in similar ways. They are both described as not fit for presidency by the media. But

these two men also have many defenses such as, their experiences, their attitudes towards

putting the nation before themselves, and their ability to obtain the expansion voting range.

During the few months before the election of 1828 throughout the U.S.people would read

about why or why not Andrew Jackson is a good fit for president. They would read about him

being a slave holder, which Jascon denied. There were also claims that Jackson killed one of his

slaves after ordering them to 1000 lashes as punishment. Andrew Edwin rote, about Jackson

past of being a slave owner as, “total disqualification and unfitness for office” (readex)

While Jackson had the newspapers Trump had Social media and the news. The Clinton party

focuses on Trump's past mistakes like him bragging about touching other women, in the leaked

“Access Hollywood '' video. They also relied on the many inappropriate tweets, about many

touchy topics. (history)

Jackson was a military hero before running for office, unlike Trump who is a businessman.

President Andrew Jackson was the commander at the victory over the british and creek indians
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in the war of 1812, which broadened the national borders. President Jackson held a seat in the

congress right before becoming a presidential candidate for the election of 1842. He also had

chairs on both sides of the congress earlier in his career.(american history) Trump on the other

hand has no kind of political, or military platform, he's a straightforward business man. He did

not do much for this state before he was elected president. He's business would realty work out

for the better.

President Jackson and President Trump both owned big businesses while becoming president,

but they handled how they took care of them once they got into office definitely. Trump, unlike

Jackson, stayed with his business when came to office.(american history) Before running for

president Jackson handed his business into the hands of one of his trusted friends, that way he

could focus on becoming a good president.(the atlantic) Trump used many Billionaire friends

for his cabinet.(american history) Jackson, on the other hand used all political supporters,

including John H. Eaton, the secretary of war at the time, for his cabinet. He had another circle

of trusted people to guide him while he was in office. Many people called them “Kitchen

Cabinet''. (American history)

These two business men had the same ideas when it came to their business and politics. While

jackson was in the military he would take land from the different indian tribes he would cross.

Thin latter-on leather he, or one of his friends, would purchase that land. They would use this

land for cotton plantations. Trump was never in the military but he is a plition. He used his

campaign to advertise his business. (the atlantic)

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Jackson and Trump both had the idea to expand the voting range for america. Unfortunately

only jackson was the only to achieve this goal. While bringing in new voters he made the

democratic space grow. The popular vote tripled in 1828 compared to 1824, with the help of the

growing media at the time and the expansion of voting rights. (the Atlantic) Trump was not as

successful in this area, but he did set a record for having the most votes in history. He has just

over the 2004 election winner President Gourge W. Bush. (the atlantic)

The 45 president of the United president Donaled trump has been compared to the 7th

president, Andrew Jacson, in many ways. The most they have in common was their ideas on

expanding the voting range, which only one did, and how they were attacked by the media every

step of the way to presidency. These two presidents have many differences such as how they

handled their business as a president, and the biggest difference of all, their experience.
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Author: Mark Cheathem

Title: "Frontiersman or Southern Gentleman? Newspaper Coverage of Andrew Jackson during

the 1828 Presidential Campaign"

Website: Readex



Author: N/A

Title: The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election



Author: Stuart Rothenberg

Title: "The Unusual, Unexpected, Strange, Weird and Now Bizarre Presidential Election"

Website: The Washington Post


Author: Steve Inskeep

Title: "Donald Trump and the Legacy of Andrew Jackson"

Website: The Atlantic

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Author: Mark R. Cheathem

Title: "Donald Trump is Not a Twenty-First Century Andrew Jackson"

Website: The American Historian


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