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MUTUAL FUND is a type of financial vehicle made EARNINGS OF MUTUAL FUNDS- They earn

up of a pool of money collected from many depending on securities that they have invested in.
investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, A bond fund can earn from interest. Remember
money market instruments, and other asset. that a bond is a proof of debt and it works just like
any other debt where you receive interest when
-is the portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities you lend someone money. When it buys stocks, the
that generate profits for the investor, or fund earns in two ways: dividends and stock price
shareholder of the mutual fund. gains. Dividends are a part of the earnings of
-is a pool of money from the public that is invested companies that they decide to give to their
with an expectation of a profit. stockholders.

-it is also called POOLED/MANAGED FUND because

MUTUAL FUND SHARES- Upon investing, you
of the way it invites people to invest.
become one of its owners and you obtain rights
MUTUAL FUND COMPANY is an investment and privileges such as getting invited to the annual
company that receives money from investors for shareholders’ meeting, being entitled to vote, etc.
the sole purpose to invest in stocks, bonds, and Most importantly, a number of shares that
other securities for the benefit of the investors. correspond to the amount you’ve invested is going
to be issued to you
SECURITIES the money that is gathered is used to buy
and sell (trade) NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE- is the total worth of
the entire mutual fund company divided by the
-these are assets that have the potential to grow number of shares it has distributed to all investors.
such as stocks or bonds. It is determined by getting the sum of all its assets
minus all debts and expenses, and then divided by
the number of share.
bought or sold.
PORTFOLIO- The combined holdings of the mutual
[BONDS vs. STOCKS] The main difference between
stocks and bonds is that stocks give you partial
ownership in a corporation, while bonds are a loan NET ASSET VALUE- is important to understand the
from you to a company or government performance of a particular scheme of a mutual
FUND MANAGER -So if there is a need to buy and
sell stocks and bonds, who does the trading? It’s ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT- The total value of
the fund manager that does all that. Fund the assets a fund buys
managers are experts in securities and do the
trading in behalf of all the investors they will. In AUTOMATIC REINVESTMENT- A mutual fund gives
exchange, investors pay annual fees and other return in two ways – dividends and an increase in
charges to cover for the operation of the fund value. The latter can be utilized only when you sell
the mutual fund unit.
INVESTMENT OBJECTIVE- Fund managers however
cannot trade just any way they like. They are CAPITAL GAINS DISTRIBUTIONS- Apart from
bound to follow the investment objective found in dividends, mutual funds also distribute the profits
the prospectus. it makes from selling some of the underlying assets
at higher values.
PROSPECTUS- is a document that shares
information about the investment, its objective, COMPOUNDING- When you invest in a financial
risks, costs, shares being offered, and other policies asset, you earn on the amount invested. Over time,
you can either reinvest this amount or put it in a
bank account. Either way, you earn some amount
on your existing profits – either through TOTAL RETURN- This is the total amount of profits
investment returns or from bank interest. an investor makes keeping in mind the dividends,
capital gains from selling units, distribution of fund
DEPRECIATION- This is the decline in your income as well as returns earned on reinvestments.
investment’s value in the mutual fund
FAMILY OF FUNDS- Many fund houses group a set
DIVERSIFICATION- is one of the key benefits as well of mutual funds together based on their
as characteristic of a mutual fund. It is the practice investment objectives, or other factors like
of investing in different types of securities or asset management.
classes. This is done to reduce risk.
EXHANGE-TRADED FUND (ETF)- is an investment
AVERAGE PORTFOLIO- The average maturity of all vehicle much like a mutual fund, but which is
the securities in a bond or money market fund’s traded on stock exchanges. It generally tracks an
portfolio. index, a basket of assets or a commodity.
RUPEE-COST AVERAGING- Every day, values of FUNDS OF FUNDS (FF)- Mutual funds invest in
financial assets change. So, when you buy at two multiple types of assets like stocks and bonds. They
different times, your purchase/market price will can also invest across mutual funds.
differ. For example, today you buy 10 units at Rs
100 each. NEW FUND OFFERING (NFO)- Similarly, when a
mutual fund starts a new scheme and invites
PORTFOLIO- This is the collection of assets owned investors to put in money in exchange for units
by the mutual fund or even you as an individual. It
includes all the financial instruments invested in REDEEM- There are two ways to exit a mutual fund
like stocks, bonds, and other securities. – sell it to another investor or back to the fund

EX-DIVIDEND DATE- Just like companies, mutual COMMERCIAL PAPER- These are again a debt-
fund houses to announce the amount of dividend market instrument, issued by corporations to raise
to be distributed a few days before the actual money for the short term. They are usually
distribution. unsecure as the company does not pledge any of
its assets as collateral.
LOAD- This is the amount a mutual fund charges
investors for various reasons. There are different CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT- This is a kind of debt-
kinds of loads – management fees, entry or front- market instrument issued by banks or financial
end loads, exit loads organizations. It acts as a proof of saving by the
investor and promises interest payments.
MANAGEMENT FEES- The amount paid to your
fund manager for his expertise and portfolio INTEREST RATE RISK- In a bond market, there are
management skills two different interest rates prevalent. One is the
fixed rate for interest payment, and the other is
LOAD FUNDS- Mutual funds that charge investors called the yield-to-maturity.
ENTRY/FRONT-END LOAD- is the amount a mutual The legal structure of Indian mutual fund is unique
fund charges when units are purchased by and differs from that in the US and the UK. In the
investors. US, funds are set up as investment must include
EXIT LOAD- is the amount a mutual fund charges the Phils. Knowledge of the basic structure of a
you for selling or redeeming your shares. mutual fund helps investors in understanding their
rights as well as the obligations of the fund. The
NO-LOAD FUNDS- There are funds which do not legal structure of Indian mutual fund is unique and
charge any fees or loads. differs from that in the US and the UK. In the US,
funds are set up as investment companies which
could be a corporation, partnership or unit
investment trust whereas in the UK, funds are set timely disclosures to unit holders on sale and
up in two alternative structures—OPEN-ENDED repurchase, NAV, portfolio details, etc.
FUNDS are set up in the form of trusts while
CLOSED-ENDED are set up as corporate entities. In CUSTODIAN AND DEPOSITORIES- The fund
India, all type of funds (whether open-ended or management includes buying and . selling of
closed-ended) are set up as unit trusts. The securities in large volumes.
structure is defined by Sebi (Mutual Fund) Therefore, keeping a track of such transactions is a
Regulations, 1996. The key constituents of Indian specialist function. The custodian is appointed by
mutual funds are: trustees for safekeeping of physical securities while
SPONSOR- The sponsor is a kind of promoter of a dematerialised securities holdings are held in a
company as he gets the mutual fund registered depository through a depository participant. The
with Sebi. The sponsor is defined under Sebi custodian and depositories work under the
regulations as a person who, acting alone or in instructions of the AMC, although under the overall
combination with .. another body corporate, direction of trustees.
establishes a mutual fund. The sponsor forms a REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER AGENTS- These are
trust, appoints the board of trustees, and has the responsible for issuing and redeeming units of the
right to appoint the asset management company mutual fund as well as providing other related
(AMC) or fund manager. services, such as preparation of transfer documents
TRUSTEES- The mutual fund can be managed by a and updating investor records. A fund can carry out
board of trustees or a trust company. The board of these activities in-house or can outsource them. If
trustees is governed by the Indian Trust Act it is done internally, the fund may charge the
whereas a trust company is governed by the scheme for the service at a competitive market
Companies Act, 1956. The trustees act as a rate.
protector of unit holder .. interests. They do not RTAs are more like the operational arm of Mutual
directly manage the portfolio of securities and Funds.
appoint an AMC (with approval of Sebi) for fund
management. If an AMC wishes to float additional Services includes:
or different schemes, it will need to be approved by
the trustees. 1.)Processing investors’ application

Trustees play a critical role in ensuring full 2.)Keeping a record of investors’ details
compliance with Sebi’s requirements. 3.)Sending out account statements to the investors
4.)Sending out periodic reports
appointed by trustees for managing fund schemes
and corpus. An AMC functions under the 5.)Processing the payouts of the dividends
supervision of its own board of directors and also
under the directions of trustees and Sebi. The 6.)Updating the investor details i.e. adding new
market regulator has mandated the limit of members and removing those who have withdrawn
independent directors to ensure independence in from the fund
AMC workings.
THE FUND SPONSOR- The Fund Sponsor is the first
The major obligations of AMC include: ensuring layer in the three-tier structure of Mutual Funds in
investments in accordance with the trust deed, India. SEBI regulations say that a fund sponsor is
providing information to unit holders on matters any person or any entity that can set up a Mutual
that substantially affect their interests, adhering to Fund to earn money by fund management.
risk management guidelines as given by the
There are eligibility criteria given by SEBI for the
Association of Mutual Funds in India and Sebi,
fund sponsor:
The sponsor must have experience in financial
services for a minimum of five years with a positive
Net worth for all the previous five years.

TRUST AND TRUSTEES- Trust and trustees form the

second layer of the structure of Mutual Funds in
India. A trust is created by the fund sponsor in
favor of the trustees, through a document called a
trust deed. The trust is managed by the trustees
and they are answerable to investors.

CUSTODIAN- A custodian is responsible for the

safekeeping of the securities of the Mutual Fund.
They manage the investment account of the
Mutual Fund, ensure the delivery and transfer of
the securities.

AUDITOR- Auditors audit and scrutinize record

books of accounts and annual reports of various
schemes. Each AMC hires an independent auditor
to analyze the books so as to keep their
transparency and integrity intact.

BROKERS- AMC uses the services of brokers to buy

and sell securities on the stock market. The AMCs
uses research reports and recommendations from
many brokers to plan their market moves.

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