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The level of cultural life in our town, village, region doesn’t correspond with my
needs. Express your opinion.

2. What is your favourite cultural event? Why? Provide details.

My favorite event is the concert. It is characterized by a great atmosphere and also a lot of people. I
was at that concert about 5 years ago. My sister had been excited about going to the concert for
about half a year. she sang it to me every single day.On the morning of the concert, the parents came
with the idea of whether we should go too. We quickly bought tickets and left after lunch. The
journey was not that long because we only went to Martin. We finally settled down and the concert
could begin. A lot of people around me were singing to each other, some were even dancing. The
concert lasted about two hours. I liked it the most when Habera sang his hit Severanka. It was
already dark outside and everyone turned on the flashlights on their mobile phones. It was really
nice. The concert was followed by a photo shoot. But we didn't even get there because there were so
many people. I like concerts and I will definitely want to repeat them in the future.

3. People of different ages/from different countries/with different family

backgrounds like different kinds of culture. – Can you provide an
example/examples to support/contradict this statement?
I am not a big fan of culture in other countries but something I read about them. Firstly for instance
Italy.The Italians possess a rich culture in music. A popular tradition within Italian culture includes
incorporating music and dance in most of their activities whether in family celebrations, semi-formal
events, or community festivals. On the other hand, France has a rich culture in fashion. Paris is a
fashion capital city with many brand names like Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Mugler, Chanel, etc. People in
China have a specific culture. Unique qualities in Chinese cultural tradition examples include an
emphasis on good family bonds and observing the hierarchy. Children are expected to be filial to
their parents even in old age making sure they get everything they need. In the Chinese culture,
people hold the elderly in high regard, therefore, there is no room for disrespect.

It is a well-known fact that people of different ages, from different countries, and with
different family backgrounds have different preferences when it comes to culture. For
instance, a teenager from the United States might enjoy listening to pop music and watching
Hollywood movies, whereas an elderly person from Japan might prefer traditional Japanese
music and movies. Similarly, a person from a rural background might appreciate country
music, while a person from an urban background might enjoy hip hop and rap music.
However, there are also many examples that contradict this statement. For instance, there
are many people who enjoy cultural experiences that are not traditionally associated with
their age, country, or family background. For example, a young person from India might
enjoy listening to classical Western music or watching French cinema. Similarly, an elderly
person from the United States might enjoy exploring different types of cuisine from around
the world. In conclusion, while it is true that people from different backgrounds often have
different cultural preferences, it is important to remember that individuals are unique and
may have their own individual tastes and interests. Therefore, it is important to be open-
minded and to appreciate different cultures and perspectives.
4. Describe your last visit to the cinema or theatre.
I think it was 5 years ago. We had summer holidays and we were bored at home. Then my parents
had an idea that we could visit a cinema. I visited cinema with parents and sister. We were on some
kind of comedy in Žilina. As I saw the posters pasted on the wall outside the cinema, I longed to
watch this movie. It looked like an interesting and funny movie. We bought the tickets and entered
the cinema hall. There was a lots of people in different ages. From small children to older generation.
We sat in to the third row. The seats were very comfortable and there was plenty of space between
them. When the cinema hall was finally filled, soon the movie started. I don't remember the name of
the movie but I know that movie was lively, inspiring and also funny from the beginning to the end. I
want to go there again because there was a good atmosphere and comfortable place.

5. ´One man’s meat is another man’s poison.´ Talk about various attitudes to
6. Describe the forms of youth culture and entertainment.

The youth culture can also be seen in terms of the type of entertainment that is popular
among young people. As kids move into adolescence, their entertainment preferences often
change. For example, youth may start to prefer romantic or fantasy books over comics and children’s
stories. Modern youth tend to connect with peers digitally, spending hours interacting with friends
via social media sites, whereas previous generations spent hours talking on the phone. Video games
have become important to many teens. Teens today often spend hours playing online games,
forming bonds with gamers that they get to know in the virtual world. They have more friends online
whom they never meet than in the real world. Many young people take cultural life especially as
music. It is said that one hundred people, one hundred tastes. There are different types of music and
everyone can find their own here. Some people like loud metal music, some people like classical
music. Teenagers usually listen to songs based on how they feel at the time. When they are sad, they
listen to sad music and on the other hand when they are happy or excited, they listen to happy


1. Your friend spends all his/her time reading novels. He considers literature the most important
art. He/she stopped speaking to you or other people because he/she would like to become a
writer and is preparing for his/her writing. He/she stopped going out and meeting people. You feel
uncomfortable. What would you do?

At first I might try to talk to him. I ask him out for example to the cinema or only somewhere in the
restaurant. If he asks yes it would be quite easy.I would speak to his soul. I would like to tell him that
I like him but recently he's been more busy with literature and doesn't have time for me and that
makes me really sad. It's great that he found something that he enjoys and that he wants to do, but
he shouldn't get behind his family, friends and other people. He might regret it sometime in the
future when he finally takes his eyes off writing books and finds himself alone. He has no friends, no
family, simply no one. But on the other side if he asks no it would be a little more complicated. 

2.Which cultural events (e.g. festivals, concerts, art exhibitions, …) would you possibly visit (and
never visit) at the weekend with your friends / parents / siblings? Make your decision and explain
the reason for your choice.

I'm not a big fan of culture, but if I had to choose any cultural event, I'd probably choose a concert.
Although I went to about two concerts, they were just small concerts, nothing extra. I would like to
experience something more. Go somewhere further into the world to meet him. I would be worried
about everything, such as travel, accommodation and other similar things. But I think it would be
worth all the experiences. If I went with my sister, we would definitely go to a concert of a famous
singer. We both like music, especially pop music.

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