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Lesson 5 - The Alphabet: How do you spell it?

The Alphabet
1. Listen and sing along.

2. Listen and repeat the vowel sounds.

3. Listen to the teacher and write all the letters of the alphabet in the correct
column. Then, listen and check.

/eɪ/ /i/ /ɛ/ /aɪ/ /oʊ/ /u/ /ɑr/


4. Listen. Can you hear the difference?

1. M N 4. G J 7. U W

2. B P 5. E I 8. B V

3. K Q 6. Y I 9. E A

5. Listen. Underline the letter you hear.

6. Practice saying these abbreviations.

Lesson 5 - The Alphabet: How do you spell it?

Listening and Speaking

1. Listen and order the sentences

( ) F-L-O-R-E-S
( ) Hello. I’m Eva Flores. I have a reservation.
( ) Excuse me?
( ) How do you spell your last name?
( ) Thank you.
( ) Good Morning.
( ) F-L-O-R-E-S

first name = e.g., Brad, Angelina

last name / family name = e.g., Pitt, Jolie

2. Listen and repeat the dialogue.

Lesson 5 - The Alphabet: How do you spell it?

3. Role-play the dialogue. Use your first and last name. Use Good morning, Good
afternoon and Good evening.

People on the street

What’s your name? How do you spell it? Where are you from?

1. Watch the man. Complete the sentences with his information.

His name’s James .

He’s from England .

2. Watch three more people. Complete the information.

Her name’s Natasha .

She’s from New York, in the
United States .

His name’s Franco .

He’s from Argentina .

Her name’s Barbara .

She’s from New York .

1. Write the sentences under the pictures.
Lesson 5 - The Alphabet: How do you spell it?

Source: American English File, 2nd edition, Unit 1: Practical English - How do you spell it?, p. 8-9

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