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ACTIVITY Predecessor Minimum Most Maximum Expected Time Slack

Time likely Time Time Variances Time
(Weeks) (Weeks)  (Weeks) (Weeks)

A Clearing -

B Grading A

C Excavating B

D Foundation B,C

E Framing/Flooring D

F Roofing E

G Masonry F

H Exterior G

I Wirings F,G

J Interior Plumbing H

K Fixtures (Pool J
and Building)

L Filtration J,K

M Sewer Laterals L

N Windows/Doors K

O Glass N

P Interior trim N,O

Q Exterior trim P

R Alarm/Fire R

S Sound System R

T Painting T

U Landscaping T
Activity  ACTIVITY Predecessor Normal Normal % Percentage per
Time Cost day

A Clearing -

B Grading A

C Excavating B

D Foundation B,C

E Framing/Flooring D

F Roofing E

G Masonry F

H Exterior Plumbing G

I Wirings F,G

J Interior Plumbing H

K Fixtures J

L Filtration J,K

M Sewer Laterals L

N Windows/Doors K

O Glass Installation N

P Interior trim N,O

Q Exterior trim P

R Kubo Assembly Q

S Alarm/Fire R

T Sound System R

U Painting T

V Landscaping T
Item Space No.

1. Type of rooms

1.1 Deluxe  Room - 15 square meters (2nd Floor) 10

1.2  Premium Room - 20 square meters (2nd Floor) 5

1.3  Classic Room - 30 square meters (3rd Floor) 5

1.4 Suite Room - 50 square meters (3rd Floor) 2

Lobby (1st Floor)

2. Kubo Type Room 6

3. Cottage 15

4. Convention Center (1,200 square meter for 200 guests) (1st 1


5. Recreational Area 1

6. Swimming Pool

  Kiddie Pool  1

  Adult Pool (Wave, Infinity, Adventure Pool) 1

7. Resto Bar 1

8. Parking Area 1

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