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Kinetics of the Thermal

Isomerization of 1,1,2,2-
Department of Chemistry, Connecticut College, New London, CT 06320
Department of Chemistry, Hollins University, Roanoke, VA 24020
Received 1 July 2003; revised 8 September 2005; accepted 21 September 2005
DOI 10.1002/kin.20149
Published online in Wiley InterScience (

ABSTRACT: Reaction rates for the structural isomerization of 1,1,2,2-tetramethylcyclopropane

to 2,4-dimethyl-2-pentene have been measured over a wide temperature range, 672–750 K in a
static reactor and 1000–1120 K in a single-pulse shock tube. The combined data from the two
temperature regions give Arrhenius parameters Ea = 64.7 (±0.5) kcal/mol and log10 (A, s−1 ) =
15.47 (±0.13). These values lie at the upper end of the ranges of Ea and log A values (62.2–
64.7 kcal/mol and 14.82–15.55, respectively) obtained from three previous experimental studies,
each of which covered a narrower temperature range. The previously noted trend toward lower
Ea values for structural isomerization of methylcyclopropanes as methyl substitution increases
extends only through the dimethylcyclopropanes (1,1- and 1,2-); Ea then appears to increase
with further methyl substitution. In contrast, the pre-exponential factors for isomerization of
cyclopropane and all of the methylcyclopropanes through tetramethylcyclopropane lie within
±0.3 of log10 (A, s−1 ) = 15.2 and show no particular trend with increasing substitution. 
C 2006

Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Chem Kinet 38: 483–488, 2006

INTRODUCTION action rates and activation parameters, coupled with

the relative simplicity and high symmetry of the cyclo-
Experimental kinetic studies of structural and geomet- propane ring, have made reactions of CP and its alkyl
ric isomerizations of cyclopropane (CP) and various derivatives convenient test cases for the development
alkyl-substituted cyclopropanes have been carried out of computational models which examine the energies
by a number of research groups over the past half cen- of transition states and the dynamics of intramolecular
tury. The wealth of experimental data available on re- motions in the approach to those transition states.
Previous kinetic studies have shown that as methyl
groups are substituted for H atoms on the cyclopropane
Jessica Schlier is a visiting student from Wesleyan University, ring, activation energies for structural isomerization
Middletown, CT 06459. decrease, at least through the series cyclopropane,
Correspondence to: David K. Lewis; e-mail: david.lewis@ E a = 65.0 kcal/mol [1]; methylcyclopropane (MCP); B. L. Kalra; e-mail:
Contract grant sponsor: NSF. 64.4 kcal/mol [2]; 1,1-dimethylcyclopropane (di-
Contract grant numbers: CHE 9714356 and CHE 0213374. MCP), 61.8 kcal/mol [3]; and 1,2-dimethylcyclo-
Contract grant sponsor: Cottrell College Science grant of propane, 61.2–62.3 kcal/mol [4]. This trend has been
Research Corporation.
Contract grant sponsor: Connecticut College. attributed to a weakening of the C C bonds in the

c 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. highly strained cyclopropane ring, leading to a lower

energy barrier for formation of a diradical intermediate. 1077–1151 K. Under the extremely homogeneous con-
An earlier study of 1,1,2-trimethylcyclopropane (tri- ditions in the shock tube, he found evidence of only one
MCP) isomerization gave a value of E a , 61.1 kcal/mol channel for tetra-MCP depletion, the isomerization to
[5]; however, in our systematic re-examination of these 2,4-DMP; at rates given by E a = 62.2 kcal/mol, log
reactions, that isomerization has yielded a somewhat A = 14.82. However, Tsang did note considerable in-
higher E a value, 63.7 kcal/mol [6]. This suggests that stability of the product at these temperatures and had
factors other than just the strength of the C C bond to correct for its loss in calculating rate constants for
being broken become important as more hydrogen the tetra-MCP isomerization [10].
atoms on the cyclopropane ring are replaced by methyl Given the similarity in absolute rates reported in the
groups. The added steric interactions may distort the two experimental static reactor studies [7,8], and the
transition state or block some easy pathways to it. care with which all three previous experimental studies
Continuing this exploration of the effects of suc- appear to have been carried out [7,8,10], it is unlikely
cessive methyl-for-hydrogen substitutions on the ki- that there are large errors in the reported experiment-
netics and energetics of cyclopropane isomerizations, based Arrhenius parameters. Still, in each of those stud-
we have now looked at the next more highly substituted ies, rate constant corrections were necessary for the
member of the series, 1,1,2,2-tetramethylcyclopropane appearance of side products in experiments that con-
(tetra-MCP). This should be an ideal molecule for sumed substantial fractions of the reactant. Considering
kinetic-mechanistic studies, both experimental and the- the importance of cyclopropane isomerizations to the
oretical, because isomerization via the expected dirad- development and verification of computational meth-
ical intermediate should form only a single product, ods, activation parameters of the highest accuracy now
2,4-dimethyl-2-pentene (2,4-DMP). possible should be made available. That is the purpose
There have been three previous reports of experi- of this study.
mental rate studies of tetra-MCP isomerization. Frey In the work described here, the isomerization of
and Marshall [7] performed a static reactor study over tetra-MCP to 2,4-DMP was studied over 672–750 K in
the range 708–757 K and found the reaction to be ho- three glass static reactor cells, and at 1000–1120 K in a
mogeneous and unimolecular, with E a = 64.4 kcal/ glass single pulse shock tube, using two alternate ref-
mol and log (A, s−1 ) = 15.83 (later adjusted slightly to erence reactions for temperature determination. Com-
E a = 64.7 kcal/mol, log A = 15.55) [8]. Believing the bining the two experimental methods, we were able to
work of Frey and Marshall basically sound but possibly cover a wide temperature range, 448◦ in this study. We
affected by a systematic error due to the small temper- were also able to restrict the rate data we used to runs
ature range covered (50◦ C), Benson and O’Neal [9] in which extents of depletion of the reactant tetra-MCP
combined a calculated pre-exponential factor based on were relatively small (generally <25%), eliminating
a diradical transition state with the experimental rate the need to know whether any side products observed
constants in the center of Frey and Marshall’s temper- were produced directly from the reactant or from sub-
ature range and concluded that E a = 59.7 kcal/mol, sequent reactions of the primary isomerization product
log A = 14.4 best described the rate of this isomer- 2,4-DMP.
ization, thus continuing the trend of lower E a with in-
creasing methyl substitution reported for other methyl-
substituted cyclopropanes. At that time, no other alkyl- EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
cyclopropane isomerization showed such a large dis-
crepancy between measured [7] and predicted [9] Ar- Materials
rhenius parameters.
Shortly thereafter, two other experimental studies Tetra-MCP (99.96%)1 was obtained from the API Stan-
were carried out to resolve this discrepancy. Blumstein dard Reference Materials project at Carnegie Mellon
et al. [8] repeated the work in a static reactor at University. Either Matheson CP grade (99%) cyclo-
699–759 K, and reported E a = 63.93 kcal/mol, log propane (CP) or Aldrich reagent grade (99%) cyclo-
A = 15.27, within experimental error of the findings hexene (CH) was added to each reactant mixture
of Frey and Marshall [7]. However, they believed this as an internal thermometer. These reagents, in ap-
to be the result of two parallel channels for loss of propriate ratios, were diluted with Matheson reagent
tetra-MCP, the expected isomerization to 2,4-DMP grade (99.9999%) argon to prepare reaction mixtures.
(with E a = 62.3 kcal/mol) plus a minor but signifi-
cant decomposition pathway via loss of methyl radi- 1
Reagent purities listed here are as specified by the vendors from
cal (with E a = 77 kcal/mol). Tsang [10] studied tetra- whom the samples were obtained. GC analyses confirmed these
MCP isomerization in a single-pulse shock tube at percentages.

Samples of 2,4-DMP (99.6%) and a variety of other Kinetic Runs

reagents from ChemSampCo (formerly Wiley Organ-
ics, Inc.) were diluted with argon and used for the For the runs at 672–750 K carried out in the static reac-
identification of products and as calibration mixtures. tor, the reactor cells were filled at room temperature to
All reagents were degassed before use through mul- pressures ranging from 89 to 328 Torr, then inserted into
tiple freeze–pump–thaw cycles, then distilled from the hot oven for times ranging from 45 to 150 min. The
the liquid phase into a gas storage bulb leaving be- heating at constant volume produced pressures (calcu-
hind any less volatile impurities. High purity grade lated from measured initial pressure and T ) ranging
helium was used as the driver gas in the shock-tube from 200 to 800 Torr during reaction. The cells were
runs. removed from the reactor and cooled rapidly to room
temperature, then product gas was introduced into the
GC directly from the cells. Tests with an enclosed ther-
Apparatus mocouple showed that it took somewhat longer for the
cells to reach reaction temperature when inserted into
The static reactor used in this study is a well-insulated the oven than to cool below reaction temperature when
aluminum-block tube furnace into which glass reac- removed; this thermal lag was corrected for in calcu-
tor cells are inserted and removed to initiate and ter- lating the rate constants in Table II. Once a cell and
minate the reaction. Three 100 cm3 cells were used its contents reached thermal equilibrium with the oven
randomly in this study; they were all well seasoned core, movement of the thermocouple along the cell’s
through many hundreds of hours of heating while filled wall and within the heated gas produced temperature
with a variety of hydrocarbon gases. The cells were variations of less than a degree.
evacuated and filled on an oil- and mercury-free high- For the shock tube experiments at 1000–1120 K,
vacuum line. A fourth glass reactor cell was used ini- sample mixture pressures introduced into the sample
tially, but then sidelined because of its curious ability section of the shock tube ranged from 35 to 100 Torr.
to produce an unexpected competing product at low The reaction mixtures were heated for 800 ± 50 μs at
temperatures—see Results and Discussion. A 2.54-cm total reaction pressures of 2–3 bar ( p again calculated
diameter single-pulse shock tube was used for the from measured initial pressure and T ). Reaction time
1000–1120 K experiment; its operating characteristics was determined by measuring the duration of the high
have been described previously [11]. Reactant and pressure plateau (about 700 μs) and adding 100 μs,
product samples were analyzed on a Varian 1440-20 or 14%. That percentage corresponds to the additional
gas chromatograph with hydrogen flame ionization de- product expected to be formed during the finite cool-
tector. A 3-m column containing 20% polypropylene ing process assuming (1) an initial cooling rate (from
glycol saturated with AgNO3 on 80–100 mesh recorded pressure traces) of 5 × 105 K/s, (2) a first-
Chromosorb W was used at room temperature. order irreversible reaction with E a = 65 kcal/mol, and
(3) small extents of conversion of reactant to product
during the 700 μs plateau. As extent of conversion in-
Sample Preparation creases, more reactant is consumed before the cooling
Table I lists reaction mixtures containing different per- wave so less remains to react and the cooling correction
centages of tetra-MCP and either CP or CH in argon; decreases. The percentage of product formed during the
these were prepared in 1- or 2-L glass storage flasks cooling is only moderately dependent on activation en-
with greaseless stopcocks and thoroughly mixed be- ergy; for example, it should increase from 14% to 18%
fore use. if E a dropped from 65 to 45 kcal/mol. Since the reac-
tions chosen as reference reactions have rate constants
and activation energies similar to the subject reaction,
there should be no significant error introduced by treat-
Table I Sample Reaction Mixtures ing the experiment as an ideal “square wave” thermal
pulse of 800 μs duration rather than integrating down
Reactor %tetra-MCP %CP (or CH∗ )
the cooling curve to calculate the correction for each
Single-pulse shock tube 0.67 0.67 product.
2.00 2.00 Postshock samples extracted for the GC analysis
3.00 3.00 were taken by expansion into an evacuated 25 cm3 bulb
1.02 0.99∗ attached to the shock tube end plate, immediately af-
Static reactor 1.18 2.26
ter the shock. This is about 3% of the volume of the
2.00 2.00
shock tube sample section; therefore, it was assumed

Table II Reaction Temperatures, Times, and Rate and E a = 66.6 kcal/mol, log (A, s−1 ) = 15.15 for CH
Constants Displayed in Fig. 1 [10]. For ln[(CP)t /(CP)0 ], we used GC peak heights
Temp (K) Time k (s−1 ) of CP and its isomerization product propene in heated
samples, again corrected for differences in GC detec-
685.9 120 min 8.83 × 10−6 tor response: ln[(CP)/(CP + propene)]. Similarly, GC
689.9 90 min 1.21 × 10−5
responses to 1,3-butadiene and CH were used for tem-
697.0 90 min 1.50 × 10−5
perature calculations for the samples to which CH
694.1 120 min 1.28 × 10−5
672.5 90 min 4.67 × 10−6
had been added. This assumes that all losses of CP
674.4 120 min 5.41 × 10−6 or CH were accounted for through product propene
712.0 90 min 3.41 × 10−5 or 1,3-butadiene, respectively. We believe that this is
749.7 45 min 3.65 × 10−4 supported by the absence of other product peaks at-
741.2 60 min 1.64 × 10−4 tributable to CP or CH decomposition, other than the
718.1 90 min 4.01 × 10−5 ethene co-produced from CH.
740.8 60 min 1.23 × 10−4
729.7 60 min 8.25 × 10−5
730.7 60 min 8.27 × 10−5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
723.3 60 min 7.90 × 10−5
705.8 60 min 2.11 × 10−5 At temperatures below 1200 K, structural isomeriza-
711.8 60 min 3.32 × 10−5
tion of cyclopropanes is generally believed to occur
1081 8.0 × 10−4 s 2.77 × 102
mainly via cleavage of a C C bond to form a 1,3-
1120 8.0 × 10−4 s 7.55 × 102
diradical, followed by 1,2-hydrogen transfer to form
1105 8.0 × 10−4 s 5.15 × 101
1091 8.0 × 10−4 s 4.03 × 102 a product alkene. As expected from this mechanism,
1090 8.0 × 10−4 s 3.96 × 102 2,4-DMP was the major product, and in most experi-
1006 8.0 × 10−4 s 3.62 × 101 ments the only product, formed from tetra-MCP iso-
1017 8.0 × 10−4 s 3.75 × 101 merization. Conditions that produced other detectable
1087 8.0 × 10−4 s 2.92 × 102 products are described below.
1062 8.0 × 10−4 s 1.53 × 102
1015 8.0 × 10−4 s 3.95 × 101
1098 8.0 × 10−4 s 2.14 × 102
1023 8.0 × 10−4 s 4.79 × 101
1004 8.0 × 10−4 s 2.95 × 102
1000 8.0 × 10−4 s 2.82 × 101

that the sample taken for analysis (compressed more Table II lists the reaction temperatures, times, and
than five-fold during the reaction) resided very close to tetra-MCP isomerization rate constants for the 30 ki-
the end plate where reaction time was measured, while netic runs in the static reactor and the shock tube, and
reacting. the data are displayed in Fig. 1. Linear least squares
regression of the data gives log10 (A, s−1 ) = 15.47
(±0.13), E a = 64.7 (±0.5) kcal/mol. The error lim-
its represent one standard deviation; uncertainties at
Rate constants for the thermal isomerization of tetra- the 95% confidence level are twice as large. These re-
MCP were calculated from the extent of its conversion sults lie at the top of the ranges of log A and E a values
to 2,4-DMP, as determined from the GC peak heights, presented in the three earlier published experimental
corrected for measured sensitivity differences, of the studies [7,8,10], but within the probable error ranges
hydrocarbons in the product samples. Rate constants of those three studies. Figure 2 repeats the data presen-
were calculated from the integrated rate expression tation of Fig. 1, with the data from the three previous
for an irreversible first-order reaction. Reaction tem- studies added for comparison.
peratures were determined from the extent of conver- The isomerization of CP was used as the internal
sion of CP to propene or of CH to 1,3-butadiene plus thermometer in our earlier studies of other methylcy-
ethene, using the well-established Arrhenius param- clopropane isomerizations [2,3,6], but we were con-
eters for these irreversible first-order isomerizations: cerned that, in spite of the relatively high total pres-
E a = 65.0 kcal/mol, log (A, s−1 ) = 15.2 for CP [1] sures and reactant loadings in the shock tube, the CP

The highest temperature shock tube experiment at

1120 K, and the four highest temperature static reactor
experiments at 735–750 K produced one additional hy-
drocarbon product—probably a C7 compound, but not
specifically identified—in amounts ranging from 5% to
17% of the primary product 2,4-DMP. However, sam-
ples of 2,4-DMP plus CP heated under equivalent con-
ditions did not produce this product, giving evidence
that it is produced directly from tetra-MCP and not
from subsequent reaction of product 2,4-DMP. Con-
sidering the small extents of conversion of the reactant,
Figure 1 Arrhenius plot for 1,1,2,2-tetramethylcycl- the presence of this minor parallel reaction introduces
opropane isomerization;  Runs with CH added;  runs with no significant error into calculated rate constants for
CP added. the tetra-MCP → 2,4-DMP isomerization.
A curious phenomenon was observed during the
initial experiments carried out in the fourth 100-cm3
glass static reactor cell (designated cell #4): a previ-
ously unreported product of tetra-MCP isomerization,
2,3,3-trimethyl-1-butene (2,2,3-TMB) was produced at
temperatures below 750 K. The relative mole fraction
of this product, compared with that of 2,4-DMP, in-
creased with decreasing reaction temperature, and at
temperatures below 672 K (and on down to 564 K), it
replaced 2,4-DMP as the only detectable product. Ex-
periments in reactor cells #1, 2, and 3 that yielded the
rate data presented in Fig. 1 produced no detectable
2,2,3-TMB. Analysis of the rate constants for 2,2,3-
TMB production in cell #4 gave an activation energy
of approximately 20 kcal/mol, suggestive of a wall-
Figure 2 Arrhenius plot for 1,1,2,2-tetramethylcycl- catalyzed process. A sample of 2,4-DMP heated in cell
opropane isomerization, comparing present study to previ- #4 for 60 min at 697 K produced no detectable 2,2,3-
ous reports; u Runs with CP added;  runs with CH added; TMB, indicating that 2,2,3-TMB is produced directly
 data of Tsang [10];  data of Blumstein et al. [8];  data from tetra-MCP. Cell #4 continues to produce exclu-
of Frey and Marshall [7]. sively 2,2,3-TMB from tetra-MCP at temperatures be-
low 670 K, more than 8 years after the phenomenon
was first observed.
reaction rate might have been slowed by unimolecu- Why 2,2,3-TMB is produced, and produced cleanly,
lar falloff. In studies comparing rates of CP and MCP from just that one heated reactor cell in our labora-
or di-MCP isomerizations [2,3], the similarities of the tory has defied explanation. Cell #4 had been used,
reactant and reference molecules (similar numbers of and continues to be used, for hydrocarbon isomeriza-
active vibrations) should have caused a canceling effect tion/decomposition studies, and has not produced un-
of any minor rate reductions due to low-pressure falloff expected products or behavior from any other reactant.
that may have occurred. But we were less certain that The only clue is that, in some rate studies that pre-
would be the case when comparing isomerization rates ceeded the study of tetra-MCP isomerization, Lewis
of molecules as different as CP (nine atoms) and tetra- acids BCl3 and BBr3 were introduced into that cell
MCP (21 atoms). Thus, CH, a 16-atom molecule, was to examine their catalytic effect on rates of structural
chosen as an alternative reference standard in some of and geometric isomerizations of many hydrocarbons,
the shock tube runs. If the four data points that used CH including other alkyl-substituted cyclopropanes [12].
as the reference were removed from Table II and Fig. 1, However, experiments including those Lewis acids had
the least squares data reduction would give activation also been carried out in two of the other three reactor
parameters that are larger by less than half the stated cells, and no 2,2,3-TMB has been detected in the prod-
error limits (one standard deviation). This increases our ucts of experiments run in those cells.
confidence that pressure falloff did not significantly al- Table II lists the activation parameters deter-
ter the activation parameters yielded by this study. mined in our laboratory for structural isomerization

Table III Activation Parameters for Total Structural Isomerization Reactions (to All Product Isomers) for
Cyclopropane and Four Methylcyclopropanes
Reactant log10 (A, s−1 ) E a (kcal/mol) k700 K (s−1 ) k1100 K (s−1 ) E a ** Ref.
CP 15.20 65.0 0.8 × 10−5 1.9 × 102 65.0 [1]
MCP 15.37 64.4 1.8 × 10−5 3.8 × 102 63.8 [2]
di-MCP 15.04 61.8 5.6 × 10−5 5.8 × 102 62.3 [3]
tri-MCP 15.28 63.7 2.5 × 10−5 4.2 × 102 63.4 [6]
tetra-MCP 15.47 64.7 1.9 × 10−5 4.1 × 102 63.8 This work
Rate constants at 700 and 1100 K are taken from the least squares reduction of each data set. For the explanation of E a∗∗ see text.

of cyclopropane and four methylcyclopropanes. There BIBLIOGRAPHY

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