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Living on campus is the best option for students

Most students are given the choice to either live on university grounds or
stay at their parents home or rent an apartment which is a rare occasion. In my
opinion, the best alternative option would be to live on campus, for a few given
To start with, living on campus is very convenient for a student on budget.
You get assigned a dorm room which are often shared with another student and that
helps to maintain a suitable budget since it might be tight. Furthermore, you have
additional funds for further expenses such as meals, school supplies or traveling.
Besides, you can get to classes that are often functioning on schools grounds more
easily without any traffic if traveling by public transport.
Secondly, having a roommate is a significant advantage. For instance, you are
never alone and obviously a good company helps you to attain an exceptional social
life. Moreover, you get to meet new peers with various and diverse social
backgrounds. It ceases you from becoming depressed and homesick whilst being away
from your family.
On the other hand, there are a few disadvantages to living on university
campus. For example, lack of privacy is a major downside which ought to be
discussed. Regarding lack of privacy, you’ll need some personal and private space
from other adolescents and that unfortunately might be hard to fulfill since you
must live with a roommate. In addition, it will be difficult for you to get the
plausibility of having the whole dorm room to yourself.
All things considered, from my point of view living on a campus is
considerably a great possibility for a student. Although the lack of privacy is a
drawback, you cannot deny that this is more suitable for some students who desire a
more sociable and productive environment.

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